Ubadah ibn al Samit (ra) narrated that the Prophet (saw) said:
"Ramadhan has come to you. It is the month of blessings in which Allah
envelops you (with His kindness). He makes His mercy descend upon you. He
forgives your sins and accepts your prayers. Allah witnesses you when you
race one another (in virtuous deeds) in this month and becomes proud of you
before His angels. Therefore, show Allah the best deeds from your side,
because unfortunate is that person who deprives himself from Allah's mercy
in this month."

Ramadhan - the month in which Allah has invested great merits, in which the
Quran al-Kareem was revealed in order that man may rule by it, in which
heroic battles were fought, lands were liberated, the forces of kufr crushed
and the call of Islam spread throughout the world.

http://www.ramadhan.org invites you to join the hundreds of thousands of
visitors that have regularly visited this premier website over the last! few
years. To benefit from the tafseers, Islamic culture, muslim news and audio
visual presentations that will appear daily throughout this blessed month.

Register, FREE, now to be informed by email of the sighting of the new moon
for the beginning of Ramadhan and the announcement of Eid.

http://www.ramadhan.org - A time for thought. A time for action. A time for

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