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cuba check kat Putra Jaya Holding.....

--- osba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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> assalamualaikum
> Dengan adanya MSC, adatak sesiapa yang tahu dimana
> boleh dapat info tentang
> e-construction terutama proses tender secara
> on-line..
> pertolongan sdr amat di hargai
> wassalam
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "abuhanif" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 1:19 AM
> Subject: H-Net* MSC - negaraku yg kucintai
> >
> > 
> >  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net - 
> http://www.hizbi.net     }
> >  {        Hantarkan mesej anda ke:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         }
> >  {        Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke
> > 
> > 
> > Subject:
> >         [alternatif-net] Malaysia: Multimedia
> Super Corridor not
> > performing to cue
> >    Date:
> >         Sat, 07 Oct 2000 22:12:42 -0700
> >    From:
> >         "Mohammad Fudzail" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >      To:
> >         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > The Asian financial crisis and insufficient local
> interest and skills
> > have
> > all conspired to slow Malaysia's leap to a
> knowledge-based future,
> > according to Business Asia, a publication of the
> Economist Intelligence
> > Unit.
> >
> > The Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) -- a big, bold
> initiative conceived
> > by
> > Mahathir Mohamad half a decade ago to catapult
> Malaysia into the
> > information age -- is languishing in limbo, a
> victim of heavy official
> > oversight and slack investor interest. Unless it
> gets a new lease of
> > life,
> > the country's ability to meet the challenges of
> globalisation -- and the
> >
> > government's burning ambition of achieving the
> leap from a production-
> > to a
> > knowledge-based economy -- will be compromised.
> >
> > While greeted with considerable scepticism when
> first mooted in the mid-
> >
> > 1990s, the futuristic project made much sense. A
> prolonged
> > manufacturing-
> > driven boom in Malaysia had been steadily pushing
> up production costs,
> > eroding the economy's competitiveness. The prime
> minister and his
> > policymakers concluded that to continue growing
> strongly, the economy
> > had
> > to move up the value chain. And fast. The MSC -- a
> 15x50-km zone
> > stretching
> > south from central Kuala Lumpur, and designated
> for the creation, use
> > and
> > distribution of information technology products
> and services -- was to
> > spearhead the climb.
> >
> > The government set about trying to turn the
> largely greenfield site into
> > an
> > Asian Silicon Valley. It pledged an initial
> US$10bn for basic
> > infrastructure, including a 2.5-10 gigabyte
> fibre-optic communications
> > backbone, and stipulated the "flagship"
> applications to be pursued:
> > electronic government; distance learning;
> telemedicine; multipurpose
> > smartcards; remote manufacturing; borderless
> marketing; and R&D
> > "clusters".
> >
> > Acutely aware that little if any progress was
> possible without the help
> > of
> > big players in the global high-tech industry, the
> authorities devised an
> >
> > attractive incentives package to woo them. This
> exempted investors from
> > the
> > restrictions on foreign ownership and expatriate
> employment applicable
> > to
> > other parts of the economy; offered generous tax
> breaks and competitive
> > communications tariffs; and promised MSC
> infrastructure contracts to
> > companies willing to use the zone as a regional
> base. Bureaucrats busied
> >
> > themselves drafting a series of "cyberlaws" to
> encourage the development
> > of
> > the corridor and protect investors and their
> products. Dr Mahathir set
> > up
> > an MSC "international advisory panel" that
> included the bosses of
> > technology and new economy giants such as
> Microsoft, IBM, Apple, Oracle,
> >
> > Compaq and Sun Microsystems. Its members applauded
> the prime minister's
> > vision, and most committed themselves to setting
> up operations in the
> > zone.
> > It seemed poised for take-off.
> >
> > Then the Asian crisis struck. While the MSC was
> largely spared the
> > public
> > spending cuts that forced the cancellation or
> dilution of numerous other
> >
> > large projects, it was adversely affected in other
> ways. Scores of
> > small,
> > local companies granted MSC "status" found
> themselves deprived of
> > anticipated funding almost overnight.
> >
> > More ominously, the early enthusiasm of some of
> the major multinationals
> >
> > waned. One reason was Dr Mahathir's transformation
> into a seemingly
> > hostile
> > sponsor. The increasing frequency and vehemence of
> his anti- Western
> > outbursts -- blaming foreign "speculators" for the
> downturn and accusing
> >
> > overseas companies of preying on Malaysian
> businesses weakened by it --
> > and
> > his imposition of capital controls gave them pause
> for thought. The
> > government's repression of domestic critics, which
> involved monitoring
> > Internet traffic, was also seen as less than
> conducive to the sort of
> > innovation supposed to flourish in the corridor.
> >
> > The Multimedia Development Corporation (MDC), the
> official agency
> > overseeing the MSC, continues to talk up the
> project. It says the number
=== message truncated ===


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