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idea tu (sengeh2 tuh) dah lama saya buat....heheh...kat kawan2 pompuan
saya...tapi diorang tak paham rasenyer....diorang senyum balik...biaser

--[ ORaNG MuDE ]--
----- Original Message -----
From: mencelah sikit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 29, 2000 3:49 PM
Subject: Re: H-Net* Special Feature: Women and 'provocative dressing'

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> Pada awal-awal 80'an baru kita dapat lihat bertambah dengan mendadaknya
> pelajar-pelajar pompuan sekolah memakai baju kurung dan
> sebelum tu, jangan harap....nampak paha putih-putih gebu(miawww).Tambah
> pulak macam celah, masa sekolah murid melayu dengan cina sama
> banyak......apa lagi bila budak-budak cina pakai fancy-fancy.....depapun
> terikut-ikut.Jadi bila ada yang menjadi pelopor memakai tudung.....nampak
> ganjil aje.Kalau setakat masa dalam kelas dia pakai mini skerat itu lain
> cerita....sebab pehak sekolah tak menghalang dan memang mengikut peraturan
> uniform yang telah di tetapkan oleh kementerian di masa itu.Ini waktu
> bersukanpun pakai mini skerat juga....Ada skali tu waktu hari
> sukan.....kesian celah tengok pompuan sorang tu, dekat nak sampai garis
> penamat dah......pin mini skerat dia putus......jadi dia terpaksa pegang
> kain sampai ke garis penamat!
> Bila cakap soal ngorat-ngorat ni Biyen, budak-budak dulu boleh kira
> lagi.......tapi main dengan budak sekolah sekarang.....depa usung dengan
> motor.....bedesup! dan budak sekarang di kalau tengok kurang ajar ke
> dak.......isap rokok depan kita......buat sading....aje.Budak-budak dulu
> jahat-jahat pun kalau isap rokok ada juga sorok-sorok.Ada sekali
> tu.....kawan mencelah dia kerja guru,dia marah sangat dengan pelajar
> dia......sorang tu la, tak sudah-sudah dok isap rokok dalam tandas.Jadi
> cekgu ni pun gi kerumah nak repot kat pak budak tu.......tapi kamu tahu
> yang terjadi budak tu dengan pak dia sama-sama begembut....sambil tengok
> TV......eh tu......nak kata apa lagi.
> Orang pompuan ni bila mula-mula nak pakai tudung memang dia malu....biyen,
> muga nak buat perkara baik.Jadi waktu itu.....orang yang tukang
> sengeh-sengeh memang ramai.Jadi apa yang orang pompuan perlu buat di zaman
> sekarang ialah dengan meng'reverse'kan keadaan.Apa yang perlu
> dibuat.....biyen, nampak aje pompuan yang mendedahkan aurat......sengeh
> balik......dan kenen masa tu jugak.......buat di khalayak ramai...biar dia
> terasa hinanya cara dia berpakaian.Boleh dak!
> >From: Pabiyen Sitok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: H-Net* Special Feature: Women and 'provocative dressing'
> >Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 02:07:02 -0700 (PDT)
> >
> >
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> >Rasa-rasanya saya belum sentuh issu ni lagi.  Rasa-rasa macam nak
> >mencuit sikit.  (abih tu, nak kata kita nak mencelah sikit dah ada
> >orang dok pakai nama tu)
> >
> >sebagai seorang wanita yang pernah melalui zaman gadis, zaman remaja,
> >walaupun tak cantik tetap menjadi perhatian lelaki.  Awal tahun 80-an
> >tak ramai sangat yang bertudung, antaranya ialah saya sendiri.  pergi
> >sekolah dengan baju apa tu orang panngil mencelah?  pennyform? ntah le
> >camne nak mengejanya.  tapi skirt le.  kat sekolah OK je, bila balik
> >sekolah punyalah menyampah bila orang bersiul atau mengusik.  Kena
> >pulak member yang berjalan dengan saya tu suka melayan.  Tapi jalan
> >sorang lagi bahaya, takut sebab mesti ada orang ikut.
> >
> >Seorang perempuan sebenarnya berbangga bila diberi perhatian, tapi
> >kalau diusik ditempat sunyi memang menakutkan, macam-macam perkara
> >ngeri kita imagine masa tu.
> >
> >Bila baca risalah israk mikraj yang sibuk diedarkan masa tu, mula
> >terasa nak pakai tudung.  Bila pakai tudung fuh punya aman sebab satu
> >orangpun tak berani nak kacau.  Bahagianya.  Tapi bila tudung dah jadi
> >trend, pemakai tudung tidak lagi dihormati seperti mula-mula saya pakai
> >tudung.  Gangguan datang balik.  Sebab ramai yang pakai tudung tapi
> >tersengih-sengih, tergelak-gelak;  Pakai seluar, pakai t-shirt.
> >
> >Saya mula ubah sikit lagi kepada tudung labuh.  Alhamdulillah tiada
> >lagi gangguan.  Tapi seorang dorm-mate yang nakal tegur saya still
> >nampak seksi pakai tudung labuh, sebelum apa-apa terjadi baik saya
> >pakai jubah.  Legaaaa.......
> >
> >Alhamdulillah setakat ni tiada perkara yang tak diingini berlaku, yang
> >lucu banyak le.  Ada sekali tu saya gertak seorang budak yang disyaki
> >mencuri kat blok asrama saya.  dengan gaya yang sungguh syahdu saya
> >kata saya kalau nak solat hajat boleh, tapi saya takut apa-apa jadi
> >pada orang tu saya tak pandai nak reverse balik.  dan dan tu budak tu
> >mengaku dia mencuri.  waaaaa... power jugak ek pakai jubah ni, orang
> >ingat kita betul-betul alim, padahal ianya tak lebih dari sekeping
> >pakaian yang dipakai hanya dengan niat mendapat keredhaan Allah.
> >
> >ada sekali tu masa naik bas ke bangsar, ssaya dok perati budak yang
> >duduk depan saya.  admire warna kulit dada dia sama dengan warna kulit
> >kat lutut dia, sama dengan warna kulit pipi dia; putih, halus, gebu.
> >tetiba dia tarik skirt dia ke bawah sikit, baju dia ke atas sikit.
> >esoknya tiap-tiap hari pakai baju kurung.  Mudah-mudahan dia sekarang
> >dah pakai tudung.
> >
> >OK, apa benda yang saya nak cerita sebenarnya? Yang saya nak beritahu
> >ialah, pakaian seorang perempuan memang mempengaruhi gangguan
> >keatasnya.  Pakai seksa, orang kacau, tutup sikit, orang akan segan
> >dengan kita.  Tok sah lah dok kata, dak aih, orang PAS je yang terliur
> >tengok pompuan, orang UMNO tadak.  PENIPU!  Cubalah tanya
> >pelanggan-pelanggan lorong Haji Taib tu, hang ni penyokong PAS
> >kaaaa????  Tak dak sorang pun penyokong PAS.  Kalau dia sokong PAS dia
> >rugi sebab lepas ni dia tak leh gi Lorong Haji Taib lagi.  Kalau bukan
> >penyokong PAS, maka tentu-tentu dia tu penyokong BN alias UMNO.
> >
> >
> >--- Cameroon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > www.harakahdaily.com
> > >
> > > SPECIAL FEATURE: Women and 'provocative dressing'
> > >
> > > Dazzling or Detrimental? (Women and 'provocative dressing')
> > >
> > > by Julie Riggert,
> > > Iowa State University, USA.
> > >
> > >
> > > They are seen every day; magazine covers explode with their pictures;
> > > television and movie screens constantly display them prancing around.
> > > Because provocatively dressed women are seen so frequently, many
> > > people
> > > might believe that their impact on others, especially males, is
> > > diminishing.
> > >
> > >
> > > Surprisingly, this is not the case. Many researchers have shown that
> > > women
> > > who dress seductively, wearing very little attire or showing ample
> > > amounts
> > > of skin, are creating a harmful environment for themselves. This
> > > pattern of
> > > dress can encourage males to vent their feelings and emotions by
> > > acting out
> > > in violence, often in the form of rape.
> > >
> > > "Male sex is hunting and scanning: boys hang yelping from honking
> > > cars,
> > > acting like jerks over strolling girls; men lunching on girders go
> > > through
> > > the primitive book of wolf whistles and animal clucks. Everywhere,
> > > the
> > > beautiful woman is scrutinized and harassed. She is the ultimate
> > > symbol of
> > > human desire" (Paglia 32).
> > >
> > > Why is clothing so important and have such an impact on others?
> > > Clothing
> > > plays a significant role in the socialization process that leads to
> > > the
> > > development of one's self. It is seen as a "second skin" or extension
> > > of the
> > > bodily self (Sweeney 411).
> > >
> > > Clothes' characteristics transmit information about age, sex,
> > > personality
> > > traits, socioeconomic status, values, political ideologies, etc. They
> > > may
> > > also indicate inter personal attitudes, such as, aggressiveness,
> > > availability, gracefulness, arrogance, etc. (Satrapa 159).
> > >
> > > At times this form of expression may result with what some perceive
> > > as
> > > negative consequences. When strategically surrounded by clothing,
> > > many areas
> > > of the body may function like traffic lights, stopping and starting
> > > points
> > > that direct the eye to a further destination-thus fulfilling what
> > > Freud
> > > regarded as a major component of the sex drive, "the libido for
> > > looking"
> > > (Dyett 14).
> > >
> > > After establishing that clothing is an essential aspect of
> > > appearance, it is
> > > now necessary to investigate its importance in forming first
> > > impressions.
> > > Frequently, the impression that a woman may be trying to portray
> > > isn't the
> > > same impression that is interpreted by others as seen in one
> > > experiment.
> > > Introductory psychology classes were shown one of two slides: one
> > > slide
> > > represented a female model wearing 'conservative' clothing while the
> > > other
> > > slide depicted the model in sexually provocative clothing.
> > >
> > > Questionnaires were filled out indicating impressions of the female.
> > > The
> > > model in the sexy clothing was judged to be more attractive and
> > > sexually
> > > appealing to men; she was viewed more negatively with respect to age
> > > of
> > > first intercourse, sexual teasing, extent of sexual activity, using
> > > sex for
> > > personal gain, and faithfulness in marriage.
> > >
> > > The sexy model was also viewed as more likely to be raped or robbed
> > > (Cahoon
> > > 65). Many people doubt that a woman's attire could drive a man to
> > > rape, but
> > > studies prove that clothing could be a major factor in motivating a
> > > male to
> > > act out in this manner.
> > >
> > > An experiment done at Augusta College drew up the following results:
> > > the
> > > relationship between sexy clothing and robbery/rape supports the
> > > assumption
> > > that the culture views women who choose to be sexually attractive as
> > > being
> > > suitable objects for male aggression. Females who enhance their
> > > sexual
> > > appeal to males are viewed as somehow "asking for it."
> > >
> > > In summary, the study seems to indicate that females wearing sexually
> > > oriented clothes are perceived by both men and women as being "more
> > > vulnerable to victimization and more responsible for crimes committed
> > > against them than are women who dress more conservatively" (Edmonds
> > > 446).
> > >
> > > Arguments arise as to who is responsible for the rape: the
> > > provocatively
> > > dressed female, or the assailant. The opinions of some senior high
> > > school
> > > students were recorded in the following experiment.
> > >
> > > Each student was given the same scenario involving a woman their age
> > > who was
> > > raped, and then they were to decide who was responsible for the
> > > behavior.
> > >
> > > In order to investigate the influence of the victim's attire on the
> > > subjects' responses, the story was accompanied by either a photograph
> > > of the
> > > woman dressed provocatively, a photograph of the woman dressed
> > > conservatively, or no photograph at all.
> > >
> > > Results found that the victim wearing provocative dress resulted in a
> > > greater likelihood that the subjects would attribute responsibility
> > > for the
> > > assailant's behavior to the victim for the date rape. Provocative
> > > clothing
> > > was also associated with a greater tendency for subjects to agree
> > > that the
> > > behavior of the assailant was justified.
> > >
> > > Further, the results indicate that the subjects were less likely to
> > > make
> > > judgments of rape when the victim was dressed provocatively (Cassidy
> > > 319-323). This experiment showed that the impression the victim
> > > presented is
> > > interpreted as evidence for her willingness to have sex.
> > >
> > > Everyone has his or her own opinion of who is responsible for the
> > > rape in a
> > > case similar to the one previously described, but what does the law
> > > say
> > > about a woman's responsibility for the actions of others as a result
> > > of her
> > > style of dress?
> > >
> > > In 1986, the U.S. Supreme Court endorsed guidelines on sexual
> > > harassment,
> > > and in this decision it was said that evidence of a "woman's
> > > allegedly
> > > provocative conduct or clothing might be relevant evidence in some
> > > cases in
> > > determining whether she found particular advances unwelcome" (160
> > > Johnson).
> > >
> > > This decision supported the notion that victims of sexual harassment,
> > > as a
> > > result of their choice of clothing, should be held at least partially
> > > responsible for their own harassment.
> > >
> > > As I reflect on the data that was collected from numerous
> > > experiments,
> > > including my own, I have drawn several conclusions.
> > >
> > > First, it is important to state that no woman is ever safe from
> > > harassment
> > > and rape.
> > >
> > > "By rating the provocative model as likely to provoke sexual
> > > harassment,
> > > subjects are able to dissociate themselves from a similar occurrence
> > > by
> > > stressing that the female provoked the incident and reasoning that if
> > > they
> > > avoid 'provoking' behaviors, such as dressing in provocative
> > > clothing, they
> > > can prevent sexual harassment" (Johnson 170).
> > >
> > > Although no woman is ever completely safe from this violence, there
> > > are
> > > certain precautions that can be taken to minimize the amount of
> > > harassment
> > > that will take place.
> > >
> > > As the studies showed, women who dress provocatively have a higher
> > > rate for
> > > getting raped and robbed for various reasons. As stated earlier,
> > > males are
> > > attracted to certain features on a female, and when a woman accents
> > > these
> > > features with her style of dress, it entices males to stop and take a
> > > closer
> > > look.
> > >
> > > I am impartial as to whether it is "ethical" or not to dress
> > > seductively,
> > > but I do believe every person has a right to do with his or her body
> > > as he
> > > or she pleases. I feel it is never right to physically or emotionally
> > > harm
> > > anyone knowingly. Females need to realize, though, that they are
> > > putting
> > > themselves at a higher risk for violence when they dress in a
> > > sexually
> > > oriented manner.
> > >
> > > Is the price a woman pays to look dazzling worth the detrimental
> > > effects it
> > > could have on her life? The decision is in her hands.
> > >
> > > References
> > >
> > > Cahoon, D. D. "Estimates of Oppostie-Sex First Impressions Related to
> > > Female' Clothing Style." Perceptual and Motor Skills 65 (1987): 406.
> > >
> > > Cassidy, Linda, and Rose Marie Hurrell. "The Influence of Victim's
> > > Attire on
> > > Adolescents' Judgments of Date Rape." Adolescence 30 (1995): 319-323.
> > >
> > >
> > > Dyett, Linda. "Desperately Seeking Skin." Psychology Today 29 (1996):
> > > 14.
> > >
> > > Edmonds, Ed M. "Attitudes Concerning Crimes Related to Clothing Worn
> > > by
> > > Female Victims." Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (1986):
> > > 444-446.
> > >
> > > Johnson, Kim K., and Jane E. Workman. "Clothing and Attributions
> > > Concerning
> > > Sexual Harassment." Home Economics Research Journal 21 (1992):
> > > 160-172.
> > >
> > > Paglia, Camille. Sexual Personae. New York: Vail Ballou Press, 1990.
> > >
> > > Satrapa, Andrea, et al. "Influence of Style of Dress on Formation of
> > > First
> > > Impressions." Perceptual and Motor Skills 74 (1992): 159-162.
> > >
> > > Sweeney, Maureen M., and Paul Zionts. "The "Second-Skin": Perceptions
> > > of
> > > Disturbed and Nondisturbed Early Adolescents on Clothing,
> > > Self-Concept, and
> > > Body Image." Adolescence 24 (1989): 411-420.
> > >
> > > Source: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~jriggert/english105.html
> > >
> > > Comments ? E-mail Us
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
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