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With all the pre-requisites mentioned, memang these people are
highly skilled pilots.....aku memang tabik ....amerika memang hebat,
they can have all types of sophisticated surveillance, yet they
cannot detect such modest and simple plan!!!

tapi being a Muslim yang percaya kuasa Allah, this could be the way Allah turunkan bala terhadap musuh-musuh Allah. Musuh2 allah dari dulu sampai la ni semua canggih belaka ...gagah di zaman masing-masing...tapi Allah hancurkan dengan cara-cara yang tak pernah terpikiaq oleh kepala otak depa...Namrud dengan nyamuk sekoq, abrahah dengan burung yang bawak batu api etc......same goes here, amerika akan hancur dengan cara yang tak pernah terpikiaq oleh akal manusia, yet it is so simple!!!! otak kita macam mana punya bijak pun sebenaqnya tarak apa apa dibandingkan dengan rancangan Allah.

Or may be yang bawak planes ni semua makhluk yang bukan manusia...who knows.....given kecanggihan US ni, Allah hantar makhluk dia yang lain?

Mahathir...watch out!!!!!! Jangan melampau!


 >How Good Were the World Trade Center Pilots?

>> >By James Fallows
>> >Posted Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, at 3:41 p.m. PT
>> >
>> >How good a pilot would you have to be to hit the World Trade
>>Center? For
>> >the
>> >record: We're short of facts, what follows is inference and
>> >the
>> >conclusions offered here could all turn out to be wrong.
>> >
>> >Still, on the basis of the evidence today, two conclusions seem
>> >likely.
>> >One is that the original pilots on the United and American
>>flights were
>> >removed from the controls, probably by being killed. The other is
>>that the
>> >people who replaced them in the cockpit were skilled pilots,
>>probably with
>> >jetliner experience and training, and at least with special
>>preparation in
>> >the systems and controls of these planes.
>> >
>> >The first conclusion may seem obvious, but it's worth spelling
>>out the
>> >reasoning. A pilot with a gun to his head might well be forced to
>>fly the
>> >plane on a suicidal mission into the ground. (What's his
>>alternative? If he
>> >refuses on principle and lets himself be killed rather than give
>>up his
>> >passengers' lives, the pilotless plane will eventually crash
>>anyway.) But
>> >it
>> >is very difficult to imagine that an unwilling pilot could be
>>forced to fly
>> >an airplane into a building--in effect, forcing him to murder
>> >additional victims. It would be just too easy for the pilot to
>>thwart the
>> >plan. In the last two or three seconds before impact, the pilot
>>would need
>> >only to have shoved the control yoke to one side--or up or down,
>>in any way
>> >missing the skyscraper and instead crashing the plane into New
>>York Harbor.
>> >Forcing him hit the target would be like trying to force a sniper
>>to pick
>> >off one of his own troops.
>> >
>> >So what about the people who actually steered the planes into the
>> >As
>> >anyone who has used Flight Simulator knows, simply guiding a
>>plane in
>> >flight
>> >is not necessarily that hard. Moreover, the controls of a big
>>Boeing or
>> >Airbus are fundamentally similar to those in a little Cessna or
>> >and
>> >in a pinch any trained pilot could sort of handle any plane. (The
>> >pilot's problems would come when he tried to land the airliner,
>> >everything would happen much faster and with much more momentum
>>than he was
>> >accustomed to.)
>> >
>> >But changing what an airplane does can be difficult, especially
>>doing it in
>> >a smooth, controlled way. All of these planes changed course and
>> >substantially--and apparently without the out-of-control veering
>>that an
>> >inexperienced pilot would have encountered. According to
>> >software, one of the planes that hit the World Trade Center,
>> >Flight
>> >11, made a dramatic change from its original course--turning
>>south, toward
>> >New York, rather than continuing west toward Los Angeles. At a
>> >accomplishing that turn would require a pilot who knew how to
>>switch off
>> >the
>> >"Flight Management Systems" and autopilot that were programmed to
>>guide the
>> >plane to Los Angeles. Amateur pilots, like me, would know how to
>>handle the
>> >autopilots on small planes; they wouldn't necessarily know how to
>>do it in
>> >a
>> >Boeing.
>> >
>> >More impressive, Flight 11 was at 29,000 feet before it made that
>>turn. It
>> >had to lose 28,000-plus feet of altitude by the time it hit the
>> >Making a plane descend is easy if you know what you're doing. But
>>if you
>> >were experienced only in small airplanes, a descent in a big
>>airplane could
>> >be terrifying. You wouldn't know how much to reduce the power, to
>> >the plane from gaining too much speed as it went down. (A descent
>>at full
>> >power can push a plane past its "never-exceed" speed and lead to
>> >failure.) You wouldn't know how or when to arrest the descent, to
>>be sure
>> >you could level off and be under control when you neared the
>> >Everything would be faster, bigger, and heavier than you were
>>used to.
>> >You'd
>> >do what almost every pilot does when encountering a bigger, more
>> >plane: "over-control" it, making the plane lurch from side to
>>side and
>> >up-and-down, and "getting behind the airplane," reacting with
>> >lag time to what the airplane was doing. The result would less
>>likely be a
>> >suicide attack, like the ones in New York and Washington, than
>> >suicide.
>> >
>> >In short, odds are that at least three of the four hijacked
>>airplanes were
>> >flown by experienced pilots, who one way or another had gotten
>> >training. And conceivably, a difference in piloting experience
>>may explain
>> >why the fourth hijacked plane simply crashed in Pennsylvania,
>>rather than
>> >crashing into a target. When the facts are out, of course, the
>> >explanation for that fourth crash could be something else
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >James Fallows is the national correspondent of the Atlantic
>>Monthly and
>> >author of Free Flight.
>> >
>> >
>> >
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>> >
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