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Saya pun kurang setuju juga kalau nak terus terang kata 
rancangan dia.  Kalau diikuti dari awal kisahnya, tregedy 
itu terhasil dari ketidakpuasan hati antara golongan 
didalam suasana kehidupan yg penuh tekanan dari pelbagai 
arah yg diburukkan lagi dengan tiadanya penguatkuasa 
undang2 yg mujarab.  Pressure cooker tu hanya tunggu masa 
aje nak kaaboomm.

Soalnye, apasal pressure tu dibiarkan begitu lama tanpa
penyelesaian - inilah yg membuatkan orang berandai2an. 
Saya pulak rasa ada 3 kemungkinan: terlepas pandang, tak 
ada masa nak tangani,  peduli hapa pilihanraya lambat lagi 
(aku banyak urusan, main golf lagi, bisnes meeting lagi,
political meeting lagi, dll) .  

Dibawah sana nun ada satu lagi analisa politik untuk
bacaan ringan. Dia punya 2 last lines tu cukup tepat:

" Neglect breeds contempt and anger.  And all it needs is 
  a spark to make nonsense of multiracial unity and 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: ab a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Betul... janganlah orang lain yang makan nangka, orang 
> lain plak yang dapat getah-nya. Dalam waktu ini, elok 
> kita orang melayu berwaspada dengan keadaan
> semasa. Berhati-hati untuk sebarang kemungkinan.
> >From: "Muhammad Amin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: H-Net* Khabar Angin Rancangan Mahathir
> >Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 06:44:25 -0000
> >
>kalau nak berpolitik sekalipun, kalau nak memancing kerusi
>org hindu sekalipun, kalau nak dapatkan kerusi tahun 2004
>sekalipun ...janganlah  nak memusing musing kan fakta...
>pergilah kg medan tu...
>besok anak bini kome sume kena sembelihpun kome boleh kata
>rancangan mahathir
> >
> >>From: "Al Ansari" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Subject: H-Net* Khabar Angin Rancangan Mahathir
> >>Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 16:29:30 -0000
> >>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >>  Khabar Angin Rancangan Mahathir
> >>Siapa yang menyebarkan khabar angin ? Jawabnya media 
> >>pro kerajaan - Utusan
> >>Melayu, RTM, Tv3. Media inilah yang sedang mengapi-
> >>apikan khabar angin 'rusuhan perkauaman' di KG MEDAN. 


[MGG] Was There A Hidden Hand?

  When all is said and done, the communal clashes at 
  Petaling Jaya's squalid urban sprawl reflected nationally
  both the National Front government's impotence -- and its
  unconcern. Something terrible had happened, but no one in
  authority appeared concered, giving an impression it had 
  been expected.  The government insists what happened was
  not communal or racial, but spoils its case by giving a
  breakdown of casualties and arrests, bringing in the
  Indonesians for good measure.  Every police statement
  identifies the race of those arrested, wounded or killed.
  It helps build up resentment, especially amongst those
  affected, as is yet another unconscious reason why the 
  other community cannot be trusted.

       The National Front gave up the ghost when the 
  clashes occurred.  What happened is more serious than 
  admitted: when 400 armed policemen, 200 auxillary 
  policemen and a hundred more from hospitals and fire 
  stations are stationed in an area of a few square miles, 
  it must be.  Look deeper, and you come to some 
  unexplainable linkages.  Kampung Medan, in the heart of 
  the troubles, is the childhood home of the KeADILan youth
  chief, Ezam Mohamed Noor, and his father, a retired 
  policeman, was an UMNO branch official in the area.
  The first major reformasi gathering was held in the area.
  Most of the Malays in the area of 47 villages and 160,000
  people have drifted away from the National Front and UMNO:
  in the last general election, the UMNO assemblywoman was
  elected not by Malay voters, but by the solid MIC-
  supporting Indians, even if it is divided, like in UMNO,
  irrevocably between those for the president and those 
  against.  Was there a hidden hand?

       So, when the clashes occurred, the National Front 
  and UMNO had no voice in the area.  The Selangor mentri 
  besar, Dato' Mohamed Khir Toyo, was heckled when he 
  visited the area.  The federal ministers who would rush 
  in to show their concern did not.  The Prime Minister was
  no where around though he did appear at irrevelant 
  functions far removed from the clashes.  What embarrassed
  the most was that party leaders were not welcome.  None 
  would dare venture in except under tight security.  Dato'
  Seri Samy Vellu said as much to explain away why he 
  arrived late to succour to the Indians. One gets the odd 
  feeling that there is more to it to what happened than we
  are told.  Now that the clashes are contained, it is time
  for celebration.  Dato' Khir hosts a "muhibah" party not 
  where it is needed most but in the safety of his well-
  guarded official residence in Shah Alam, six miles away. 
  Muhibah would get a bad name if people demand answers 
  amidst a dinner to celebrate multiracial amity, would it 

       But the crisis is over.  Who says that?  The defence
  minister and UMNO vice president, Dato' Seri Najib Tun
  Razak.  His cousin, cabinet colleague and UMNO youth 
  chief, Dato' Hishamuddin Hussein, has regained his voice 
  to blame the rascals who started all this.  The 
  government pensioners call for calm.  Dato' Khir is 
  unhappy about rumour mongering, and claims to have 
  visited areas rumoured to have had clashes.  But not 
  the "hot" spot where he was heckled when he did.  What 
  caused the clashes?  Socio-economic neglect.  When for 
  decades, nothing is done to improve the lot, something 
  gives.  Places like these are visited during election
  campaigns.  And then ignored until the next.

       At one time, UMNO and the National Front had the
  political support to force their way through.  Not any 
  more. A generation had grown up in the slumps, know no 
  other life, and the bright light outside their doorstep 
  unconsciously  builds up internal resentment.  When they 
  are also ignored, not given basic amenities, it adds up. 
  Malaysians are quick to blame the United States when race
  riots break out.  But what happens there is what has 
  happened in Petaling Jaya. The blacks live in slums and
  generally they are as bad and as worse as the worst of 
  them in Malaysia.  The same frame that caused the riots 
  there cause it here as well.  Neglect breeds contempt and
  anger.  And all it needs is a spark to make nonsense of 
  multiracial unity and diversity.

  M.G.G. Pillai

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