Ayn Jalout Battle: 6 – 25 Ramadhan 658Ah (6 September 1260 CE)

Ayn Jalout witnessed one of the most crucial battles in history on Friday,
25 Ramadhan 658 H (6 September 1260 CE). The Tartars had the logistic and
scientific potential to win the fight against the Muslim army. Their
advantages included:-

+ Efficiency and experience gained from the great number of wars they

+ High morale because they were never defeated.

+ They had a large number of fighters and more weaponry.

+ The efficiency of their cavalry who knew many advanced fighting techniques
such as the thunderbolt method, which was a distinctive feature of the

+ They were able to manage well because they were close to the bases of
their supplies and support.

+ The strategic locations of their army were better than those of the Muslim

Despite the overwhelming superiority of the Tartarian army, the Muslim
army scored a momentous, exceptional victory.

The Qutz army was characterized by the fact that it was an "Islamic" army
aimed at consolidating Islam and protecting its Holy Land. The great
scholars and religious men of Egypt joined this army making it a sacred
army constructed and built for the sole purpose of prioritising the word of
Allah and supporting its religion, Islam, in the land. Moreover, the army was
further characterized by having a faithful leadership who cherished a true
"will to fight", a crucial factor in winning any battle.

Qutz told his army to wait until they finished the Friday prayers: "Do not
fight them till it is sunset and the shadows appear and the winds stir,
and the preachers and people start to implore Allah for us in their prayers",
and thereafter the fighting began.

Jullanar, the wife of Qutz, was killed during the battle. He rushed
towards her saying, "Oh my beloved one". She told him while uttering her last
breath, "Do not say that, and care more for Islam." Her soul ascended to
Allah after telling her husband that the Jihad for the sake of Allah and
Islam is more important than love and personal relations. Qutz stood up
saying "Islamah…Islamah". The whole army repeated that word after him
until they achieved their victory.

During the battle, the horse of Qutz was also killed, and he stepped down
and started to fight on the ground till they brought him another horse. He
refused taking the horse of the other princes who volunteered their horses
to him saying that he did not want to impede them from their holy duty,
rescuing himself instead. He was asked why he did not ride on a horse and
why he jeopardized himself and Islam. He answered, "If I was killed, I
would have gone to Heaven, and as to Islam, Almighty Allah is well capable of
protecting it." After the battle was over and the victory was achieved for
the Muslims, Qutz stepped down from his horse and smeared his face with
the dust of the battleground and kneeled to Allah in thankfulness and

The Muslims immediately started to chase the Mongolians, and Qutz entered
Damascus five days after Ayn Jalout battle. The chase continued to Halab,
and when the Mongolians felt the approach of the Muslims, they left behind
the Muslim prisoners, and suffered a great deal. In one month's time, the
Muslims were able to restore Bilad Ash-Sham entirely from the hands of the
Tartars and the Mongolians.

This battle is considered to be one of the greatest battles in history in
which the Mongolian invasion was put to an end. It was the beginning of
the end of the Mongolians, who were forced to retreat. This liberated Bilad
Ash-Sham from their occupation.

It was reported that when Muslims defeated the Tatars in Bilad Ash-Sham,
the scholar Ibn Taymiyyah asked the Tartar leaders to release the prisoners of
war including the non-Muslims. Although the Tartar leaders agreed only to
release Muslim prisoners of war, Ibn Taymiyyah insisted that all prisoners
of war be released, including the non-Muslims, stating, "we will never
allow you to hold one prisoner Muslim or otherwise." In fact even though Muslims
were in a state of physical occupation, they were still able to influence
the Tartars to become Muslims and that was another victory for the Deen of

Indeed scholars such as Ibn Taymiyyah very well understood the necessity
of defending the Islamic State.

In his book As-Siyaasatu Ash-Shar'iyah Fi Islah Ar-Raa'ee war Ri'ayyah
(The Political Divine Rules in Reforming the Caretaker and the Caretaking),
states in the first sentence of the last chapter of the book entitled "The
Obligation of the Adherence to the Leadership (of the Ummah)":

"It is known that the Office of Wilayatul Amri An-Naas (one in charge of
the entire Muslim Ummah, i.e. the Khalifah) is of the greatest of obligations
of the Deen (Islam). Albeit, there is no establishment of the Deen, except by
it." He continues, saying: "This is the opinion of the Salaf, such as Al
Fadl ibn 'Iyad, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, and others."

This battle is yet another example of the good attitudes of the Muslims.
Whilst they prayed Nafl at night, read Qur’an, did Tasbeeh, asked for
forgiveness, they also waged Jihad. The analysis of the state of the Ummah
then revealed its clear direction towards Islam, its attachment to the
highest peak of its religion (Jihad), its impassioned feeling towards
fighting its enemies, the thrust of its youth to volunteer in every war
front and the non-toleration of the rule of kufr.

Indeed Imam Ibn Kathir when commenting about the verse “Do they seek then
the judgement of the Days of Ignorance? And who is better in judgement
than Allah.” [TMQ 5:50], said:

“Allah (swt) denies those who went out of the rule of Allah (swt), which
is well established and is inclusive (law) of every good, forbidding every
bad, and turned away from it toward the opinions, whims, terms and desires put
by men without any supporting evidences from the divine law of Allah (swt).
Like what the people of ignorance (jahiliyyah) used to govern with of
false and foolish things they put by their opinions and desires; like what the
Tartars governed with of the royal policies taken from their king Genghis
Khan who put for them al-Yasiq. This is a book of laws extracted from
Judaism, Christianity, Islam and others, and there is in this book many
rules he inserted as his own opinion and desire, so it became for his
descendants law which they follow and give priority over the Book of Allah
(swt) and the Sunnah of His Messenger Muhammad (saw). So whoever does
that, such a person is a kafir.”

It is in this month that Muslims must come together and meet regularly and
intensely to discuss the affairs of this Ummah. Its problems, how to unify
it, how to bring Islam back into life, how to carry it to mankind.
Engaging in such activity in this month is more rewardable than other months. The
Muslims must meet for these issues after or before Taraweeh.

"It is He who has sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Deen of Truth.
That He make it prevail over all (Deen) religion, even though the pagans
may detest it. "(TMQ 61:9)

Source:  www.ramadhan.org


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