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Saya bukanlan pakar komputer tapi... entahlah.
Tak elok labelkan orang dengan 'sekor' atau apa2 perkataan yang buruk.

Untuk masalah saudara/i tu, hantar saja virus scan result seperti dibawah ni
kepada pengirim message tu... kebiasaannya berkesan. Kalau boleh update
sikitlah Norton Antivirus tu untuk kegunaan saudara/i jugak. 

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 14 March, 2001 12:31 PM
Subject: Virus Warning from MailScan to

The attachment(s) that came with the following mail 
received by you had Viruses in it.

The Mail came from    : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Mail recipient    : [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject of the Mail   : Snowhite and the Seven
Dwarfs - The REAL story!
Message-ID            : 

Attachment-Name         Virus-Name             
joke.exe                "I-Worm.Hybris.d"      

Use  MailScan on your  EMail  Servers  and  eScan on
Windows-based PCs and Servers for maximum protection
Internet-borne viruses.

--- Nor'ain Eusoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Assalamu'alaikum semua....
> Di sini saya ingin minta pendapat pakar-pakar
> komputer.... berkenaan dengan
> satu e-mail dari seorang "hamba Allah" yg bergelar
> "Hahaha" yg saya anggap
> memang sengaja menghantar e-mail yg mengandungi
> virus seperti tertera di
> bawah ini......(nama dia pun "hahaha" e-address
> "@sexyfun.net"...
> Hhhhhmmm.... "sexy" you!)
> Untuk pengetahuan, hamba Allah sekor ni dah 4 kali
> hantar e-mail ni pada
> saya......  Setahu saya yg tak berapa pandai ni,
> e-mail yg mengandungi virus
> dihantar secara automatic oleh si penghantar yg
> sudah terkena virus itu
> terlebih dahulu. 
> Dia ingat... saya ni sebodoh dia...sebodoh-bodoh
> saya pun, saya boleh
> "smell" yg mana perfume yg mana air kencing! 
> Walaupun pada asalnya Norton
> Anti virus saya tak dapat kesan, the first e-mail
> dia hantar, saya delete.
> Saya bukan jenis yg suka bukak attachment
> sembarangan, walaupun dari kawan
> baik saya sendiri... sorry to say that.
> Lepas tu, saya dapat lagi... the same e-mail, dan
> terus dapat for another 2
> times.  That means 4 times sekor ni hantar the same
> thing.. cuma saya notice
> ada sikit lain dia punya wording, seolah-olah
> "memujuk" saya supaya membuka
> attachment tu......  Oleh kerana saya masih "simpan"
> yg satu aje lagi, maka
> saya telah dapat "notification seperti yg saya
> attach di bawah.
> Oleh itu, saya nak pendapat dari bijak pandai....
> sebelum saya gelarkan
> manusia sekor ni dengan gelaran yg tak mahu kita
> dengar, betul tak andaian
> saya bahawa virus ini sengaja dihantar kepada
> saya???  
> Harap dapat jawapan dari pakar.... Haslim...my
> friend... what say you??
> Wassalam.....
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 14 March, 2001 12:31 PM
> Subject: Virus Warning from MailScan to
> Mail-Recipient!
> The attachment(s) that came with the following mail 
> received by you had Viruses in it.
> =============================================================
> The Mail came from    : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> The Mail recipient    : [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> Subject of the Mail   : Snowhite and the Seven
> Dwarfs - The REAL story!
> Message-ID            : 
> Attachment-Name         Virus-Name             
> Action-Taken
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> joke.exe                "I-Worm.Hybris.d"      
> Deleted
> =============================================================
> Use  MailScan on your  EMail  Servers  and  eScan on
> your
> Windows-based PCs and Servers for maximum protection
> from
> Internet-borne viruses.
> This e-mail and any files transmitted with it
> ("Message") are intended only
> for the use of the 
> addressee named herein and may contain legally
> privileged and confidential
> information. if you 
> are not the intended recipient of the addressee
> indicated in this Message
> (or responsible for 
> delivery of this Message to such person ), you are
> hereby notified that any
> dissemination, 
> distribution,printing or copying of this message or
> any part thereof is
> strictly prohibited. 
> If you have received this Message in error, please
> immediately delete this
> Message and 
> advise the sender by return e-mail. Opinion,
> conclusions and other
> information in this 
> Message that do not relate to the official business
> of EON shall be
> understood as neither 
> given nor endorsed by EON.
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