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Saya telah menerima banyak E-mel daripada perbagai pihak 
menceritakan tentang siapa Yasser Arafat sebenarnya. Apabila 
orang-orang Palestin menentang Yahudi di Israil, maka Yasser 
Arafat sibuk mahu mengadakan mesyuarat dengan pihak Israil 
untuk berhentikan peperangan. Mesyuarat itu diadakan di Mesir 
anjuran Amerika. Maka Presiden Hosni Mubarrak mengharapkan 
mendapat satu hadiah istimewa daripada Amerika kerana bersikap 
menyokong Amerika dan Israil mencari perdamaian. Begitu Dr 
Mahathir berharap isu konflik Palestin-Yahudi ini selesai supaya
orang-orang Palestine taat kepada Yahudi dan menjadi hamba-hamba 
di Israil. 

Ingatlah, Dr Mahathir adalah kawan setia kepada Yasser Arafat 
dan Hosni Mubarrak, sama-sama mereka adalah talibarut Yahudi. 
Sebab itulah mereka akan bersungguh-sungguh menasihati orang-
orang Palestin supaya JANGAN menentang Yahudi. Sebab itu juga 
Dr Mahathir pernah mendermakan wang yang banyak kepada Yasser 
Arafat supaya menubuhkan negara Palestin merdeka yang pro-Israel. 
Dan ada satu berita bahawa Israel pernah menghulurkan bantuan 
kewangan untuk UMNO mengalahkan PAS dalam pilihanraya.

Sebenarnya, jika orang-orang Yahudi dikalahkan di Israil, maka
dengan sendirinya UMNO akan kerugian wang berbillion-billion
ringgit kerana projek Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) sebahagian-
nya adalah ditaja oleh syarikat-syarikat gergasi milik Yahudi di
Amerika Syarikat. Sebab itulah pengeluar cip komputer terkenal 
Intel, ada satu kilangnya di Israil.

Bacalah berita Palestin yang dikirimkan oleh satu organisasi
Islam Palestin kepada saya:


       IAP-Net: Palestinians are not giving Arafat the benefit of 
       the doubt

       Mon, 16 Oct 2000 06:28:14 -0500 (CDT)
       Islamic Association For Palestine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Palestinians are not giving Arafat the benefit of the doubt

by Khaled Amayreh

Occupied Jerusalem: 16 October/00- Most Palestinians seem to be 
decidedly opposed to the Sharm-el-Sheikh summit, which is to be 
held today in Egypt in an effort to end a fortnight of bloody
confrontations between the Israeli occupation army and Palestinian
protesters that left over 100 Palestinian dead and as many as 
4000 injured. 

According to Palestinian sources, even supporters of PA Chairman 
Yasser Arafat are deeply suspicious about the motives behind the 

"I think most people here are against the summit…we are convinced 
that its main purpose is to abort the uprising and take us back to 
futile political haggling with Israel," said Marwan al Barghouthi,
Fatah's secretary-general in the West Bank.

Barghouthi, who is also a Palestinian Legislative Council member, 
thinks the real motive behind the summit is not much to put an end 
to Israeli repression of Palestinians, as Arafat had earlier said.

"The Israelis have been killing us for fifty years with active 
American participation, so there is nothing new in this regard.  
I believe the real motive is to prevent the uprising from spreading 
to Arab countries where the US and the West have vital economic and
strategic interests."

This view is shared by Hamas leaders in the West Bank.

"It would be a grave mistake to think that the Sharm el-Sheikh 
summit is aimed at stopping the Zionist carnage of our people.  
The US is after all our ultimate tormentor…the goal of the summit 
is to protect the fragile pro-American regimes in the area from 
their own people who are beginning to wake up," said Sheikh Nayef 
Rajoub, an Islamists spokesman in Dura in the West Bank.

"The masses are beginning to question their regime's close and
subservient relationship with Israel's ultimate ally and protector, 
the United States, and the regimes have no answer to these questions
except police repression."

Rajoub added "The Arab masses are simply discovering the old adage 
'your enemy's friend is your enemy."

Much of the Palestinian frustration vis-à-vis the Sharm el-Sheikh 
summit stems from the fact that Arafat is not really answerable to 
the Palestinian public opinion and that he often values American, 
even Israeli approval, more than that of his own people.

"He goes there because Mubrak told him so, and Mubarak is acting at
Clinton's beck and call," said Hussein Takruri, another Palestinian
Islamist leader in the Hebron area.

Non the less, Palestinians from across the political spectrum 
unanimously agree that the blood of the estimated 110 Palestinian 
martyrs must not go in vain…irrespective of what Arafat thinks. 

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