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i'm not that desperate


--- chief <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net - 
> http://www.hizbi.net     }
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>  {        Iklan barangan? Hantarkan ke
> http://www.urbana.org/u2000.dec29p.burdges.cfm
> Hasnah Burdges
> Hasnah, a Malaysian, is the eldest daughter in a
> family of twelve children.
> She's known the reality of poverty. She's known the
> agony of abuse and
> suffering. Fortunately, she's also come to know
> Jesus.
> As a child, she experienced abuse at the hands of
> her father, who was an
> alcoholic and a gambler. These two factors forced
> her family into poverty.
> But, Hasnah insisted, "I love my dad. Please know
> that." Still, such a
> childhood caused her many times to feel "that God
> didn't like me or love me."
> Hasnah also grew up as a Muslim. To her, good people
> read the Koran and prayed
> five times a day. She suffered under the oppression
> of feeling she couldn't do
> enough to please God. "I was afraid," she said,
> reflecting upon God's
> judgement upon her, "that the bad deed side of the
> scales was going to win
> out."
> Then Hasnah made a change that transformed her life
> forever. By earning an
> academic scholarship, she was able to attend school
> in the United States at
> Kansas State University. There she met a group of
> Christians who loved her
> persistently and fiercely. "They told me that they
> love me. They shared that
> in their actions."
> But Hasnah didn't want to accept their love or the
> source of their love. She
> was offended when they told her about Jesus. As a
> Moslem, she knew Jesus
> Christ merely as a man. And she considered the Bible
> something simply
> fabricated by men, a text full of fallacy. She
> vehemently denied that Jesus is
> God. So she pushed her Christian friends away. "I
> rejected them," Hasnah
> shared, "but they did not reject me. . . I asked
> them to shut up, to get away.
> . . I told my friends never to speak to me about
> Jesus again. They agreed but
> continued to pray me into God's kingdom, I found out
> later."
> And yet she felt attracted to these friends, their
> persistent love and
> peaceful response to her anger. She also wrestled
> with unhealed wounds of her
> childhood. She recalled her poverty as a young girl,
> her times of crying out,
> "God where are you? Do you care that we are
> suffering down here? I remember
> that the only reply I got was silence."
> Then, early one morning, paging through the Bible
> and wondering what to make
> of Jesus, she read John 3:16: "For God so loved the
> world that he gave his
> only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may
> not perish but may have
> eternal life." She knelt down in her apartment and
> prayed, "Jesus you are the
> Christ . . . come and be my God."
> Her decision was anything but easy. "That cost me my
> family," Hasnah shared.
> "That cost me my friends." But she knows her
> sacrifice has been worth it.
> "Absolutely," she said with a smile. Through it all,
> Hasnah clings to God.
> Responding to the book of Psalms, "Oh taste and see
> that the Lord is good!"
> Hasnah concluded, "My friends, I have tasted him,
> and he is good indeed."
> http://www.urbana.org/u2000.dec29p.burdges.cfm
> www.fgbmfi-malaysia.com
> You may want know how can we have inner peace and
> joy in our heart always in
> our life.
> Lord Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and
> the life. No one comes to
> the Father except through Me. (John 14:6)
> God loves you and created you to know Him
> personally.
> We are separated from God by our sin, so we cannot
> know Him or experience His
> love.
> Jesus Christ is God’s provision for our sin. Through
> Him alone we can know God
> and experience His love.
> We must receive Jesus Christ into our lives as
> Savior and Lord. Then we can
> know God and experience His love.
> For it is with your heart that you believe and are
> justified, and it is with
> your mouth that you confess, and are saved. (Roman
> 10:10)
> If you want to receive Jesus into your heart so that
> He can make you a new
> person, you can just pray this prayer and say:
> Lord, Jesus, I am sorry that I have been going my
> own instead of Your way.
> Thank You for dying on the cross to take away my
> sin. Please come into my life
> and make me the person You want me to be. Amen.
> If you are believer please send this E-mail to your
> relative and friends who
> are not save yet, for sure you want them have a
> peace and joy in their life
> with Lord Jesus.
>  Get your FREE web-based e-mail and newsgroup access
> at:
>                 http://MailAndNews.com
>  Create a new mailbox, or access your existing IMAP4
> or
>  POP3 mailbox from anywhere with just a web browser.
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> Pengirim: chief <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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