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As salaamu `alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh 

A must read... 


The narrations of the Prophet (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa
sallam) prophesy of a Muslim force from the East
("al-Mashriq"), possibly from the land of "Khorasan"
(Ahmad, Tirmithi, etc, Hasan/Da`eef, ikhtilaaf) which
is today Afghanistan, that will march towards the 
West conquering everything in site and will remain
undefeated until they reach Jerusalem termed
"Eeliyaa'" in the Hadeeth). They and 
their Ameer will give bay`ah to the Mahdi. However, in
the path of this force from the East lies a powerful
behemoth called Iran from where the Prophet
(Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said Dajjal will 
appear with a following of 70,000 Jews in Isfahaan
(Abu Bakr, raDee Allaahu `anhu, said this would be in
the direction of Khorasan in the city of Isfahan).
Thus we can assume there will be a major war between
the forces of the Sunnah in the East and the Iranians
and their "70,000 Jews" (SaHeeH Muslim) who lie in the
path of Jerusalem. While there remains difference of
opinion regarding the authenticity of some of these
narrations, they seem to be taking shape in spite of 
the ikhtilaaf. 

As is well known, Iran was the bastion of the Sunnah
throughout much of Islam's history since the Prophet
(Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam). The Prophet
(Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) had said that
knowledge would be carried by the people of Salman
al-Faarisi, ie the Persians(SaHeeH al-Bukhaari). This
was fulfilled in the fact that our Sunnah 
was recorded and preserved by the greatest Imaams of
Hadeeth such as Imaam al-Bukhari, Imaam Muslim, Imaam
at-Tirmithi, Imaam Abi Dawud, and others. This legacy
continued until the tragic conquest of Iran in the
16th century by the Azeri heretics called the
Safavids. Upon their conquest, Iran went from 90%
Shaafi`ee to 90% Shi`i nearly overnight. 

"The shah is said to have threatened that death would
be the penalty for any opposition to his wishes with
respect to religion. If anyone had thought this an
empty threat, they were soon to be disabused. As 
the Safawid forces marched across Persia, Shi'ism was
imposed at the point of the sword. Sunnis who were
reluctant to see the error of their ways were treated
with great brutality. Many were executed." 

"But such opportunistic defectors from Sunnism, useful
and indeed essential as they were, could not provide
the theological and legal backbone for the new Shi'i
establishment. No one in Persia could do this. Shah
Isma'il had to look elsewhere....Many of the leading 
theologians and lawyers of the Safawid period were of
'Amili origin, including the most influential
religious figure of Isma'il's own time, al-Karak. The
religious brain drain to Persia long continued: 
it was not a merely temporary phenomenon." ["Shah
Isma`il and the Establishment of Shi`ism", Medieval
Persia: 1040-1797, pp. 112-123, 
David Morgan] 

The population had the choice to die or become Shi`ah.
The entirety of the `Ulamaa' were slaughtered and
heretics from Lebanon brought in to create a new breed
of Shi`ism which had only been known by madmen 
in the hills of the Caucasus and Amili in Lebanon.
Since this event, Iran which was a center of Islamic
civilization turned into a chasm of darkness and doom
for the past 400 years. Iran has been Shi`a for 
only last 3 centuries of its 12 centuries of its
Islamic history. In this time the Safavids moved the
capital to Isfahan, the place of Dajjal's emergence.
So successful were the Safavids in thwarting the 
Ottoman's incursions into Europe that the Austrians
prayed for their victories in their churches and its
diplomats remarked, "Had it not been for the (Safavid)
Shah, we would be reading the Qur'an today 
like they do in Barbary (North Africa)." 

However, in this period only one people were able to
present interlude to this darkness. They were a tiny
band of a few thousand Afghan tribesmen (mostly
Ghilzai Pashtoons) who crushed the Safavids 
in a series of battles and marched towards their
capital, Isfahan, and captured it in 1722. This small
band of tribesmen with no formal training in warfare
did what the Ottomans could never do, destroy the 
Safavid Empire. However, as has been the legacy of
these fierce tribesmen, no one has ever been able to
defeat them, nor have they ever been able to rule as
statesmen. Thus, it was only shortly 
afterwards that they rescinded back into their now
independent Afghanistan leaving Iranian rule to Nader
Shah and a succession of short-lived dynasties
overthrowing each other until the emergence of 
the Pahlavis from whom the Shah of Iran who reigned in
the 70's drew his authority. 

In 1998 Iran protested the alleged murder of 10 of its
diplomats who were serving as spies in Afghanistan,
supporting the Northern Alliance, during the fall of
Mazar-e-Sharif. They lined up 200,000 Iranian soldiers
along the border with Afghanistan to avenge the 
murder of their diplomats. The Taliban sent 15,000
soldiers to the border. The Iranians retreated and
abandoned their plan to invade Afghanistan. They
claimed they were only there to have a parade. 
Immediately afterwards a deal was struck to have the
diplomats bodies flown to Iran. It was a huge loss of
face for Iran, a shock to the world and a
reverberating echo of history's lesson not forgotten
by Iran: the Afghans are their conquerors. 

This threat has brought resounding international
support for Iran and increased Russian interest in
making Iran a nuclear power in the region. Former foes
are now binding bonds of friendship with Iran in 
an attempt to thwart the dropping of a domino in a
line that ends in the Mediterranean Sea. However, now
a new threat exists for Iran. Increasing admiration
for the Taliban and their style of rough "no-
politics" style of rule. Recently, in Iran pulpits
resounded in admiration for the Taliban during Friday

"'The Taliban, which we always curse, have managed to
restore security for their people. Why cannot we do
the same?' Qorbanali Dorri Najafabadi said during
Friday prayers in Tehran." 
CNN, Sept. 2001] 

The Iranian people's dissatisfaction for the darkness
and lack of optimism inherent with Shi`ite philosophy,
which focuses on the martyrdom of historical figures
rather than faith, led them to rejoice in the
secularism of the Shah. When the Shah's regime 
produced increasing corruption and tyranny at the
hands of the SAVAC secret police, the Iranian
revolutionaries began rallying for support 
in Univeristies across Iran. They promised Islamic
rule, freedom from corruption, and restoration of
cultural morality and tradition. In over 20 years
since the so-called "Islamic Revolution" this promise 
has proven a lie. Prostitution and drug abuse are
higher now in Iran than they have ever been in its
entire history, even during the Shah's secularist

"The report says there are up to two-million drug
addicts, some of them schoolchildren, with an
estimated five tonnes of narcotics 
consumed every day in the capital, Tehran." 

"'Drug addiction is the rage among schoolchildren,
prostitution has increased 635% among high school
students and the (growth) rate of suicide in the
country has exceeded the record by 109%,' says the 

"Mr Zam says the average age of prostitutes has
dropped from 27 to 20 years over the past few years,
with a growing but unspecified number of women
involved. Nearly all the young girls who run away from
home end up as prostitutes, he said." 
; BBC, July 2000] 

This report was conducted by Mohammad Ali Zam, the
head of Tehran's cultural and artistic affairs.
According to the report there are: 

2,000,000 drug addicts 5 tons of opium used daily in
Tehran alone (Iran's capital) Drugs in schools and
recreation centres Average age of prostitutes fell to
20 90% (!) of schoolgirl runways lured into 
prostitution Suicide growth rate doubles 12,000,000
people living in poverty. This conucopia of social
ills which have been increasing in Iranian society at
an alarming rate, coupled with the insistent 
denial of the current regime, have left the Iranian
people and even much of its regional government and
clergy to admire their Sunni eastern neighbors, the

Afghanistan had similar social woes under the years of
chaos which ensued following the expulsion of the
Soviets under Ahmad Shah Masood, Rabbani and the
others who make up the current "Northern 
Alliance" which has its stronghold in Badakhshan, the
remaining 5-10% not ruled by the Taliban. In these
years of constant war under the ousted Northern
Alliance, Afghan girls were kidnapped on their way to 
school and sold to wealthy land lords in neighboring
Pakistan. Warlords, upon conquering a territory,
albeit briefly, would frequent the homes in search of
young girls to use as sex slaves, some far 
below the ages of puberty. Afghanistan was the world's
leading producer of Opium, with some 75% of the
world's supply coming from within its borders. 

The Taliban eradicated crime in Afghanistan to nearly
0% overnight. They eliminated all opium production in
Afghanistan overnight, thereby, receiving lukewarm and
reluctant praise from the United States for their
elimination of 75% of the world's opium supply. Upon 
my recent visit to Medina I asked several Afghans
visiting from Afghanistan about the situation. When I
asked one Uzbek shopowner about the current situation
in Afghanistan, he replied, "There is still
fighting.." I asked him what he thought about the
Taliban, being an Uzbek minority. He remarked, "Uzbek,

Pashtoon, Tajik. This has nothing to do with it. What
matters is that I can watch my daughter walk from one
end of the street to the next and not worry. Whether I
like them or not makes no difference." I asked one
nomad from Gardes, who was a Pashtoon, in the Masjid
an-Nabawi what he thought about the situation in
Afghanistan. He told me with great enthusiasm, "Its
very good. We have the Taliban now and we feel safe."
I met one Shaykh in the Haram at Makkah and 
immediately recognized him as an Persian (Dari)
speaking Afghan. When I asked him if he was Afghan he
replied, "Tajik astum" ("I am a Tajik"). So I
remarked, "I see. So you are from Tajikistan?" He 
replied tersely, "No, I am Tajik from Afghanistan".
His refusal to acknowledge himself as an Afghan struck
me as odd. It turned out he was a Shaykh of Hanafi
fiqh in the Haram at Makkah of incredible 
knowledge and a very excellent Muslim, maa shaa'
Allaah. He mentioned that he did not trust any of the
parties involved in the fighting and that they must
sit at the table and create a multi-ethnic broad based

government. He continued, that it seems nobody wants
this and that they simply want to kill each other.
However, he concluded that Afghanistan is now
completely rid of crime and this is something he 
can not ignore in spite of his differences with the

Being someone with extensive personal experiences with
the Afghans and constant interaction and contact with
them, I find these frequent media reports of brutality
under the Taliban as laughable at best, and
maliciously false at worst. Anyone familiar with the
Afghan languages of Dari and Pashto will note the
dubious over-dubbed translations of the civilians'

Likewise, recent photographs provided by RAWA
(feminist group of former Communists, who openly
reject Hijab) of alleged Hazara mass graves in a
recent CNN special on Taliban "brutality" reveal
corpses with Indo-European features common amongst the
Tajiks and Pashtoons, whereas the Hazaras are an
ethnic group descended from Mongol and 
Chinese mercenaries who are distinctly Oriental in
appearance. One wonders that in spite of all this 
alleged Taliban "brutality" and supposed "suppression
of media", they allow these malicious journalists to
wander the country filming completely unharmed. The
equation doesn't add up to any sum of logic 
other than journalistic fabrication and political
propoganda which the world has been so familiar with
since World War II in swaying political opinion
towards government foreign policies. 

The current world opinion against the Taliban is
directly related to the threat they pose as an Islamic
expansionist force in Central Asia. Unlike the Iranian
Revolution of 1979, the Taliban's ideology 
is spreading like wildfire all throughout Central Asia
much to the chagrin of the Russians and former
Communist bosses who rule the Central Asian Turkic
republics. This popularity has forged many 
revolutionary groups who are serious threats to their
ruling governments throughout the Turkic republics. It
has even spread to the Xing Kiang province of
Northwest China with whom lie the origins of the
Turkic peoples. Now that the Capitalist world has won
its war against Communism, a new threat exists to
their democracy": Shari`ah. For the first time in 100
years this threat exists again to the 
Western World and their allies in Asia such as Russia,
India and China. The reemergence of this threat can be
credited to none other than the Taliban. The Taliban's
uneasy relationship with its Northern neighbors of
Uzbekistan and Tajikistan as well as its constant
policy of hostility to its Western neighbor, Iran,
fortell a cycle of events that could lead to the very
end of the world according to the Prophet's
(Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) narrations.
Afghanistan emerging as the flowerbed of Jihad in the
late 20th and now 21st centuries is no coincidence at
all. This makes Iran incredibly nervous. 

"'Such people who took the podium in Friday's prayers
suggesting envy for the Taliban have insulted the late
imam (Ayatollah Rohullah Khomeini), and their stance
is unacceptable,' the official IRNA news agency quoted
Khatami as telling a news conference limited to
Iranian journalists." 

They have indeed only begun to attack the legacy of
the late Ayatollah Khomeini and his curses upon the
Companions and Wives of the Prophet (Sallallaahu
`alayhi wa sallam). The only choice for Iran 
to face this threat is to join hands with their
enemy's greatest foes, primarily the U.S, Europe,
Russia and India. Thus, they have sealed their
membership amongst the disbelieving world and
inevitable partisanship of the False Messiah,

Then, of course, this scenario threatens the current
puppet Arab regimes and has their despots quivering in
fear. Naturally, an image of wild Afghans nearing
their borders demanding bay`ah to a Messianic 
figure and adherence to Shari`ah would certainly bring
a close to the trips to Las Vegas and the long yacht
parties. Perhaps some members of the Saudi family
might risk losing their majority shares in Euro-
Disney. So their solution has been to utilize the most
efficient weapon they have in fighting any revivalist
movements in the Muslim world: their scholars. Saudi
Arabia's own home grown indigenous Muslim scholarship
has successfully placed a sound muzzle upon the 
Muslim world convincing it that revolution is
"fitnah". Of course, they didn't think it was fitnah
when they revolted against the 
Ottoman Empire, thereby, robbing the Muslim world of
its last dignified stronghold all at the behest of the
British. Thus, utilizing this effective tool, the
Saudi scholars have been working overtime to convince
the Muslim world that all references to "black 
flags from the East" are fabrications. I did check
into one of these Hadeeth and its "isnaad" or chain of
narration. The Hadeeth is as follows: 

"Thawbaan reported that the Prophet (Sallallaahu
`alayhi wa sallam) said, 'Three will fight for the
your treasure (of the Ka`bah), each of them the son of
a 'Khaleefah', it will be rendered to none of 
them. Then from the direction of the East will emerge
black flags. Then they will fight you like they have
fought none before.' Then some words were spoken which
I did not remember. He then said, 'If 
you see him, give bay`ah to him even if you must crawl
over ice. For, verily, he is the 'Khaleefah' of Allah
(Khaleefatullaah), the Mahdi". 
This Hadeeth is found in Ibn Maajah, Ahmad's Musnad,
al-Haakim's Mustadrak and others. Now when analyzing
the chain of narration found in Ibn Maajah's Sunan I
found the narrators to be the following: 

1) Reported to Ibn Maajah by both Muhammad bin Yahya
and Ahmad bin Yusuf - Both reliable; Imam Muslim has
said about Ahmad bin Yusuf, "He is reliable
(thiqqah)." an-Nasaa'i has said, "There is no 
problem in him." ad-DaraaquTni has said, "Reliable and
noble (thiqqah nabeel)." 

2) `Abdur-Razzaq bin Hammaam as-San`aani - Reliable.
Ahmad bin Hanbal was asked about him, "Have you seen
anyone better in Hadeeth than `Abdur-Razzaaq?" He
replied, "No". 

3) Sufyaan ath-Thawri - Too reputable to record his
merits. Very reliable. Shu`bah, Sufyaan bin `Uyaynah,
Abu `AaSim an-Nabeel and YaHya ibn Ma`een among others
said: "Sufyaan is the 'Ameer al-Mu'mineen" of

4) Khaalid bin Mahraan al-Hathaa' - Reliable. Ahmad
bin Hanbal has said, "Trustworthy (thabt)." Ibn Ma`een
and an-Nasaa'i have both said, "Reliable (thiqqah)." 

5) Abi Qulaaba Abdullaah bin Zayd al-Harrami -
Reliable. Muhammad bin Sa`d has said in his
"at-Tabaqah ath-Thaaniyah min Ahl al-Basrah" about
him, "He was reliable (thiqqah)." 

6) Abu Asmaa' `Amroo bin Marthad ar-RaHabi - Reliable.
al-`Ijly has said about him, "Shaami, Tabi`ee,
Reliable (thiqqah)." 

7) Thawbaan - Companion and servant of the Prophet
(Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam). 

8) The Prophet (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam).
["Tahtheeb al-Kamaal" of al-Mizzi and "Tahtheeb
at-Tahtheeb" of Ibn Hajar were referenced for
verification of the Narrators] 

In this chain of narrators, weakness is nowhere in
sight. Thus, focus has been taken away from the chain
of narration and placed upon the term
"Khaleefatullaah" for the Mahdi. They have said that
Allah can't have a Khaleefah, since the word refers to
a successor upon one's death, wa `eeyaathu billaah. Of
course Allah is the Everlasting who 
can never die. Though they are correct that many of
the scholars of objected linguistically (such as
al-Maawardi in "aHkaam al-SulTaaniyah" while
acknowledging a difference of opinion) remarking 
this is not a permissible term for the Pious Caliphs
(citing Abu Bakr's and `Umar's objection to it), they
have ignored the fact that the scholars of Tafseer
have given this term legitimacy by exception. 
Imam al-Qurtubi states in his tafseer of the verse in
which Allah's says about the creation of Adam
(`alayhis-salaam), "Inny jaa`ilun fi-
l arDee khaleefah.." ("verily, I will place in the
earth a 'khaleefah'"): "And Adam, `alayhis-salaam, is
the 'Khaleefatullaah' in the execution of his laws and
orders. For verily he was the first of the Messengers.
But there was none in the earth with him? It is 
said he was a Messenger to his progeny..." So hear
Imam al-Qurtubi has found no fault in using the term
Khaleefatullaah" in reference to Adam
(`alayhis-salaam) about whom Allah said himself, "Inny
fi-l arDee khaleefah.." (al-Baqarah). In volume 6 of
"FatH al-Baari SharH SaHeeH al-Bukhaari", Imaam ibn
Hajar also uses the term in reference to the above
mentioned verse about Adam (`alayhis-salaam) in the
chapter, "Kitaab Ahaadeethi-l Ambiyaa', Baab Khalqi
Aadam". So based on this Hadeeth's impeccable 
chain of narration, and no concensus forbidding the
use of "Khaleefatullaah" specifically for the coming
Mahdi, it is plausible to conclude that there may
exist a particular bias against the subject of this
Hadeeth by certain scholars from a certain part 
of the world. Those who have studied Hadeeth know that
more leeway has been given for far weaker narrations
with more questionable content. 


Little did the Russians know as they chose to occupy
Afghanistan on their way to Pakistan's warm water
ports in Sindh that they were to spark perhaps the
final Islamic revival the world would know before 
the descent of `Eesaa ibn Maryam (`alayhis-salaam).
For from that struggle, and from that Jihaad, were to
sprout the fruits of a global movement which would
envelop the entire disbelieving world in terror. 
A terror they had not felt since the Sultan's soldiers
besieged the walls of Vienna. The disbelievers have
found a brief respite and relief in the imbicility of
the Muslim world's vocal modernist,
occidentalist/occidentopheliac element which rushes to
fight the movements for Islamic expansion at its every
turn. However, the voices of the modernist movements
are growing more and more faint as the disgruntled
Muslims grow increasingly louder in their demand for 
freedom from the oppressive rulers that have been
beleaguered at the behest of their American and
European masters since the turn of the 20th century.
Now at the turn of the 21st century, for the first
time in 100 years a country has, regardless of
anyone's question of sincerity, proclaimed its law the

Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger
(Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) without any
compromise. For the first time in over 100 years 
the Soldiers of Allah are fighting the Russians on
Russian soil. For the first time in nearly 100 years,
Kashgar is broiling with Islamic revival and demands
for an independent Shari`ah based state. The 
Muslims from Morrocco to Afghanistan flooded into the
Balkans and defeated the Eastern Orthodox Chrisitans
within their own borders. All of this from one small
rocky country in Central Asia, once called 
Khorasan, now called Afghanistan where the most noble
and brave Muslims of the Arab Mujaahideen gathered to
join their Afghan counterparts. A brotherhood destined
to shake the Earth. The Afghans have always been
insurmountable and unstoppable fighters, but never 
statesmen. The Arabs, when under the banner of Islam,
have a grand history of diplomatic prowess. This
combination will surely spell the end of Islam's great
sleep, and the beginning of a resounding globally
concordant Athaan. 

Say Inshaa' Allaah... 
w-Allaahu A`lam... 

Abu Abdillaah bin Muhammad 

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