Demonstrations Follow Mahathir To Chicago
by Ayub Khan

Monday, September 4, 2000
CHICAGO (Islam Online) - A peaceful impromptu demonstration was held by the
Free Anwar Campaign in front of the Raddison hotel in Rosemont, Illinois,
outside of Chicago, where Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad spoke
at a gathering of Malaysian students.
A little over a dozen protesters held placards and banners and demanded the
immediate release of the deposed and jailed former deputy Prime Minister
Anwar Ibrahim.
The demonstrators shouted slogans like "Hey, Hey! Ho! Ho! Mahathir got to
go", "Go back Mahthir", "Reformasi" etc. The slogans got louder as
Mahathir's cavalcade, including police cars, approached the hotel.
Mahathir and his wife were immediately whisked away by the security
personnel, and this correspondent was able to catch only a glimpse of the
Dr. Abdul Malik Mujahid, an American Muslim activist who was a member of the
demonstration said "Anwar has been wron! ged... we as Muslims must stand for
justice and support his rights. I hope Mahathir will keep remembering and
listening to this message and will realize that he has committed a mistake
and ask for forgiveness from Anwar and his family."
He said that although the number of protesters present was small, they stand
for justice and represent thousands of other people. He stated that here, in
the U.S., Mahathir has no Malaysian police or secret agencies that he can
send out to the demonstrators.
Jeff, a white American, who was holding a sign saying "No Justice in
Malaysia", when asked as to why he is supporting this demonstration said, "
I believe in freedom for all people, and how can you be free as in the case
of Anwar when there are charges trumped up against you."
Many passing motorists honked as they drove by in support of the
Mahathir Mohammad, whose initial invitation to attend the Islamic Society of
North Ameri! ca's (ISNA) convention was withdrawn, was awarded a Life Time
Achievement Award by the American finance house, Lariba, in recognition of
his role in resolving the financial crisis in Malaysia.
The function was held at the Islamic Cultural Center of Greater Chicago in
Northbrook, Illinois on Friday night.
Prof. Khairy Tourk of the Illinois Institute of Technology paid glowing
tributes to Dr. Mahathir and said that he has restored the dignity and
self-respect of all developing countries. "And for that, we owe you a debt
of gratitude," he said.
In accepting the award, Mahathir stated that it was the Malaysian people who
truly deserved the award. "It was [with] the understanding and full
co-operation of the vast majority of Malaysians that we succeeded in
defending our economy against the deliberate attempts by certain forces to
destroy it."
He called for a "true jihad" so that Muslims will be freed from oppression
and can take thei! r place as successful members of a regenerated Muslim
civilization. He said the holy war is a struggle to achieve Muslim unity and
acquisition of Muslim statecraft, knowledge and skills - far different from
that of today's so-called fundamentalists who are "only interested in the
trappings of Islam and not the true fundamentals."
Meanwhile, at the Islamic Society of North America's annual convention, many
attendees condemned Mahathir's actions against Anwar and said that even
though they admired and supported Mahthir on many issues in the past (e.g.
his stand of speaking out against the dominance of the West), they now think
that he has committed a major blunder and should try to rectify it before it
is too late, by releasing Anwar immediately.
A majority of the attendees believed in Anwar's innocence.
Anwar Ibrahim, in a hand written letter from the jail to the President and
General Secretary of ISNA said, "This is a short personal no! te to express my
heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the support and sympathy, which you
and ISNA have shown me, Aziza (wife) and family. ... I pray for the
continual success of your noble endeavors in furthering the cause of Islam."


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