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> 09:59 -----
>  Everyday at 7.30pm, most of the Malaysians are watching the
> television,
>  not
>  because of the news but yet the famous "Who wants to be a
> millionaire?"
>  programme
>  At a glance, we would be wonder why the organiser (Digi) is so
> generous
>  and
>  kind to give us a million.
>  But this is the story behind this:
>  In order to participate in this crazy programme, you have to call a
>  number.
>  It will charge RM3.95/minute for morning session. Furthermore, you
> have
> to
>  listen to some messages advertisement) before you can proceed to the
> question. The whole process will take you around 8 minutes.
>  According to Digi, the average people calling in a day is close to
> 10,000.
> A simple calculation would suggest that Digi can make RM 320,000 a
> day.In
> a
>  month, Digi can make RM 9.6 million.
> Until today, the highest payment is only RM 125,000. We stupid
> Malaysians
> are still keep on calling in order to participate in it. But we don't
> know
>  that we are giving millions to Digi!
>  This also consider gambling but, we still can see .............

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