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Y.W.Loke wrote:

> http://straitstimes.asia1.com.sg/asia/mal1_1026.html
> Oct 26, 2000
> Anwar's backers hire American spin doctors
> Janus Merritt Strategy's brief is to increase awareness about Anwar's case
> to as many non-governmental organisations and people as possible
> KUALA LUMPUR -- Supporters of former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim
> have engaged a Washington-based public-affairs and political-strategy firm
> to keep his jailing high on the international agenda.
> This is a sure sign that the campaign to put pressure on the Mahathir
> administration has moved up a gear.
> Anwar's supporters will also employ a new strategy to force his release
> from prison -- through economic pressure.
> The Straits Times understands that Janus Merritt Strategy (JMS), a
> medium-sized firm, was hired in August under a four-month retainer for
> US$50,000 (S$85,000).
> Opposition politicians were predictably tight-lipped about bringing
> US-style public-affairs men into the picture, but added that ""friends of
> Anwar Ibrahim'' were instrumental in engaging the firm.
> An official at JMS said in a telephone interview that the firm's brief was
> simple: to increase awareness about Anwar's case and the issues surrounding
> it to as many people and non-governmental organisations as possible in the
> United States.
> He said: ""We are not doing anything drastic.''
> The interview was cut short after 10 minutes and subsequent efforts to
> reach him to clarify certain issues, such as the size of the contract and
> the strategies to be employed by the firm, were unsuccessful.
> The Malaysian government believes that hiring JMS is an integral part of a
> campaign to bring economic and political pressure to bear on the Mahathir
> administration to pardon and release Anwar.
> A senior government official said: ""There will be calls to impose
> sanctions and to boycott Malaysian goods and there will be pressure to
> limit foreign direct investment here.
> ""We understand several members of Congress have been approached and we
> have already seen a pattern developing.
> ""We are prepared for a long-drawn campaign to try and isolate Malaysia.
> ""The use of a US lobby firm shows how serious they are in applying
> pressure.
> ""This is the first time we are facing such a concerted campaign.''
> The first Malaysian leader to feel the sting of the free-Anwar campaign was
> the Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Seri, Rafidah Aziz.
> On Sept 25, she headed a joint public- and private-sector trade mission to
> New York to attract new investment to Malaysia.
> Neatly arranged outside the meeting hall were brochures on investment
> opportunities and investor-friendly policies of the Malaysian government.
> Inserted quietly and without the knowledge of trade-mission officials were
> 200 pamphlets containing literature calling for the release of Anwar and
> condemning Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
> Malaysian government officials also believe that Anwar's network of
> supporters was the hidden hand behind a decision by the Islamic Society of
> North America to withdraw an invitation for Dr Mahathir to address them
> last month.
> They also note that opposition politicians have visited the US recently and
> met congressmen or aides to influential congressmen.
> For example, Keadilan Youth chief Ezam Mohd Noor had discussions with aides
> to powerful Republican senator Jesse Helms recently.
> Mr Ezam, Anwar's former political secretary, confirmed his meeting and said
> that his objective was clear.
> ""I told them the exact situation in Malaysia and about Mahathir's rule.
> They agreed with what I said,'' he said.
> He did not think the US or other like-minded countries would impose trade
> sanctions on Malaysia.
> But he was confident that some form of economic pressure would be imposed
> by countries which were sympathetic to Anwar.
> ""If there are sanctions, it will play into Dr Mahathir's hands. The people
> may rally around him.
> ""What we hope to see is some form of economic pressure on the
> administration and an international isolation of Dr Mahathir,'' he said.
> _________
> http://www.bernama.com/bernama/general/ge2610_1.htm
> October 26 , 2000 12:06PM
> SINGAPORE, Oct 26 (Bernama) -- Supporters of former Malaysian Deputy Prime
> Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim have engaged a Washington-based lobby
> firm to keep his jailing high on the international agenda and to apply
> economic pressure on Malaysia, said a news report here Thursday.
> The Straits Times reported that public affairs and political strategy firm
> Janus Meritt Strategy (JMS) was hired in August for four months for
> US$50,000.
> A JMS official told the newspaper in a telephone interview that the firm's
> job was to increase awareness about Anwar's case and the issues surrounding
> it to as many people and non-governmental organisations as possible in the
> United States, the Straits Times said.
> The report said Anwar's supporters would employ a new strategy to force his
> release from prison through economic pressure.
> It quoted an unnamed senior Malaysian government official as saying that it
> was understood several members of the US congress had been approached and a
> pattern was already developing.
> "There will be calls to impose sanctions and to boycott Malaysian products
> and there will be pressure to limit foreign direct investment here," the
> official was quoted as saying in the report from Kuala Lumpur.
> "We are prepared for a long-drawn campaign to try and isolate Malaysia.
> "The use of a US lobby firm shows how serious they are in applying
> pressure.
> "This is the first time we are facing such a concerted campaign.
> The Straits Times said Keadilan Youth Chief Ezam Mohd Noor had confirmed
> that he had discussions with aides to powerful Republican senator Jesse
> Helms recently.
> "I told them the exact situation in Malaysia and about Mahathir's rule.
> They agreed with what I said," he was quoted as saying.
> Ezam, Anwar's former political secretary, said he did not think the US or
> other like-minded countries would impose trade sanctions on Malaysia but
> was confident that sympathetic countries would impose some form of economic
> pressure.
> "If there are sanctions, it will play into Dr Mahathir's hands. The people
> may rally around him.
> "What we hope to see is some form of economic pressure on the
> administration and an international isolation of Dr Mahathir," he said.
> Keadilan is led by Anwar's wife Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.
> The report said Malaysia's International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk
> Seri Rafidah Aziz was the first to feel the sting of the campaign when she
> led a trade mission to New York in September.
> About 200 pamphlets calling for the release of Anwar and condemning Dr
> Mahathir were secretly inserted into the trade investment brochures.
> The report also said that Malaysian government officials believed that
> Anwar's network of supporters was behind a decision by the Islamic Society
> of North America to withdraw an invitation for Dr Mahathir to address them
> last month.
> Anwar is currently serving a six-year jail term for corrupt practice by
> interfering in police investigations into allegations of sexual misconduct
> against him.
> In August, he was also sentenced to nine years when he was found guilty of
> sodomising Azizan Abu Bakar, his former family driver, seven years ago. --
> _________
> http://www.bernama.com/bernama/general/ge2610_20.htm
> October 26 , 2000 19:29PM
> Govt won't overreact to Anwar's supporters' ploy
> PETALING JAYA, Oct 26 (Bernama) -- The government does not have to
> overreact on the move by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's supporters to engage a
> Washington-based lobby firm to keep his jailing high on the international
> agenda, said Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Dr Rais
> Yatim.
> Instead, he said, the government should do a study on what was being
> lambasted at before taking the next course of action.
> "If the supporters of Anwar resort to something extrajudicial or something
> that is out of the purview of the law then the law itself will take its
> course but if the endeavour covers the areas of public image-building, then
> it is his own prerogative. It has nothing to do with the law," he told
> reporters at Deputy Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk S.
> Subramaniam's Deepavali open house, here, on Thursday.
> Rais was asked to comment on a report in the Singapore Straits Times that
> Anwar's supporters have engaged a Washington-based public affairs and
> political strategy firm Janus Meritt Strategy (JMS) to keep his jailing
> high on the international agenda and to apply economic pressure on
> Malaysia.
> The firm was hired in August for four months for US$50,000.
> A JMS official told the newspaper in a telephone interview that the firm's
> job was to increase awareness about Anwar's case and the issues surrounding
> it to as many people and non-governmental organisations as possible in the
> United States.
> Asked to comment on the report that Anwar's supporters would also employ a
> new strategy to force his release from prison, Rais said the government had
> to study the scenario before committing into any action.
> "The government is not without resources to do what it has to do. We will
> have to study the scenario such as what kind of sanction he is imposing,
> why is it based on certain individual that certain regional and
> international endeavour is being pushed up," he said.
> He said Malaysia had, in the past, been able to stand to its own resources
> and there was no reason why she could not come up with its own resources.
> Rais said decisions of the judicial process namely the courts could hardly
> be altered in any of the exercises taken by international or local
> consultants in the course of propping up of an image.
> "What has been through the judicial process will always be within the
> judicial process but as regard to the endeavour of certain quarters to
> engage a consultant in prop-up image, politicians have been doing it over
> the ages and he has the liberty to do so," he said.
> He stressed that a criminal record was still a criminal record.
> "Once a person transgresses the law then he has to face it and if he could
> obviate a matter which has been under the consideration of the judicial
> process by doing this upmanship, so to speak, so be it.
> "The government at the same time is not without recourse to do what it has
> to do and to prop up the governmental image as well," he added. -- BERNAMA
> _________
> http://www.bernama.com/bernama/general/ge2610_14.htm
> October 26 , 2000 21:17PM
> KOTA BAHARU, Oct 26 (Bernama) -- The campaign by the opposition to smear
> the image of the country's leaders overseas does not jeopardise inflow of
> foreign investment, said the Adviser to the Finance Ministry Datuk Mustapa
> Mohamed on Thursday.
> He said the inflow of foreign investment was closely associated with the
> country's economic performance rather than anything else.
> "The opposition try to sabotage the country. They failed as the world knew
> Malaysia better," he told reporters after closing an east zone leadership
> and safety course, here.
> Mustapa, who is also Information Chief, said the volume of foreign
> investment was expected to increase following confidence in the country's
> economic recovery.
> He said many foreign countries understood situation in Malaysia including
> politics and they too would like political stability and the Barisan
> Nasional (BN) continued to administer the country.
> "We have shown that we are capable of overcoming challenges and problems
> without interference or help from outside," he said.
> Asked on the grand scale celebrations planned by PAS to mark its 10th year
> of being in power in Kelantan, Mustapa said PAS leaders were only good at
> shouting slogans but doing nothing much for the people. --BERNAMA
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