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Encik Nadim, I'am currently having discussion with my Christian friend 
and so far my friend is not able to answer my questions below and 
instead told me that "If today was the first time I learned about Islam 
and Christianity, then I would probably be a Muslim.  But it is very 
difficult for me to switch religions because Christianity has been 
preached into my head all my life from every direction.  So, I will try 
has hard as I can and ask the Creator of the Universe to help me know 
the Truth".

Hopefully this can be benificial to you and others.

May Allah take care of your Faith (Akidah),


I think you are getting there, now you seem know the basis of your belief, that
1. Jesus is not the God Himself but to you
2. Jesus is the Son of God. Who is born through Mary.
3. That baby will not go to hell because of their parent's sin.

As for me I believe that;
1. That Jesus is a Phrophet a human being who do die but raised to Heaven
2. Jesus created by Allah just like Allah created Adam and Eve.
3. That baby is sinless as pure as white sheet, never been painted with 
evil color ? He is Muslim because his spirit (soul) knows that God is 
one and he soul submit to Allah (Islam mean "submit to Allah not 
Muhammad - our messanger).

Now let us discuss the above issue one by one first then we get back 
the others later. Following are my question related to your above three 

Jesus is not the God but the Guardian of Heaven
1. What happen if someone praise Jesus only, but then he do all sort 
bad things and hated God ?(I saw in the documentary that there is one 
sect of Christian who had sex with somebody in order to convert them to 
Christian - it happen many in KL also) Do you then think that Jesus 
have the right to admit him to Heaven ?

Jesus Son of God
1. How did God Fathered Jesus, by making love to Mary or implanting 
seed (DNA ?) to Mary ?
2. Do you also think that Adam is fathered and Mothered by God?
3. What about Eve ? Do you then think that she is Mothered by Adam and 
Father by God ?
4. Is God a Man or a Woman ? Or is He by-sexual ?
5. Bible also called Mary as the Daugther of God. Do you think that God 
make love to her own daughter ?
6. Bible also say that "then you will be the Children of God" to all 
Jesus disciples, do you then think the disciples had been fathered by 
God (it seems that free sex practice) ?
7. I recalled that there are others called son of God in Bible ? (I 
will check the Bible when I get back in KL) Do you then think that God 
fathered them also ?

Baby is sinless
1. You believe that baby is sinless because they do not have religion. 
Do you then think that religion make people sin ?
2. You said our children will not go to hell because of their parent 
sin. Do you then not believe "the original sin" ?
3. Also what sin then Jesus had died for ? Is the dayly routine sins 
that people do ?

Please answer one by one so that it will be easy for us to continue.

I know our discussion is hard and brain storming but it is for the good 
of our soul. Athough, often I find it ilogical, if you choose to 
belief, I would not mind because in the end as stated in the Quran "it 
is you with your belief, me with mine". And I'm sure that, the more you 
know the strong your faith will be.



Now, let me re-iterate your belief again based on your pervious 
comments and what  you had written just now (that Jesus is the God himself) :

1. Jesus was the God Himself (in human form)  and also
2. Jesus is the Son of God. Who is born through Mary.
3. That baby will not go to hell because of their parent's sin.

So let me add my questions:

1. Based on 1 and 2 : Did you then believe that God had "insert" 
Himself and into Mary and become a baby and then get Himself crucified 
(sacrificed) by the Jew ? or

2. Based on 1 and 2: Did you believe that God had "sex" with Mary then 
return to heaven to become God the Father. And, on the earth then Mary 
had a Son Jesus (Son of God).  Which then mean God the Father and God 
the Son is a separate entity ? And now remain separate because God the 
Father had raise God the Son bodily to Heaven.....But then you believe 
Jesus was the God himself in human form. Can you explain how could this 
be at the same time?

3. Was God the Father intention to sacrify God the Son or God the Son 
intention ? (because Jesus was God in Human form).

4. So when you mentioned that "The Bible says that Jesus asked his 
Father that he may not be crucified, and then Jesus said (paraphrase) 
"But Your will be done Father."  Was it God the Father will or Jesus 
(in human form) himself will ?

5.  MT 24:36 "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angel 
in heaven, nor the Son....."
 So do you think Jesus(the God Himself in human form) was lying or 
Jesus was not God Himself in human form ?

6. JH 12:49 "For I did not speak of my accord, but the Father.........."
What did Jesus meant by the above ?  He lied again ?

On another hand let me re-iterate:

MK 12:29 "The most important one," answered Jesus, " is this: 'Hear O 
Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One. Love Lord your God with 
all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with 
all your sthrength. The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as 
yourself. There is no commandment greater than this."


Q5: 72
They do blaspheme who say: "Allah is Christ the son of Mary" But said 
Christ:"O Children of Israel ! Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." 
Whoever joins other gods with Allah-, Allah will forbid him the Garden, 
and the fire will be his abode. There will for the wrongdoers be no one 
to help.

Q5: 73
They do blaspheme who say: Allah is one of the three in a thrinity: for 
there is no god except One God. If they desist not from their word (of 
blasphemy), verily a grievious penalty, will befall the blasphemers among them.

and look at the following verse of the Bible,

MT 5:9 Bless are the peacemakers for they will be called the sons of God

MT 5:44-45 But I tell you the truth: Love your enermies and pray for 
those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in 
Heaven.....Be perfect, therefore as your heavenly father is perfect....

Do you think that Jesus lie when God is your heaven Father..........or 
do you think that God is our heavenly father as well as Jesus' ?

As regards to me who wanted to have fun, I was one of those who was 
driven by my wordly desire (naf) and still am sometimes. When I was in 
that version, I did not really have stronger ties to my belief which is 
the me now at most of the time. But when the "Hayati at that time" 
exist, the "Hayati this time" did not exist and when the "Hayati 
covered with white attire" the earlier version did not exist: one at a 
time. So then do you think God the Father did not exist when Jesus was 
on earth ? And when Jesus prayed, he actually prayed toward himself ?

About those who goes to heaven, to me it is God to decide. As to those 
religious people; to me there are those who are given the knowledge but 
there are a lot there who claim to have (been given) but they know not.

May Allah give light to those who has wisdom.

Take care of your wisdom,
( Kind of late.......need to go home :-).........when I'm home, I'm not 
at the office :-)
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