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sebelum dia tu, belum ada pemimpin lain yg berani
memperlecehkan hukum Allah terang-terangan walaupun
beberapa kerat dari mrk itu juga engkar suruhan Allah.
Tetapi dia ini begitu berani dan daring sekali
mempersendakan hukum Islam tapi perbuatannya cuba di
cover up oleh beberapa ulama upahan dgn memberikan
tafsiran berbeza dari yg sebenarnya yg memang dia itu
maksudkan. Teruskan membaca............

The City University Islamic Society


In the name of Allaah the most Merciful, the Bestower
of Mercy. 

All praise is due to Allaah, Lord of the worlds. May
peace and salutations be upon the Last Messenger of
Allaah, and upon all
those who follow him until the Last day.To
proceed:Brother and Sister Muslim, you must be aware
that there are matters which
nullify your Islaam. Please be Mindful of them. 

1. Associating partners with Alaah (shirk). Allaah
Most High says (in the meaning ): 

"Truly, whosoever sets up partners with Allaah, then
Allaah has forbidden the Garden for him, and the Fire
will be his abode.
And for the wrongdoers there are no helpers." (Soorah
Al-Maa'ida 5:72) 

Calling upon the dead, asking their help, or offering
them gifts or sacrifices are all forms of shirk. 

2. Setting up intermediaries between oneself and
Allaah, making supplication to them, asking their
intercession with Allaah, and
placing ones trust in them is unbelief (kufr). 

3. Anyone who does not consider the polytheists
(mushrikeen) to be unbelievers, or who has doubts
concerning their unbelief, or
considers their way to be correct, is himself/herself
an unbeliever (kafir). 

4. Anyone who believes any guidance to be more
perfect, or a decision other than the Prophets
decision to be better, is an
unbeliever. This applies to those who prefer the rule
of Evil (Taghout) to the Prophets rule. Some examples
of this are: 

(a) To believe that systems and laws made by human
beings are better than the Shariah of Islaam; for

That the Islaamic system is not suitable for the
twentieth century. 

That Islaam is the cause of the backwardness of the

Or that al-Islaam is a relationship beween Allaah and
the Muslim. It should not interfere in other aspects
of life. 

(b)To say that enforcing the punishments prescibed
Allaah, such as cuttong of the hand of the theif or
the stoning of an adulterer, is
not suitable for this day and age. 

(c) To believe that it is permissible to give a rule
from that which Allaah did not reveal in Islamic
transactions or matters of law,
punishments or other affairs. Althoughone may not
believe such things to be superior to the Shari'ah he
in effect affirms such a stnad
by declaring a thing which Allaah has totally
prohibited, such as adultery, drinking alcohol or
usury, to be permissible. According to
the consensus of the Muslims, one who declares such
things to be permissible is an unbeliever (Kafir) 

5. Anyone who hates any part of what the Messenger of
Allaah [saw] has declared to be lawful has nullified
his Islaam, even though
he may act in accordance with it. Allaah Most High
says(in the meaning): 

"This is because they hate what Allaah has sent down,
so he has made their deeds fruitless" (Soorah Muhammad

6. Anyone who ridicules any aspect of the religion of
the Messenger of Allaah [saw], or any of its rewards
or punishments,
becomes an unbeleiver. Allaah Most High says (in the

"Say: Was it Allaah, and His signs and His Messenger
that you were mocking? Make no excuse; you have
disbeleived after
you had believed." (Soorah At-Tawbah 9:65-66) 

7. The practice of magic. Included in this, for
example, is causing a rift between a husband and wife
by turning his love for her into
hatred, or tempting a person to do things he dislikes
using black arts. One who engages in such a thing or
is pleased with it is
outside the fold of Islaam. Allaah Most High says (in
the meaning): 

" But neither of these two (angels, Harut and Marut)
taught anyone (magic) till they had said, Indeed, we
are a trial; then do
not disbelieve. (Soorah Al-Baqarah 2:102) 

8. Supporting and aiding polytheists against the
Muslims. Allaah Most High says (in the meaning): 

"Whoever among you who takes them as allies is surely
one of them. Truly, Allaah does not guide the
wrongdoers." (Soorah
Al-Maaida 5:51) 

9. Anyone who beleives that some people are permitted
to deviate from the Shariah of Muhammad [saw] is an un
believer by the
word of Allaah Most High (in the meaning): 

"And whoever seeks a religion other than Islaam, it
will not be accepted of him, and in the hereafter he
will be from among
the losers." (Soorah Aal-Imraan 3:85) 

10. To turn completely away from the religion of
Allaah neither learning its precepts nor acting upon
it. Allaah most high says (what

" And who does greater wrong than he who is reminded
of the revelations of his Lord and turns aside
therefrom Truly, We
shall exact retribution from the guilty." (Soorah
As-Sajdah 32:22) 

and He [swt] also says (what means): 

"But those who disbelieve turn away from that about
which they are warned." 

It makes no difference whether such violations are
commited as a joke, in seriousness or out of fear,
except when done under
compulsion (i.e. from threat of loss of life )We seek
refuge in Allaah from such deeds as entail His wrath
and severe punishment. 

Harun Aminurrashid:
DeNgaN IziN ALLAH BN PasTi TeWAs !!!

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