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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Umm Ziyaad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Asmaa Was-Sifaat 
> General Principles Regarding the Attributes of Allah 
> ``Affirmation of everything that Allaah affirmed for Himself in His 
> Book, or which His Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) affirmed 
> for him; without tahreef (distorting the wording or the meaning of 
> the Attributes), without ta'teel (denying them), without takyeef 
> (asking how the Attributes are), and without tamtheel (making any 
> resemblance of them to the creation).'' [2] This is because Allaah 
> knows better about Himself than anyone else, and His Messenger 
> (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) knows better than the rest of 
> creation about his Lord. 
> ``To deny for Allaah everything which He has denied for Himself in 
> His Book, or which His Messenger denied for Him; along with believing 
> that its fully-perfect opposite is confirmed for Allaah - the Most 
> High.'' [3] This is because Allaah knows better about Himself than 
> His creation, and His Messenger out of all the people is the one who 
> knows best about his Lord. So denying death for Allaah includes 
> affirmation of His perfect Life; and denying oppression for Him 
> includes affirmation of His perfect Justice; and denying sleep for 
> Him includes affirmation of His perfect charge and control over 
> everything. 
> ``The Sifaat of Allaah - the Mighty and Majestic - are tawqeefiyyah 
> (i.e. only to be spoken of in accordance with a text). Thus, nothing 
> is affirmed for Allaah, except that which Allaah affirmed for 
> Himself, or was affirmed for Him by His Messenger. Likewise, nothing 
> is denied for Allaah - the Mighty and Majestic - except that which He 
> denied for Himself, or was denied for Him by His Messenger 
> (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam).'' [4] This is because no one knows 
> better about Allaah, than Allaah - the Most High Himself, and there 
> is no one of the creation who knows better about the Creator than 
> Allaah's Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam). 
> ``To halt with regards to vague terms which are not found to be 
> affirmed or denied textually; in wording or meaning. So further 
> explanation is sought. Then, if something false is meant by it, then 
> we declare Allaah free of that and reject it. If, however, it is 
> something that is true and something that is not to be denied for 
> Allaah, then it is accepted and the correct terminology - as found in 
> the Book and the Sunnah - is to be made clear. One should call for 
> the usage of the correct terminology, in place of this vague and 
> newly-introduced wording.''[5] An example of this is the term jihah 
> (direction). We halt - neither immediately affirming, nor denying it, 
> and we ask the one who says it: What do you me by the term jihah 
> (direction) for Allaah? If he says that he means a place which 
> contains Him, then we say that this is something false and rejected, 
> and Allaah is to be declared free from this. But if he says that it 
> means that Allaah is unrestrictedly above, then we say that this is 
> true; and it is not to be denied for Allaah. So we accept the meaning 
> from him, but we say that it is more befitting that it be said: 
> Allaah is above the heavens, or that he is above. Since these 
> wordings occur in the authentic texts. But as for the term jihah 
> (direction), then it is vague and is a novelty, so it is better to 
> leave it. 
> ``Every Attribute that is established by an authentic report most 
> definitely agrees with the sound 'aql (intellect).'' [6] 
> ``To cut off any hope in reaching the reality of how the attributes 
> are; as Allaah - the Most High - said: ``And they will never 
> encompass anything of His Knowledge.'' [Soorah TaaHaa 20:110]'' [7] 
> ``The Sifaat of Allaah - the Mighty and Majestic - are affirmed 
> specifically and in detail; whereas denial is done in general.'' [8] 
> Example of detailed and specific affirmation is like affirming 
> Hearing and Seeing, for Him and the rest of the Attributes. An 
> example of generalized denial is like denying for Him any likeness; 
> as in His saying: ``There is nothing like Him.'' [Soorah Shooraa 
> 42:11]. 
> ``Every Name confirmed for Allaah - the Mighty and Majestic - is 
> inclusive of an Attribute, but he opposite is not the case.'' [9] For 
> example: Allaah's Name ar-Rahmaan (the Most Merciful) incorperates 
> the attribute of mercy; al-Kareem (the Munificent) incorperates the 
> attribute of munificence; and al-Lateef (the Most Gentle, the All-
> Perceiving) incorperates the attribute of being gentle and All-
> Perceiving; and so on. However, as for His Attributes; such as His 
> Iraadah (Will), His Majee (Comming), His Istawaa (Ascending) - then 
> names are not to be derived from them, such as: the One Who Wills, 
> The Comer, the One Who Ascends; etc. 
> ``The Attributes of Allaah - the Most High - are perfect, containing 
> no deficiency in any sense at all.'' [10] 
> ``Attributes of Allaah are Dhaatiyyah (those pertaining to His Self), 
> and Fi'liyyah (those pertaining to His Actions). And there is no 
> limit or end to His Actions.'' [11] Since Allaah says: ``And Allaah 
> does whatever He chooses.'' [Soorah Ibraaheem 14:27] 
> ``The proof from the Book and the Sunnah for establishing an 
> Attribute is either by clearly stating it, or by its being 
> incorperated by the Name, or by clear statement of an action or 
> description proving it.'' [12] Examples of the first: Mercy, Might, 
> Power, His face, His Hands, His Fingers; etc. Examples of the second: 
> al-Baseer (the all-Seeing) incorperates the Attribute of sight, and 
> as-Samee' (the all-Hearing) incorperates the attribute of hearing; 
> etc. Examples of the third: ``The Most Merciful made istawaa 
> (ascended) over the Throne.'' [Soorah Taa Haa 20:5]. This proves His 
> having asceneded. And: ``Indeed I will extract retribution from the 
> criminals.'' [Sooratus-Sajdah 32:22]. This proves that He extracts 
> retribution. 
> ``One may seek refuge with Allaah - the Mighty and Magnificent's - 
> Attributes, and swear an oath by them.'' [13] >From this is his 
> (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) saying: ``I seek refuge in Your 
> Pleasure from Your Wrath, and of Your granting safety from Your 
> Punishment.'' [14] Therefore Imaam al-Bukhaaree headed a chapter 
> heading in the Book of Oaths and Vows: ``Chapter: Swearing an oath by 
> the Might of Allaah and His Attributes and His Word.'' 
> ``Speech concerning the Sifaat (Attributes) is like speech concerning 
> the Dhaat (Self).'' [15] Since, just as His Dhaat (Self) is real and 
> does not resemble that of other than Him, then likewise, it is 
> characterized by real Attributes which also do not resemble the 
> attributes of others. And just as affirmation of His Dhaat is an 
> affirmation of existence, but not of how He exists, then the same is 
> true for the Attributes. 
> ``Speech concerning some of the Attributes is like speech concerning 
> the rest of them.'' [16] So whosoever affirms the Attributes of 
> Allaah; like Hearing Seeing and Will, must therefore affirm Allaah's 
> Loving, being Pleased, His Anger and His Hating. Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn 
> Taymiyyah said: ``Whosoever differentiates between one Attribute and 
> another, despite their being the same with regards to reasons for 
> their being literal or metaphorical, then he is contradicting 
> himself, erroneous in his position, and resembling those who believed 
> in a part of the Book whilst disbelieving in other parts.'' 
> ``Whatever is attributed to Allaah and is not something separate from 
> Him, then it is an Attribute of His and is not something created. And 
> everything that is attributed to Allaah, but is something separate 
> from Him, then it is something created. So not everything that is 
> attributed to Allaah is necessarily an Attribute of His.'' [17] 
> Examples of the first: Allaah's Hearing, seeing, being Pleased and 
> Wrath. Examples of the second: The House of Allaah, the She-Camel of 
> Allaah. 
> ``The Attributes of Allaah - the Mighty and Majestic - and all other 
> matters of 'aqeedah (belief) are established by whatever is 
> [authentically] established from Allaah's Messenger 
> (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam), even if it is an Aahaad narration.'' 
> [18] 
> ``The meaning of Allaah's Attributes which are established in the 
> Book and the Sunnah, are known and are explained with their dhaahir 
> (apparent and literal) meaning, never with their majaaz (metaphorical 
> or figurative) meaning. But as for their kayfiyyah (how they are), 
> then that is unknown.'' [19] 
> ``Whatever occurs in the Book and the Sunnah, then it is binding upon 
> every Believer to hold what it entails as his saying and to believe 
> in it; even if he does not understand its meaning.'' [20] 
> ``The domain of the reports [about Allaah and His Actions] is wider 
> than that of the Attributes. So things related about Allaah are not 
> necessarily dependant upon a text; such as Allaah is the pre-
> existing, that He is a thing, that He exists; etc.'' [21] 
> ``No analogy is made regarding the Attributes of Allaah.''[22] So no 
> analogy is made between His Sakhaa (liberty) and His Jood 
> (Generosity), nor between His Jalad (Strength) and His Quwwah 
> (Might), nor between His Istitaa'ah (Capability) and His Qudrah 
> (Power), nor between His Riqqah (Compasion) and His Rahmah (Mercy). 
> This is because, with regards to Allaah's Attributes, then we cannot 
> go beyond the principle of halting until a text is found; as was 
> explained in the third principle. 
> ``The Attributes of Allaah - the Mighty and Magnificent - cannot be 
> enumerated, since every Name of Allaah comprises an Attribute, and 
> Allaah's Names cannot be enumerated; since from them are those which 
> Allaah has retained with Himself in the Knowledge of the Unseen.'' 
> [23] The Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: ``No pre-
> occupying concern, nor grief inflicts a servant whereupon he says: O 
> Allaah, I am your slave, the son of your slave, the son of your 
> female-slave. My forelock is in Your Hands; Your judgement is 
> continually being carried out upon me; Your decree upon me is just. I 
> ask you with every Name that is Yours, with which You have named 
> Yourself, or sent down in Your book, or taught to any of Your 
> creation, or have kept for Yourself in the hidden knowledge which is 
> with You...''[24]
> Footnotes:
> [1] >From the introduction to Sifaatullaah 'Azza wa Jallul-Waaridah 
> fil-Kitaab was-Sunnah. 
> [2] 'Aqeedatus-Salaf wa Ashaabul-Hadeeth (p. 4) of as-Saaboonee and 
> Majmoo'ul-Fataawaa (3/3, 4/182, 5/26, 6/38) of Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn 
> Taymiyyah. 
> [3] al-'Aqeedatut-Tadmuriyyah (p. 58) and al-Jawaabus-Saheeh (3/139) 
> both by Ibn Taymiyyah. 
> [4] Majmoo'ul-Fataawaa (5/26) 
> [5] Majmoo'ul-Fataawaa (5/299, 6/36) and at-Tadmuriyyah (p. 65) 
> [6] Mukhtasarus-Sawaa'iqul-Mursalah (1/141, 253) 
> [7] Manhaj wa Diraasaat li Aayaatil-Asmaa was-Sifaat (p. 25) of al-
> 'Allaamah Muhammad al-Ameen ash-Shanqeetee 
> [8] Majmoo'ul-Fataawaa (6/37, 6/515) 
> [9] Badaa`i'ul-Fawaa`id (1/162) of Ibn al-Qayyim and also al-
> Qawaa'idul-Muthlaa fee Sifaatillaahi wa Asmaa`il-Husnaa (p. 30) of 
> Ibnul-'Uthaymeen 
> [10] Majmoo'ul-Fataawaa (5/206) and Badaa`i'ul-Fawaa`id (1/168) 
> [11] al-Qawaa'idul-Muthlaa (p. 30) 
> [12] al-Qawaa'idul-Muthlaa (p. 38) 
> [13] Majmoo'ul-Fataawaa (6/143, 229) and refer also to Sharhus-Sunnah 
> (1/185-187) of al-Baghawee. 
> [14] Related by Muslim (no. 486) 
> [15] al-Kalaam 'alas-Sifaat (p. 20) of al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadee, al-
> Hujjah fee Bayaanil-Mahajjah (1/173) of al-Asbahaanee, and Majmoo'ul-
> Fataawaa (5/330, 6/355) 
> [16] at-Tadmuriyyah (p. 31) and Majmoo'ul-Fataawaa (5/212) 
> [17] al-Jawaabus-Saheeh (3/145), Majmoo'ul-Fataawaa (9/290) and also 
> Majmoo'ul-Fataawaa wa Rasaa`il (1/166) of Ibnul-'Uthaymeen 
> [18] Mukhtasar Sawaa'iqul-Mursalah (2/332, 412, 433) 
> [19] at-Tadmuriyyah (pp. 43-44) and Majmoo'ul-Fataawaa (5/36-42). For 
> a full reply to the doubts refer to ar-Risaalatut-Tadmuriyyah, 
> Munaadharatul-'Aqeedatil-Waasitiyyah, ar-Risaalatul-Hamawiyyatil-
> Kubraa and ar-Risaalatul-Murraakashiyyah - all within Majmoo'ul-
> Fataawaa in order (3/1-128), (3/160-194), (5/5-121) and (5/153-193) 
> [20] at-Tadmuriyyah (p. 65) and Majmoo'ul-Fataawaa (5/298) 
> [21] Badaa`i'ul-Fawaa'id (1/162) 
> [22] Sha`nud-Du'aa (p. 111) of al-Khattaabee 
> [23] Majmoo'ul-Fataawaa (5/176) 
> [24] Saheeh: Related by Ahmad (1/391). It was authenticated by al-
> Albaanee in Saheeh Kalimut-Tayyib (no. 102) 

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