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Fidayee Activities In Shariah
Professor Abdur Rahman Makki

In this essay Professor Abdur Rahman Makki dispels the
common misconception that Fidai missions are suicide
missions. Quoting instances from the Muslim history,
particularly the life of the Prophet(pbuh)  and the
Companionst, he has made point that Fidai missions
date back to the days of the Prophet(pbuh) . There are
a number of instances in the early Muslim history that
a single Mujahid took on a large number of enemy men.
But they were by no means suicide attack. .
Lashker-e-Taiba’s Fidai missions are a continuation of
this glorious tradition. 

ALLAH, the Most Merciful, has showered innumerable
bounties on the Muslim Ummah, the obligation of Jihad
and Qital being one of these. 

Jihad has been made obligatory for the Ummah for all
times. Allah says.


ßõÊöÈó Úóáóíúßõãú ÇáúÞöÊóÇáõ æóåõæó ßõÑúåñ áóßõãú
æóÚóÓì Ãóäú ÊóßúÑóåõæÇ ÔóíúÆðÇ æóåõæó ÎóíúÑñ áóßõãú
æóÚóÓóì Ãóäú ÊõÍöÈøõæÇ ÔóíúÆðÇ æóåõæó ÔóÑøñ áóßõãú
æóÇááøóåõ íóÚúáóãõ æóÃóäúÊõãú áóÇ ÊóÚúáóãõæäó

Fighting is prescribed upon you, and ye dislike it.
But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is
good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad
for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.
(Al-Baqarah: 216)


The believers are enjoined to continue Jihad under all
circumstances and in every form. Thus it is said:

ÇäÝöÑõæÇ ÎöÝóÇÝðÇ æóËöÞóÇáðÇ æóÌóÇåöÏõæÇ
ÈöÃóãúæóÇáößõãú æóÃóäÝõÓößõãú Ýöí ÓóÈöíáö Çááøóåö
Ðóáößõãú ÎóíúÑñ áóßõãú Åöäú ßõäÊõãú ÊóÚúáóãõæäó

Go ye forth, (whether equipped) lightly or heavily,
and strive and struggle, with your goods and your
persons, in the Cause of Allah. That is best for you,
if ye (but) knew. (At-Tauba: 41)


Jihad is to be waged in every nook and corner of the
world against the enemies of Islam, against all sorts
of evils and every unbeliever. Says Allah: 

ÞóÇÊöáõæÇ ÇáøóÐöíäó áóÇ íõÄúãöäõæäó ÈöÇááøóåö æóáóÇ
ÈöÇáúíóæúãö ÇáúÂÎöÑö æóáóÇ íõÍóÑøöãõæäó ãóÇ ÍóÑøóãó
Çááøóåõ æóÑóÓõæáõåõ æóáóÇ íóÏöíäõæäó Ïöíäó ÇáúÍóÞøö
ãöäú ÇáøóÐöíäó ÃõæÊõæÇ ÇáúßöÊóÇÈó ÍóÊøóì íõÚúØõæÇ
ÇáúÌöÒúíóÉó Úóäú íóÏò æóåõãú ÕóÇÛöÑõæä 

Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day,
nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by
Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion
of Truth, from among the People of the Book, until
they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel
themselves subdued. (At-Tauba:29)

and also says 

æóÞóÇÊöáõæåõãú ÍóÊøóì áóÇ Êóßõæäó ÝöÊúäóÉñ æóíóßõæäó
ÇáÏøöíäõ ßõáøõåõ áöáøóåö ÝóÅöäú ÇäÊóåóæúÇ ÝóÅöäøó
Çááøóåó ÈöãóÇ íóÚúãóáõæäó ÈóÕöíÑñ 

And fight them until there is no more tumult or
oppression, and there prevails justice and faith in
Allah altogether and everywhere; but if they cease,
verily Allah doth see all that they do. (Al-Anfal:39)


Wiping off the forces of Kufr (disbelief) and
achieving the supremacy of Islam is the sublime
objective for which Allahr has enjoined Jihad upon the
Muslims, and the position of Jihad among the Tenets of
Islam is manifest from the Tradition of the
Prophet(pbuh)  who described Jihad as (ÓäÇã ÇáÅÓáÇã
ÒÑæå)  “the highest mountain of Islam” 

and "ÇÍÈ ÃÚãÇá"  “the most desirable acts in Islam”.

And although it apparently involves bloodshed and loss
of property, Jihad is termed as the source of life for
the Ummah and it also establishes the universality of
the message of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) .

Jihad alone is the means for driving the Muslim out of
the clutches of the various forces of Kufr, uniting
them under the banner of Monotheism, ensuring the
worship of one (Allah), acceptance of the Noble Quran
as the code of life for the entire world and
converging the entire humanity on the Shahadah.
Allah’s Prophet(pbuh)  said in a tradition

 ÃõãöÑúÊõ Ãóäú ÃõÞóÇÊöáó ÇáäøóÇÓó ÍóÊøóì íóÔúåóÏõæÇ
Ãóäú áóÇ Åöáóåó ÅöáøóÇ Çááøóåõ æóÃóäøó ãõÍóãøóÏðÇ
ÑóÓõæáõ Çááøóåö 

I have been enjoined to fight with the people until
they pronounce Shahadah, and proclaim that there is no
God except Allah and Muhammad(pbuh)  is His Prophet.
(Bukhari 24)

And also:

ÈÚËÊ ÈÇáÓíÝ Èíä íÏí ÇáÓÇÚÉ ÍÊì íÚÈÏ Çááå æÍÏå         
                  I have been sent with the sword for
the period till the Dooms Day, until Allah alone is


Not content with pronouncing the obligatory nature of
Jihad and the verses of the Quran on the topic, Allah
has applied strong measures to motivate the Faithful
for Jihad and has in fact provided guidance to them in
this direction. Jihad has been made obligatory on the
Prophet(pbuh)  in his individual capacity as Allah

ÝóÞóÇÊöáú Ýöí ÓóÈöíáö Çááøóåö áóÇ ÊõßóáøóÝõ ÅöáøóÇ
äóÝúÓóßó (Al-Nisa:84)

Then fight in Allah's cause - thou art held
responsible only for thyself.

The entire Ummah has also been tied to the obligatory
Jihad separately 

íóÇÃóíøõåóÇ ÇáøóÐöíäó ÂãóäõæÇ ÎõÐõæÇ ÍöÐúÑóßõãú
ÝóÇäÝöÑõæÇ ËõÈóÇÊò Ãóæú ÇäÝöÑõæÇ ÌóãöíÚðÇ

O you who believe! Take your precautions, and either
go forth in parties or go forth all together.
(Al-Nisa: 71)

Another verse of the Noble Quran explains the
situation in which Jihad becomes obligatory’ 

It has been said,    

æóãóÇ áóßõãú áóÇ ÊõÞóÇÊöáõæäó Ýöí ÓóÈöíáö Çááøóåö
æóÇáúãõÓúÊóÖúÚóÝöíäó ãöäú ÇáÑøöÌóÇáö æóÇáäøöÓóÇÁö
æóÇáúæöáúÏóÇäö ÇáøóÐöíäó íóÞõæáõæäó ÑóÈøóäóÇ
ÃóÎúÑöÌúäóÇ ãöäú åóÐöåö ÇáúÞóÑúíóÉö ÇáÙøóÇáöãö
ÃóåúáõåóÇ æóÇÌúÚóá áóäóÇ ãöäú áóÏõäúßó æóáöíøðÇ
æóÇÌúÚóá áóäóÇ ãöäú áóÏõäúßó äóÕöíÑðÇ 

 And why should ye not fight in the cause of Allah and
of those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and
oppressed)? Men, women, and children, whose cry is:
"Our Lord! Rescue us from this town, whose people are
oppressors; and raise for us from thee one who will
protect; and raise for us from thee one who will help!
(An-Nisa: 75)

Jihad has thus been ordained upon believers of all
times and of every section of the society. They are
enjoined to give preference to Jihad over all worldly
obligations and blood relationships. It has been made
abundantly clear that the strength and prosperity of
the pluralism lies in Jihad. Most emphatic style has
been adopted to convince the Muslims that Jihad is the
protector of the honour and dignity of the Muslims. It
is Jihad that safeguards the frontiers of the Muslims
and guarantees their freedom. Again in Jihad lies the
stability of governments and caliphates. Jihad alone
ensures the acceptance and honour of their pacts and
agreements, and it provides a befitting reply to
all-enemy intrigues and attacks. In short, in Jihad
lies the life and dignity of Islam and the Muslims, as
also their economic progress and stability. The close
relationship of the monotheistic faith and sword is
manifest from the life of the Prophet r and this was
the primary lesson the Companions learnt from the life
and Sunnah of the Prophet. Islam induced the Faithful
toward Jihad in various ways. Says Allah:

íóÇÃóíøõåóÇ ÇáäøóÈöíøõ ÍóÑøöÖú ÇáúãõÄúãöäöíäó
ÚóáóìÇáúÞöÊóÇáö ……  ÇáÇíÉ 

O Prophet! Rouse the Believers to the fight.
(Al-Anfal: 65)

Such a forceful motivation and exhortation gave the
companions a clear vision about life and imbued them
with steadfastness. Even the biggest enemy appeared a
small fry in their eyes. The vast distances of the
earth reduced under the hooves of their horses and
Islam prevailed every where.

Two types of Muslim and two Jihadic characters emerged
in such a scenario. First were the common Muslims who
were filled with the spirit of Jihad all the time.
Second were special task force volunteers or Fidayeen
who in line with the Quranic description 

"æãöäú ÇáäøóÇÓö ãóäú íóÔúÑöí äóÝúÓóåõ ÇÈúÊöÛóÇÁó
ãóÑúÖóÇÉö Çááøóåö"  (Baqarah: 207)

(And there is the type of man who gives his life to
earn the pleasure of Allah.)

stood as mountains of resoluteness, always keen to
offer their blood in the way of Islam, pulsating with
the desire to humble the mightiest of the enemy.

  Åä Çááå ÇÔÊÑí ……   and similar verses in the Quran
had created a stir in the whole Muslim society,
bringing forth a fairly large number of  volunteers
who rejecting all worldly temptation and attraction,
were always ready to offer themselves for the biggest
challenges, the most dangerous targets. They were,
however, not suicide missions. Instead they would hit
their target, accomplish the task assigned to them
which may even claim their lives. Theirs was the
position of a total submission –submission to the will
of Allah and His Prophet(pbuh) . It was submission to
Allah’s Deen rather than to any parochial demands and
there was least idea of show of valour or gallantry.
Allah be praised that the Lashkar-e-Taiba today has
revived this golden tradition through its Fidayee
attacks. Throughout Islamic history, the Fidayee have
outshone others.

There were hundreds of the Companions to migrate from
Makkah to Madinah, yet the way Sohaib bin Sanan, a
Turk, undertook this journey, has no parallels. As
Sohaib embarked on Hijra, the Quresh of Makkah blocked
his way. The enemy was in scores but Sohaib resolved
to face them single handedly. He alighted his horse,
spread his arrows on the ground and readying his bow,
challenged his enemies and saying, “You know well that
I am the best archer of you all. By Allah, I will kill
the same number of your men as the arrows with me.
Thereafter, I would slay as many of your men as I can
and only then you would have access to my person and I
don’t care what you would do with me at that stage.”


The infidels felt ashamed. They pondered for some time
and then said that they would allow him to leave
Makkah if he handed over them all his belongings.
Sohaib agreed to the idea, told them about his
belonging left behind and hurried to Madina. As he
arrived in Madina and met Allah’s Prophet(pbuh) , the
Prophet proclaimed ÑÈÍ ÇáÈíÚ ÃÈÇ íÍí  “verily, Abu
Yahya has struck a profitable deal” and recited the

æóãöäú ÇáäøóÇÓö ãóäú íóÔúÑöí äóÝúÓóåõ ÇÈúÊöÛóÇÁó
ãóÑúÖóÇÉö Çááøóåö ( Al-Baqarah:208)

According to the majority of the Ulema, this verse was
revealed in honour of Sohaib bin Sanany.

As the message and influence of Islam spread, Jihad
also gained strength. Since the Muslim were short in
numbers and had meager resources, they had to face
numerous challenges. The conspirators were active in
their plots while the enemy chiefs and hostile rulers
amassed forces to wipe out the Muslims. Allah’s
Prophet(pbuh)  had to adopt all types of techniques to
meet the situation and the Fidayee attacks proved the
most effective of these. The prudent, calculating
Muslims of the present era would not feel the pleasure
and satisfaction a Fidayee experienced when he rode
his horse deep into the enemy host all alone and
repeatedly attacked the enemy, inflicting injuries on
them, all in his love for paradise. Unfortunately, the
present day Muslim have formed an opinion that such an
activity is suicidal and unIslamic. This has followed
a plethora of Fatwas and religious decrees in
condemnation of such Fidayee missions. All this is
being done at a time when Muslim youth at the war
front is repeating the history of the Fidayeen of the
early Islamic history.

Here we would like to analyse various forms of the
Fidayee adventures:

(1) A Fidayee may force his way into the enemy host
risking his life.

(2) Attack a strong enemy army all alone in a manner
that he may face sure death. 

(3) Attack an enemy in a bid to inflict a heavy loss
on the victim.

(4) Attack an enemy with the sole desire to embrace
martyrdom and continue fighting till the enemy kills
him and he achieves his goal.

(5) Perform such a deed of valour as earns him Allah’s

(6) To seek atonement for committing the grave sin of
backing out from Jihad, continue fighting in a
fearless fashion, till the attainment of martyrdom.


These are some of the forms of Fidayee activities and
the life of the Companions furnishes numerous
instances in every form. We would narrate some of
these instances for the benefit of our reader.

(1) Sahih Muslim records an account of Salma bin Akwa
as under. [Says Salma: Soon after the Hudaibya Pact, I
was accompanying Allah’s Prophet to Madina. Ribaht,
Allah‘s Prophet’s slave and I took out camels of the
Prophet(pbuh)  for grazing. I was riding the horse of
Talha bin Abaidullaht. It was still dark when Abdur
Rehman bin Ainiya attacked Prophet’s camels, killed
the shepherd and drove away the camels. [Salma
continued: “ I asked Ribah to ride the horse and
inform Allah’s Prophet(pbuh)  about the attack. As for
myself I climbed on top of sand tune and shouted at
the top of my voice: íÇ ÕÈÇÍÇå íÇ ÕÈÇÍÇå íÇ ÕÈÇÍÇå
then I chased the assailants. I was armed with arrows
and a sword. I took aim at the enemy with arrows and
also injured their horses. I continued attacking enemy
men and their horses with arrows. I ambushed them from
behind the trees, from tree tops and from behind
rocks. All along the time, I was alone but I continued
attacks on them. In the end, I succeeded in retrieving
all the camels from their custody and the enemy ran
away. Even then I continued shooting arrows till the
enemy dropped more than thirty of their spears and
dozens of blankets to lessen their load and hasten
their flight from the combat.

Salma continued:

 As the day became hot while I was pursuing them,
Ainiya bin Badar Al-Ghazali arrived on the spot with
reinforcement for the opposite side. As per chance,
Ainiya spotted me and questioned from my opponents
about the whole situation. They told him that I had
caused them great trouble, chased them since early
morning and snatched their belonging. Ainiya responded
to them that I must be confident of reinforcement from
friends or else I could not have dared to chase them.
Then they sent forth four men to get hold of me. These
four climbed a mountain and came so close to me that
they could hear me. I shouted to them. “Do you know
me?” They inquired who I was. I told them that I was
Ibnul Akwa. 

I added: “By Him who has blessed the face of
Muhammad(pbhu) with grace, none of you can overtake
me, and I will not spare anyone of you. While saying
so, I noticed horsemen of Allah’s Prophet(pbuh) 
emerging from a grove of trees. Akhram Asadi was
leading them and Abu Qatada was next to him. Holding
the rein of Akhram’s horse, I said: “O brother Akhram!
Be careful of the enemy and don’t make haste. Wait
until Allah’s Prophet(pbuh)  and his companions
arrive! I am afraid that if you clash with them all
alone , they will attack you en mass.” Akhram replied
“ O Salma, if you believe in Allah and in the
Hereafter, and believe in the Paradise and Hell, then
don’t obstruct my journey to martyrdom. I beseech you,
don’t stop me from launching an attack all alone.” 

Slama said, “ I let go the rein of Akhram’s horse. He
spurred his horse and pounced upon Ainiya’s men.
Ainiya looked back and attacked Akhram. He initially
injured Akhram but in retaliation, Ainiya attacked
Akhram. Akhram embraced martyrdom and the enemy seized
his horse. Meanwhile, Abu Qatada pounced upon Ainiya.
In the clash, Ainiya first hurt Abu Qatada. A brave
and fierce fighter, Abu Qatada returned the attack
killing Ainiya on the spot. Abu Qatada also retrieved
Akhram’s horse and rode on it. At this stage, the
infidels fled from the battlefield. We chased them and
covered a long distance in their pursuit until the
Prophet(pbuh)  companions went out of my sight. 

Salma said: The Sun had set by this time. The infidels
reached a place called Zuqrud and were preparing to
quench their thirst when some of them spotted me.
Frightened, they hastened from the scene. The sun had
set by now. I targeted one of them and shot two arrows
at him one after another.  The arrows hit him deeply.
The infidels fled from the spot humiliated and
defeated, leaving behind two horses. I took these
horses to Allah’s Prophet r who was camping at Zuqrud
along with five hundred companions. One of the camels
left behind the enemy was slaughtered and the
companions were relishing the camel meat when I came
there. I sought permission form Allah’s Prophet r to
select one hundred men from amongst the Companions and
ambush the enemy at night, killing all of them.
Allah’s Prophet r was so much pleased on this
suggestion that he laughed and his teeth were visible.

 This lengthy tradition explains various points. For
instance, it lends justification to one-man attack on
a large enemy host even at the risk of sure death, in
the hope of achieving martyrdom.

 Salma bin Akwa fought with a large enemy brigade all
through the day and in the evening, asked for one
hundred men to launch a forceful attack on the enemy. 
This was surely risking his life, heading towards sure
death. Yet neither Allah’s Prophet r nor any of the
worthy Companions opposed the suggestion nor did they
disapprove the idea as suicidal. On the other hand,
the Prophet(pbuh)  and the companions commended Abu
Qatada and Salma bin Akwa for their bravery saying’
ÎíÑ ÝÑÓÇääÇ Çáíæã ÇÈæÞÊÇÏå æ ÎíÑ ÑÌÇáäÇ ÓáãÉ 

 “The best rider today has been Abu Qatada and the
best foot soldier Salma!”

  In the light of this tradition, the Fidayee activity
is an appreciable and praiseworthy act because Allah’s
Prophet r commanded both Abu Qatada and Salma,
appreciated their valor, and gave them their share of
the spoils of war. Both of them had attacked the enemy
all alone, without waiting for the Companions.


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