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>Once again, you assume something personal. Have you ever been 
>to Jerusalem?

You are personal too. You represent a typical Jew and I represent
a typical "gentile", in fact much worst than a gentile who is
NOT a semite. I am a Chinese with no taint of any semite prophet 
blood running down my veins. I think there's no need for me
to seek God in Jurusalem. God is everywhere, even in my home
as long as I worship the God of ALL races, the Jews and the
gentiles. Yes, I have heard of non-Jews living in Israel who
have embraced Judaism.

>There are Jews here to teach Torah to gentiles (meaning non-Jews, 
>just as you say infidels are non-muslim).  There are also people 
>who are not Jew (as in race), but are Jewish (by religion). Now 
>don't you think we allow them to worship "our God"? Of course, 
>YHWH is God of all, and anyone and everyone

But Jews are not as vigilant as the Muslims. There are Muslims
of almost all races in multitudes. Islam is taught in every corner 
of the world. I  have read that there is a Jewish sect in China.
Unfortunately, the Chinese have not been attracted to the Jewish

>I'm sorry you don't understand Judaism, but if people would simply 
>let us tell about our faith instead of saying "Dirty Jew" and 
>killing us, we'd be more open.

I understand your situation. In fact I read the Jewish Bible, the
part which the Christians call the Old Testament. I do know about
Jewish histroy. Modern Jews think that the Qur'an teaches the 
Muslims to hate the Jews. Do we have to hate the Jews? In fact,
the Qur'an does teach the Muslims to also love and have respect
for the Jews. We can read in the Qur'an that many Jewish prophets
are mentioned in the Qur'an like David, Solomon, Moses, Jaakob,
Joseph, Aaron, and also Jesus. They were good and God-fearing
Jewish prophets and serve as EXEMPLARIES for the WHOLE of mankind
for all ages and all races. That's why their names and life(s)
are retold in the Qur'an. Muslims worldwide read about Jewish
prophets everyday. We have to love and emulate their good ways
of life.

So its not correct that Muslim hate the Jews absolutely. The 
problem with modern Jews are they tend to put their religion 
in a "nationalistic" form. The universal message of the true 
Oneness of YHWH as the God of ALL cannot be seen in the modern 
Jewish religion of Judaism. So we tend to think Judaism is a 
religion for the Jews only.

If Judaism were to compete with Islam, it will have a lesser
chance of winning converts. Islam is a more attractive religion
for many reasons:

1. The Quran is in the original Arabic language which can be
   read and appreciated as a literary appreciation. The Hebrew 
   Bible is in archaic Hebrew language which is not palatable to
   all non-semite races.
2. Even the Quran is in Arabic, it is not a hindrace for non-
   Arabs learning the Quran and reading it as an act of devotion.
3. The message of the Quran is very clear. From page to page it
   teaches the God is One, there is Paradise and Hell, there is
   the Day of Judgement. There is also the history of the God's
   chosen people, the Israelites. Pork, intoxicants and fornication
   are clearly prohibited...etc.

When I say Judaism is not vigilant, it means its not an attractive
religion as compared to Islam. It will seem like its a religion
that will survive as long as the Jews are still alive. If all the
Arabs were destroyed, Islam will still be maintained by Chinese
because even though Islam originated from a semite-Arab prophet.
I am not a semite but I am circumcised.

>But i also wonder why Islam and not Jewish? What do you have to 
>do to go to heaven that Jews do not do?

I also wonder why G_d wants to save only the Jews and it has only
Judaism that is the true religion. I have heard that the Jews are
still waiting for a Messiah to come to propagate the universal
message of YHWH to all races. Is the Messiah still a long way

>Just tell me what you must do to go to heaven, and i'll try to 
>see what i am missing.  We shall see what comes. but i find your 
>lack of evidence disturbing

When I believe in One God, it is already in conformity with the
Jewish religion itself. I think a Jew has to support a Muslim's
belief because they believe in the truth that God is One. There's
a problem with Christianity. Christians believe in a triune God,
which means there *are* 3 God(s). I don't understand why you think
Christians are not polytheistic. I have read that Christians say
that Jews also believe in 3 God(s). Is that true? Is it true that
the Jews also believe in the Holy Spirit as a deity?

About going to "Paradise", let's see our fate on the Day of 
Judgement. I do not condemn anyone to Hell, its only G_d who
will decide. I am sure Paradise is not reserved for Jewish people 
only just because you think you are G_d's chosen people.

>Even Christians have evidence and arguements, but faith alone 
>will not convince me.

That's why I don't buy Christianity. As far as I know, Christians
also use the Hebrew Bible part (the Old Testament), but they
partially take the Mosaic Law. They make lawful the eating of
pork and forsaken circumcision. They think the scarificial acts
in the Mosaic Law are absolete. Basing on that, Christianity
is which is a faith based on faith alone without work is never
an offshoot of Judaism. Islam is based on both faith and work,
which is much akin to Judaism.

>All people and nations were made in the world, but he chose us 
>for his own.  Of course we are not made different (such as out 
>of gold). It was chance.  He could have just as easily chose 
>Chinese as his people.  I don't know why he chose us.  but in 
>Torah he declares that we are his, and we must obey him, so we 
>do. Which is why to this day we follow him.

Yes, I believe the Jews are God's chosen people. They have to
be since the time of Moses to the present day. The Jews should
serve as examplaries for other races of the world. Being God's
chosen people also, you are suppose to be what humanity is...
You believe in the true One God, you should be God-fearing people,
you should bring other races to guidance according to God's precepts.
That people should not fornicate, murder, trick, tell lies 
and should have compassion for the sufferings in the world. You 
should be the best of examples because God intend to make the Jews 
to be so. Can you guarantee that you can show to the world that 
you are God's chosen people. If not, what have you been chosen
for? Can you guarantee that ALL Jews will enter Paradise 

>Shalom in the One True God,

BTW, I love Moses and Jesus as "my" Jewish prophets.

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