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Assalamu`alaikum ya Sheikh kaah,

Apa yang dimaksudkan oleh anta dengan perenggan di
bawah ini?….Tolong bagi clear sikit, lebih-lebih lagi 
bila anta kata, "…jadilah ugama islam itu tidak
selengkap dan sepatutnya dan memerlukan kitab yang
lain untuk menjelaskannya."


apabila seseorang itu masuk didalam islam, maka sudah
semestinyalah dia memahami bahawasanya ugama islam itu
telah mencakupi semua bidang kehidupannya. tetapi
disebabkan peranan iblis dan syaitan itu maka, jadilah
ugama islam itu tidak selengkap dan sepatutnya dan
memerlukan kitab yang lain untuk menjelaskannya.

--- ka ah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> salam kesejahteraan saudaraku..
> apabila seseorang itu masuk didalam islam, maka
> sudah
> semestinyalah dia memahami bahawasanya ugama islam
> itu
> telah mencakupi semua bidang kehidupannya. tetapi
> disebabkan peranan iblis dan syaitan itu maka,
> jadilah
> ugama islam itu tidak selengkap dan sepatutnya dan
> memerlukan kitab yang lain untuk menjelaskannya.
> dan itulah sebabnya saya mengatakan bahawa ugama
> islam
> itu didalamnya tidak ada paksaan kerana setiap diri
> itu sepatutnyalah memahami bahawa apa yang
> dilakukannya di dunia ini akan dipersoalkan oleh
> allah
> semasa diakhirat nanti.
> sekian
> --- free falling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <HR>
> <html><DIV>
> <P><BR><BR></P>assalamualaikum, </DIV>
> <DIV></DIV>tiada paksaan dlm islam tu bukankah
> bermaksud tiada paksaan bagi org2 bukan islam utk
> memeluk islam?(refer al-kafiroon).  mmg dakwah itu
> wajib utk semua muslim tetapi islam ini bukan agama
> dihujung mata pedang . as for org2 islam, org2
> muslim...wajib mengikut segala hukum dan ketetapan
> Allah swt. jika tidak masakan Allah telah tetapkan
> sesuatu itu WAJIB, HARUS, MAKRUH atau HARAM
> dsb...JIKA
> tiada paksaan dlm islam tu utk kita yg muslim ni utk
> mengamalkan agama, maka apa gunanya hukum2 yg Allah
> sediakan itu? 
> <DIV></DIV>
> <DIV></DIV>di sini ada petikan artikel yg mungkin
> releven atau tidak releven dengan hal ini -
> terpulang
> kepada saudara2 yg membaca...i'Allah kita akan dpt
> sedikit-sebanyak dari artikel ini. 
> <DIV></DIV>
> <DIV></DIV>
> <P>"Many people don’t realize that leaving Islam
> does
> not necessarily mean leaving it completely by not
> performing any of its acts. Someone can leave the
> fold
> of Islam even if he continues to call himself a
> Muslim, claims to be a believer and even if he
> continues to perform some of the acts of Islam, such
> as praying and fasting. <STRONG>A Muslim is not
> simply
> one who performs any part of the religion.</STRONG>
> What happens sometimes is <STRONG><EM>that a person
> performs part of Islam and at the same time he
> performs many acts of apostasy - such that, in fact,
> nothing is left of his Islam. He has left the fold
> of
> Islam even if he still claims to be Muslim. He is
> like
> the person who performs wudhu and then invalidates
> his
> wudhu; obviously nothing is left of his wudhu after
> he
> has invalidated it. Similarly, nothing is left of a
> person’s Islam after he has invalidated it by acts
> of
> apostasy and kufr. </EM></STRONG></P>
> <DIV></DIV>
> <DIV></DIV>Islam or being Muslim is not simply a
> name
> that we can call ourselves. Instead, it is
> testifying
> to something specific. <STRONG>Our actions must also
> be representative of that testimony</STRONG>. There
> are acts that one might perform that completely
> contradict that testimony. In such a case, nothing
> is
> then left of his testimony of Islam and he is no
> longer a Muslim. 
> <DIV></DIV>
> <DIV></DIV>At the outset, however, let me clarify
> one
> important point. <EM>There is a difference between
> kufr (act of disbelief) and kafir (a disbeliever).
> It
> is possible for a person to commit an act of kufr
> while he himself is not a kafir. </EM>If a person
> does
> an act of kufr out of ignorance, this does not
> automatically make him a disbeliever unless his kufr
> is explained and clarified to him and he then
> insists
> on following that act of kufr. 
> <DIV></DIV>
> <DIV></DIV>
> <P>When you realize this fact - <EM>that there are
> certain acts or beliefs that may take one out of the
> realm of Islam and into kufr </EM>- you will then
> realize the importance of knowing those acts in
> order
> to avoid them. One of the best ways of protecting
> yourself from evil is by knowing what evil is in
> order
> to recognize it when it appears and in order to
> remain
> away from the roads that lead to it. Therefore,
> everyone of us should take the time to study those
> acts of kufr that may lead us out of Islam. Study
> them
> in order to makes sure that we ourselves are not
> performing them. We should know them in order to
> keep
> ourselves away from them. We should also be familiar
> with them in order to teach them to others to
> protect
> them from such acts also. </P>
> <DIV></DIV>
> <DIV></DIV>
> <P>We should also realize that if we stay within the
> realm of iman and Islam, then even if we commit sins
> in this life - which is not something we may strive
> to
> do or be pleased with - but we should know that if
> we
> stay within the boundaries of Islam then even if we
> should commit many sins, Allah will enter us into
> Paradise as promised in many statements of His
> Messenger (peace be upon him). We may be punished in
> Hell for some time - and I ask Allah to save all of
> us
> from such an event - but then Allah will shower His
> mercy upon us and remove our sins from us, purify us
> and enter us into Paradise. But if we should leave
> the
> fold of Islam, then all of our deeds that we may
> perform will be worth nothing and we shall be in the
> Hell-fire forever. So this topic of knowing what
> takes
> one from the realm of Islam to the realm of kufr is
> of
> tantamount importance."&nbsp; </P>
> <P>Tulisan Abu 'Abdil Kareem - Three Misconceptions
> About Islam.</P>
> <DIV></DIV>
> <DIV></DIV>
> <P>wallahua'lam...jika ada kesilapan dlm posting
> saya,
> sila tegur :) </P>
> <DIV></DIV>
> <DIV></DIV>
> <DIV></DIV>
> <DIV></DIV>
> <DIV></DIV>
> <DIV></DIV>
> <P>&nbsp;</P>
> <P>&gt;From: Oliver Cromwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]></P>
> <DIV></DIV>&gt;To: Ramlipa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, ka
> ah
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <br clear=all><hr>Get Your
> Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at <a
> =====
> Yang benar,
> Kahar  A. Jalal
> Utusan  Tuhan
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