Submission by: Tavis Adibudeen ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Topic:                Friday Thoughts

With Allah's Name, the Merciful Benefactor, The Merciful Redeemer
All praise and thanks is due to Allah and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon His servant and Messenger, the seal of the Prophets, Muhammad, upon his noble household, upon his exclusive companions, and upon his righteous followers.
The enemies of Islam have always existed.  There has not been a time in the history of Islam when there was not some opposition to the great movement of unity (the Oneness of Allah).  Nor has there been a period in time when the human being was not pitted against an enemy.  We know from careful examination that the history of Islam (submission) is as old as human existence.  Actually, it predates human existence because it begins with the beginning of creation.  Allah created the universe and everything inside for no other purpose than to serve Him.
He perfected this creation with the creation of the human being and, more specifically, the human mind.  The existence of the human mind, which allows us to reason through our reality and rationally approach any situation that confronts us, is the foundation of this movement for unity.  The true movement for unity is not something that can be philisophically detailed on a web site or in a book.  The true movement for unity is the very essence of al-Islam.  To understand it, one must first understand the relationship between the human mind and its Creator.
Our existence is dependent.  We are dependent creatures who seek sustenance from our Creator.  Allah fashioned us to be creatures of submission.  When we achieve the highest, honorable status of "Muslim" we are able to submit our whole selves to our Creator.  One cannot come to this realization or reality except with a pure heart and with humility.
Thus, the enemies of this reality are those who cannot purify their hearts, and when I speak of hearts, I do not mean the hearts that we have in common with the beast or the corpse but rather the spiritual essence that resides within us.  The enemies of the human mind cannot humble themselves and approach their Creator with humility.  The oldest enemy of the human mind is Iblis.  He could not deal with the idea of bowing before this strange new creation called man.  His arrogance would not let him accept that this human being, fashioned out of clay, was worthy of his respect, as he was made from fire.  His arrogance swallowed him whole until he became the Shaytan, cursed to remain the enemy of the human mind until the Day of Judgment.
In spite of his self damnation, Shaytan vowed to attack the human being from every side and to recruit as many helpers as he could possibly recruit for this mission of his.  Only those without a "sound heart" would fall victim to his call.  His only weapon is the power of suggestion, but he uses it to combat the most powerful part of the human being, the human mind.
Muslims have continuously fallen prey to the enemies who attack us.  During the lifetime of the Holy Prophet (saaws) the pagan arabs became a formidable enemy against which the Muslims were forced to fight.  Their faith and trust in Allah allowed them to be victorious over these enemies. 
In modern times, however, we have not been able to combat our enemies.  Muslims repeatedly fall victim to our non-muslim enemies.  Third-world countries are full of people with Muslim names.  Poverty, illiteracy, infant mortality, crime, starvation, and malnourishment are norms in "muslim" societies.  The Muslim Ummah is 1.2 billion strong, yet our cities are paved with destitution.  Our schools and hospitals are sub-standard, and our knowledge of our own religion is pathetic.
In this state of mental decay, there seems to be no hope left in the Muslim countries around the world.  The war with our enemies has been lost, and we have accepted an embarassing defeat.  Despite attempted revolutions and revivals, the majority of the Muslim world remains in darkness.  Through this darkness, however, has emerged a new hope.  Muslims all over the world have turned their attention to this new light with hope that it can alleviate some of this suffering.
This new light is arising in the West.  Throughout the western hemisphere, Islam is emerging as a dominant force.  Muslims in the western world, despite new challenges, have dedicated themselves to re-establishing al-Islam without colonial or cultural influences.  They have dedicated themselves to resurrecting the pillars of al-Islam minus the ills of our own so-called muslim societies. 
They have presented us with another chance to counterattack our enemies.  New challenges must be faced, and we must work diligently to spread al-Islam in these non-Muslim societies.  So, the enemies of al-Islam know that they cannot defeat this new breed of Muslims so overtly.  It is easy for them to oppress Muslims in distant countries.  They can spread propaganda about these countries and lead the people of their own countries to believe that Muslims are terrorists and people bent on world domination.
Having Muslims in their own countries, however, presents a more difficult task.  They cannot openly oppose us.  Everytime that they try, we have the abilitiy to use their own systems of "equality" against them.  To combat the Muslim mind, which is always superior due to the soundness of its heart, the enemies of al-Islam use the temptations of the material world to fight against us.  This is, perhaps, their last hope to stop this religion from spreading and reclaiming its deserved high position.  Muslims must be aware of this threat.  The threat against us could be more damaging than bombs, starvation, or poverty.  The threat of corrupted minds and hearts is a serious and dangerous reality.
The use of television, internet, literature, and social pressure can make it unbearable for Muslims, especially youth, in western societies to stay on the straight path.  The lure of this life becomes so dominant when one is bombarded with these images of worldly success.  If we survive this threat of moral corruption, we can defeat our enemies and reclaim the high, honorable position of servants of Allah.  It is a difficult task, and we must be prepared to confront it.  I do not have the answers to confronting it, but it is something that must be addressed.  May Allah give us the strenghth to find these answers.  May He alleviate the suffering of innocent Muslim children around the world in Iraq, Ethiopia, Somalia, Afghanistan, and many other countries.  May Allah bestow His infinite blessings upon the Muslim Ummah and lift it up from the crumbled debry and ashes of defeat.  May Allah restore the love of Islam to the hearts of the Muslims around the world and make His Book once again the light and guidance to which we all turn.  May Allah forgive us our shortcomings, increase our knowledge, and multiply our worship of Him.  May He bestow His blessings upon our leader, Muhammad and his family, as He did bestow His blessings upon Ibrahim and his family. 
"O you who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die not except as Muslims.  And hold fast, all together, by the rope of Allah, and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favour on you; for you were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, you became brethren; and you were on the brink of the pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make His Signs clear to you: That you may be guided.  Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: They are the ones to attain felicity.  Be not like those who are divided amongst themselves and fall into disputations after receiving Clear Signs: For them is a dreadful penalty." (Qur'an 3:102-105)

One Ummah Network
"And verily, this Ummah of yours is One Ummah, and I am your Lord; therefore fear only Me." (Qur'an 23:52)

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