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Ada sesiapa di Hizbi-Net berminat untuk mempertahankan maruah
Islam dari serangan Kristian dan Ateis, silalah menyertai
forum debat di:


Setakat ini dari kalangan 300 peserta Islam, hanya saya seorang
sahaja yang menjawab tentangan pihak Kristian. Baru-baru ini
saya disingkir keluar dari forum Muslim-Christian Debate kerana
memaki seorang Arab Kristian dari Mesir. Dia amat jahat dan
menghina umat Islam dengan kata-katanya yang diluar batas
fikiran yang waras. Dia suka mengeluarkan kata-kata yang menyakitkan 
hati, bukan untuk berdebat secara intelektual. Antara kata-katanya
menghina Islam ialah, "jinns mating on praying carpet". Apa
yang dia maksudkan ialah orang Islam adalah umpama jin lelaki
dan perempuan yang bersetubuh di atas tikar sembahyang. Kata-
kata ini diulangi terhadap saya beberapa kali, sungguhpun
saya sudah melarang jangan berbuat begitu. Akhir sekali saya
memakinya dengan kata-kata paling kesat. Maka forum debat itu
menjadi gempar dan pihak Kristian terpaksa tutup laman web itu.
Perbuatan saya itu telah menyebabkan "moderator" forum itu yang
bernama Charlie meletakkan jawatan kerana malu berlaku berat 
sebelah. Banyak peserta menyokong tindakan saya dan bersetuju 
bahawa pihak Kristian patut diajar berdisiplin. Sebenarnya, saya 
sudah menang dalam perdebatan itu. Pihak Kristian menjadi cemas 
dan memikirkan cara supaya saya berhenti berdebat dengan mereka.

Oleh sebab pihak Kristian yang kalah itu tidak boleh terus
berdebat, mereka mula menggunakan kata-kata menghina Nabi Muhammad,
Islam dan Al-Qur'an. Contohnya, ada seorang Kristian berkata
dia menggunaka Al-Quran sebagai kertas tandas. Ada pula yang
berkata Al-Qur'an adalah sama dengan dogeng "Ali Baba and 40
thieves"..dsbnya. Mereka tidak berdebat, tetapi mahu menyakitkan
hati kita.

Di forum debat: http://www.egroups.com/group/intro-to-islam

pula, sekali lagi peserta Islam dilempar dengan kata-kata kesat.
Perhatikan dibawah satu lampiran E-mail saya kepada seorang
Melayu Kristian yang bernama Hadee. Dia sebenarnya sudah tidak
ada hujjah berdebat, tetapi dia tetap berdegil mempertahankan


           RE: How big is the universe?
           Mon, 01 Jan 2001 08:03:37 +0300
           Tiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
           Intro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I'm amazed to see the way you think about religions, especially 
>through your recent reply above.

I think you don't understand the question I had previously asked.
Has the universe a boundary? Or does it extend forever limitlessly
into infinity? I said that the Quran says the universe is so big, it
has boundary that to the human mind it is immeasurable, but to God
only he knows how big it is "it is He who created all things and 
ordered them in due proportion."(Quran 25:2)

>Do you believe in one religion because its "holy" book describe  
>more about the universe? Do you believe the Quran is right because
>it talks more about the universe than the Bible??

As I have said, that's what the Bible lacks. IT DOESN'T SAY MUCH
about the universe and its creation.

>That's exactly why I said it's nonsense.

Its a pity you have nothing else to say because the Bible doesn't
say anything about HOW BIG the universe is? Even thinking about
the wonderous creation of the universe is part of devotional
worship that is taught in the Quran ..."our Lord, You have not 
created this is vain, glory be to You! So save us from the 
chatisement of the Fire" (Surah 3:191).

>Do you really believe that Mohammad knew about the "Big Bang" 
>then by quoting from Quran 21:30?  He should, right? Perhaps, he 
>also knows about the Black Hole, the Andromeda, the planets, 
>and etc,

Then you should know that Muhammad, an uneducated Arab of
the desert could have made a very fatal mistake by saying about a
scientific theory. Look at what he said, ""do not unbelievers see 
that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit 
of creation) before We clove them asunder?" (Quran 21:30).
Imagine Muhammad saying about this theory to the ignorant Arabs
of his time, wasn't he making himself an object of ridicule by
saying something nonsense? I am sure it didn't make sense to
the Arabs of the desert, but TODAY, when scientists now have
modern tools, they are able to study the universe much closer
and come to a conclusion the universe is expanding as though it
started from a "big bang".

>How about the pyramids that have been proven to point out the 
>exact locations of stars, etc since 2000-3000 B.C.(that is, 
>about 2600-3600 yers before Mohammad was born). I guess the 
>Egyptian God, the Sun God, was more knowledgable than Allah then, 
>right? Do you see my point? Don't underestimate the knowledge 
>of the ancient people, and don't make any assumption that certain
>knowledge came from God simply because it seems impossible for 
>the ancient people to know or to do that at their time.

Who taught mankind to build ships and airplanes? I am sure people
in the year 3050 A.D to come will probably think those "primitive" 
people of the early 1900's were inspired by God to invent a computer.

>Why don't you read the bible first and compare it with the Quran 
>as I suggested to you before.

I have all the Bibles you can think of...the KJV, NKJV, NIV, NLT,
NAB .. Bible commentaries like Jamieson-Fausset-Brown, the Matthew
Henry's, the NIV Study Bible, the Nelson's NKJV Study Bible,...the
Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, the Wycliffe Bible Dictionary,
...and some Christian Theology books.

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Pengirim: Tiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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