Harimau Jadian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

                          LAWAK TANPA PERMIT
                 Kisah Fiksyen Berdasarkan Kisah Benar


The Adventure of Harimau Jadian
Genaplah setahun jagung Lawak tanpa Permit diterbit. Hepi Besday To Me!
Terimakasih kami ucapkan kepada 300 subscribers kami. Kepada mereka yang memberi sokongan melalui sumbangan, semangat, dan wang: "Terimakasih Daun" Keladi. Kepada yang sibuk e-mail kutukan, kritikan, ancaman dan virus terutama yang menggunakan e-mail csd.tnb : "Cubaan melemahkan kami gagal. Sila cuba lagi, usaha tangga kejayaan."

Rancangan masa depan kami adalah penerbitan buku elektronik (e-book) Lawak! Tanpa Permit.

Harimau Jadian

by Rimautronic

*---Transmission Begins***++!@Target year @f recipienTs: 2000 A.D.*().&*%$#!@#$%Dec@ding message&&&#$%*...^&* (&^$#@ Message begins===*&^%>>>:---*

Greetings Netizens,
This is a message from the future, 2021 A.D. Our R&D deparment discovered a method to send electronic message to another time. We discovered the secret of time travelling text while finding ways to broadcast awareness to the public about the evil empire of Neo-Umno. We send this message to you in hope you can change the course of Malaysian history. Our warnings are not only based on your past agony but they are also based on what will happen to you.

Presently (2021) we are not governed by Dr. M anymore. The real Dr. M died several years ago. We were jubilant at first as the power vacuu! m in BN led to a civil war within the party. Nevertheless Mokjani Biotech Pte. Ltd. managed to produce clones of Dr. M through the joint effort with U.K. based Human Genome Corporation. Those clones are called Mahaclones. Now, Malaysia is being ruled by the regime of five Mahaclones. They holds the posts of The Prime Minister (Mahaclone Plus), Finance Minister(Mahaclone Gold), Youth and Sport Leader(Mahaclone Kiddy), Women Affair Minister(Mahaclone Kotex)and Minister of Trade (Mahaclone Chimp). FYI, Mahaclone Chimp is Mahaclone version 1.0 or the first of its kind. Like other scientific discovery, the technology to clone human being was first tested on animal.

UMNO, MCA and MIC are now obselete. They have merged and call themselves Neo-UMNO. The Maha-clones lead Neo-UMNO using a political system called
Monopolistic-Corporate-Guided Democrazy. Human rights are reserved only to the powerful and rich politicians and tycoons. Neo-UMNO accepted non-bumis tycoons as membe! rs if the they are willing to convert to Malay race. To convert to Malay, a non-bumi tycoon just needs to at one time marry a family member of elite Malay politians. The first to do so were Abu Hassan Tan Abdullah, Abu Hassan Ling, and Abu Hassan Samy. Nevertheless, Malays who refuse to support Neo-UMNO were denied access to Special Malay Rights such as scholarships, tenders, shares, lands and house ownership discounts.

Have we achived "Vision 2020" based on our own moulds? Yes! BUT we are not an industrialize country based on science and technology, we just evolved to a hub of gambling and entertainment industries! In 2015 A.D., another economic crisis hit Malaysia due to various money-wasting-megaprojects such as Dr. M Supermonument, The Great Wall of Johor, and The Leaning Tower of Badawee. The Mahaclones took another unconventional way to escape bankruptcy. Malaysia Inc. was sold to Genting Entertainment (M) Corporation. Genting Entertainment managed to &q! uot;save" Malaysia by creating Boleh-Wood, a casino industry which combines the concept of Las Macau,Bangkok and Bollywood. Decades of artist worshipping and playacting propaganda in Neo-UMNO also  expediate the evolution of Malaysia to the hell it is now. The gap between the haves and the have-nots has widen. The richs become richer, and the poors become poorer. We are now a glittering country full of brothels!

For us in 2021 A.D., this is already history. We can't do anything about it except praying for miracles. But, you can still change the future. I urge you to triple the efforts to oust Dr. M as soon as possible before the Malaysia turns to ashes of hell. The fate of our country rests in your hand. If you are suffering under one power hungry leader, people living under 5 Mahaclones are like gazelles under the leadership of starving hyenas. REFORM Now!

*---End of transmission&^*()%Origin of message:Director of Time Travel
E-mail Project*&am! p;^%$#Alternatif R & D Department@!~`August 23, 2021.<<<---*

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