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this massage was originally sent to me through a
friend and I hope that ur guys luang luangkan laa masa
utk membacanya.

p/s people are arrogant ur not. BUT is

"anasarca ..." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 2:13 PM
Subject: Fwd: FW: Cruelty to cats - hard to

Hi, friends:To anyone that feel some love or respect
for any form of life...What follows may be hard to
believe.Please bare in mind that Dr. Mengele,the Nazi
war criminal, once said “The more we do, the less you
seem to believe it". There is a Japanese man living in
New York that sells “BONSAI CATS“. The guy puts the
kittens in glass bottle then puts a probe in their
anus that gets out from a gap in the bottle to
their urine and faeces. For the kittens to take the
bottle shape, they are fed with chemicals to melt the
bones. Then he keeps the cats for as long as they can
survive. They can't move, walk or clean up. He calls
this “art“. This cruelty is the last fashion in NYC,
China, Indonesia, New Zeland, because is a “decoration
pet“. If you want more information take a look in this
site :


and the babies (kitten) into of a glass bottle in




We are making a list to sent to Animals Protection
Association in USA and Mexico, and to TV news, to?
this. We call out to anybody that loves cats or just
has basic respect for LIFE -please put your name in
the end of this list, then forward this e-mail to
anyone you can think of. If in the list you find more
than 500 names, please send a copy to


We are very thankfull to your help and we ask you to
this e-mail. 
1.- Ana Checa M?xico, D.F..
2.- Manolo Aller M?xico D.F..
3.- Alberto Huerta M?xico D.F..
4.- Manuel Guti?rrez M?xico DF
5.- Marco Zapata Madrid
6.- Teresa Morato M?xico D.F..
7.- Ximena Goyenechea M?xico D.F.
8.- Larissa Lara M?xico D.F..
9.- Marina Arencibia Venezuela
10.- Ana Maria Carvajal Venezuela
11.- Edgard D'Angelo Venezuela
12.- Claudia Marquez Venezuela
13.- Derek Ludovic Venezuela
14.- Rodolfo Placencia Venezuela
15.- Marbella Caceres Venezuela
16.- Maria Cristina Caceres Venezuela
17.- Ana C.? Castro venezuela
18.- Victoria Sanchez, Venezuela
19.- Maria Editha Valdeavellano, Chile
20.- Patricio Valdeavellano, Chile
21.- Reinaldo Lopez, Venezuela
22.- Paula Aedo, Chile
23.- Constanza Carrasco, Chile.
24.- Cecilia Noton, Chile
25.- Carlos Eduardo Briones Bolbaran ,
26.- Ximena Alejandra Briones Bolbaran,
27.- Pamela Andrea Roa Alarcon, Chile
28.- Gabriela Beatriz Christiny Guajardo,
29.- Magdalena Amenabar Iniguez, Chile
30.- Indra Soledad Kleinhempel  
     Valladares, Chile
31.- Monica Marisol Moreno Muga,Chile
32.- Pilar Rebolledo, Chile
33.- Andrea Villagra, Chile
34.- Claudia Jerez, Chile
35.- Erna Zagal ,Chile
36.- Andrea Munoz, Chile
37.- Jacqueline Mateluna, Chile
38.- Beatriz Crovetto, Chile
39.- Carinne Santana, Chile
40.- Ang?lica Benda?a, Chile
41.- Isabel Olivares, Chile
42.- Max Aguilera, Chile
43.- Mar?a Jos? Molina, Chile
44.- Alejandra Fuentealba, Chile
45.- Tamara Huanquel, Chile.
46.- Paulina Garc?s, Chile
47.- Carmen Gloria Mu?oz, Chile
48.- Mar?a Soledad Cofr?, Chile
49.- Sergio Antoine, Chile
50.- Maria Jose Espinoza, Chile
51.- Alejandra Bauerle, Chile
52.- Ximena Chau, Chile
53.- Doris Rubio,Chile
54.- Heidi Acevedo,Chile
55.- Claudia Acevedo,Chile
56.- Maria Elena Vergara, Chile
57.- Sandra Soto
58.- Elizabeth Molina
59.- Paula Rios
60.- Rodrigo Gajardo
61.- Andrea Solari
62.- Paula Baranda
63.- Guillermina de la Jara
64.- Monserrat Gajardo
65.- Paola Croma
66.- Erika Leiva
67.- Luis Bravo
68.- Ximena Cruz, Chile
69.- Marcela Serey, Chile
70.- Ismael Serey, Chile
71.- Luisa Torres, Chile
72.- Luis G?mez, Chile
73.- Loreto Valenzuela, Chile
74.- Lorena Tapia, Chile
75.- Antonia Fortt, Chile
76.- Fernando A.? Vivanco, Wisconsin, USA
77.- Gisela Le?n, Chile
78.- Andrea Le?n, Chile
79.- Lorena Calleja, Chile.
80.- Rossana Cerecera, Chile.
82.- Elena Mena,Puerto Rico
83.-Vangie Vall?s - Puerto Rico
84. Ana Maria Alvarez Carta?a -Puerto Rico
86.- Antonio Viera Vecchio, Montevideo, URUGUAY
87.- Carlos Vigliola, Montevideo, URUGUAY
88.- Jorge Savecki, Montevideo, URUGUAY
89.- Bianca Koch, S?o Paulo, BRASIL
90.- Evandro Cordova da Silva, S?o Paulo, Brasil
100.- Rodrigo Bertolani, S?o Paulo, Brasil
101- Ricardo Leonardi Fernandes, S?o Paulo, Brasil
102-Daniella Costa Neri - S?o Paulo - Brasil
103-Patricia R. Futema - S?o Paulo - Brasil
104-Adelina Louren?o de Oliveira - S?o Paulo - Brasil 
105- Maria Cristina R. Mucciolo - S?o Paulo - brazil
106- Caroline Bittencourt - SP _ BRASIL
107 - Rodrigo Ceriquera - SP _Brasil
108 -Caroline Musselli - SP - Brasil
109 - Andrea Corr?a - SP - Brasil
110 - Adriane Costa e Rocha Ciaffone - SP - Brasil
111- Daniela Siqueira Costa e Rocha- SP- Brasil
112 - Cl?udia Eliana Perin Bertoni - SP - Brasil
113 - Anna Paula de Britto Colacino - SP -Brasil
114 - Michelle Susan Wright - SP - Brasil
115 - Fl?via Cordovil - SP - Brasil
116 - Regina Rodrigues - SP - Brasil
117 - Elizabeth M-Ramalho MI - US
118- Gerson Amado - SP _ Brasil
119- Gislene Guimar?es- SP_Brasil
120- Fabiano Tricarico - SP_Brasil
121-JORGE FALC?O-BA-Brasil
122-Jacques Chachamovitz-SP-Brasil
123-Thais Helena Medeiros-SP-Brasil
124-Sandra Regina Miguel - SP - Brasil
125-Kelly Cristina Brito- Brasil
126-Daniela Marques Silva - Brasil
127-Camila do Nascimento - Brasil
128-Eliane de Lima Davrius-Brasil
129 - Elaine Jord?o - S?o Paulo - Brazil
130 - Sylvia & Allan Outrup - Denmark
131 - Lisa Hoej - Denmark
132- Preben Haagensen- Danmark
133 - Susanne Hansen - Denmark
134 - Tanja Petersen - Denmark
135 - Malene Thykj?r - Denmark
136 - Victor & Olga Platushyn - Ukraine
137 - Elaine Jord?o
138. Magdalena Szymanska - Poland
139. Anna Glowacka -Poland
140. Lidka i Waldek Baesler -Poland
141. Katarzyna Kuligowska - Poland
142. Dr.Lena Preisler- Israel
143. Dr.Eyal Preisler- Israel
144. Dana Segal - Israel
145. Yael Pritch - Israel
146. Yifat Cnaan - Israel
147. Hollinger Ronit - Israel
148. Tomer Shmaya - Israel
149. Ido Dovrath - Israel
150. Dror Salee - Israel
151. Einat Lachover - Israel
151. David Yellin- Israel
152. Ido Yellin - Israel
153. Ofra Pavlovitz - Israel
154. Malca Reshef - Israel
155. Shahaf Cohen-Tarica - Israel
156. Ilan Halberstadt - Israel
157. Amit Cohen - Israel
158.Asaf Karako - Israel
159. Moti Bitter - Israel
160. Roi Bondi - Israel
161. Daniel Grey - Israel
162. Itay Price - Israel
163. Oren maman - israel
164. Arik Gur - israel
165. Keren Trager - Israel
166. Arad Gluska - Israel
167. Avi Klein - Israel
168. Yael Levy- Israel
169. Oren Blank- Israel
170.Shnaider Semion -Israel
171.Or Ad -Israel
172. Simon Ismail - Malaysia
173. Majmin Sunar - Malaysia
174. lady maze - Malaysia
175. ecah da bone- Malaysia
176.Norzalekha Yazid-Malaysia
177. Intan Suhana- Malaysia
178 - Azrin Kasman - Malaysia

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