Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim


003.AAL-E-IMRAN.133-136  Be quick in the  race
for  forgiveness  from  your  Lord,  and for a
Garden  whose  width is that (of the whole) of
the heavens and of the earth, prepared for the
Those   who   spend   (freely),   whether   in
prosperity,  or  in  adversity;  who  restrain
anger,  and pardon  (all)  men;- for God loves
those who do good;-                           
And those who,  having  done  something  to be
ashamed  of,  or  wronged   their  own  souls,
earnestly  bring  God to  mind,  and  ask  for
forgiveness  for  their  sins,-  and  who  can
forgive   sins  except  God?-  and  are  never
obstinate  in  persisting  knowingly  in  (the
wrong) they have done.                        
For such the reward is forgiveness  from their
Lord,  and   Gardens   with   rivers   flowing
underneath,-   an   eternal    dwelling:   How
excellent a recompense for those who work (and

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