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Saudara-saudara Islam kita, Taliban sedang diserang oleh Kuffar
Amerika, Britain, Australia, Kanada, Turki, Rusia, Pakistan,
Malaysia dll.


Tens of Thousands Ready for Jihad in ASEAN Region


JAKARTA, Oct 17 (IslamOnline & News Agencies) - Southeast 
Asian Muslims on Wednesday geared up for what they call a 
drive against "evil" forces belonging to the "anti-Christ", 
with more than 100,000 men readying themselves for an enlarged 
"jihad", or struggle, worldwide.

One hundred thousand Bangsamoro people living in the southern 
Philippines have signed up for the "Jihad Needs You" campaign. 
Volunteers are ready for combat duty in Afghanistan and elsewhere, 
including the Philippines if the situation vouches it, sources 

Abdullah "Laks" Dalidig, chairman of the Islamic Movement for 
Electoral Reform and Good Government (IMERGG), said the total 
number of volunteers who have signed up has reached 101,637, a 
majority of whom from Lanao del Sur: 20,842.

Other amounts from regions include, Maguindanao with 17,224, 
Marawi City with 16,784, Sulu with 13,682, Basilan with 9,412, 
and Lanao del Norte with 8,145.

The numbers are growing day-by-day in many other ASEAN 
(Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries, particularly 
in Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia. Singaporean "warriors", 
and other supporters, will also make it to Kabul in the coming 
days, traveling mostly from Indonesia.

Dalidig said recruitment is still ongoing in Mindanao, Palawan, 
and neighboring countries, which he did not name "for security 

Individuals from Indonesia and Thailand are also becoming muja-
hideens (fighters), some of whom have already left for Afghanistan, 
and presently supporting the Taliban. Some are still waiting at 
the border with Pakistan, while others have made it to China in 
a bid to enter Pakistan through that route.

In Indonesia, a group of several thousand Muslims have already 
registered for the campaign against the "Western world". Most of 
them are still in Indonesia though.

Much to the ire of the U.S., Southeast Asian recruiters are using 
local madrassahs (religious schools) or maktabs (Qur'anic memori-
zation institutions) to recruit "jihadis". The U.S. has made its 
intentions clear to eliminate madrassahs in either Pakistan, Af-
ghanistan or any other country, suspected of supplying or recrui-
ting fighters.

On the other hand, the head of the Ikhwanul Muslimin Indonesia 
group, Habib Husein Al-Habsyi, on Wednesday claimed that no less 
than 73 Indonesian volunteers were already in Afghanistan for hu-
manitarian purposes.

Speaking to reporters after a meeting with Vice President Hamzah 
Haz, Habib insisted that the volunteers had left using private 
funding and followed all proper immigration procedures.

He said the volunteers consisted of, among others, doctors, para-
medics and pharmacists. However, he did not elaborate how long 
they had been in Afghanistan, or how long they would be there.

Habib maintained that sending volunteers for humanitarian purposes 
was a legitimate need.

"There's no point sending people to fight over there," he said 
while stressing it was more important to send medical volunteers 
to help the Afghan people.

SMS campaign in Malaysia

In Malaysia, pro-Osama Bin Laden supporters have launched a nation-
wide Short Message System (SMS) campaign for boycotting U.S. 

The worldwide campaign reached Malaysia Tuesday morning and has 
made the rounds of the country thanks to Muslims who have access 
to SMS.

The success of the campaign is as yet unknown, even though several 
people said they had already started boycotting U.S. made products, 
including movies and soft drinks.

In Thailand, anti-U.S. sentiment among Muslims is growing as well 
and the boycott of U.S. products has been very effective, according 
to informed sources. Muslims are literally brushing aside places 
like KFC and McDonalds.

Pepsi, Coca Cola and other U.S. brands, are also suffering dips 
in sale as a result of the boycott.

U.S. urged to halt strikes before Ramadan

Muslims in southern Thailand's provinces were concerned the situ-
ation in Afghanistan would get worse if U.S.-led air strikes continue 
into the holy month of Ramadan.

To this effect, they urged the U.S. to stop the raids before the 
Muslim holy month of fasting.

Muslims in the upper South will join a gathering to pray for peace 
in Nakhon Si Thammarat, while those living in the lower South will 
gather in Pattani.

In Yala, Pakistani citizens living in the province called on the
Association of the Muslim Youth of Thailand to hold public dis-
cussions on the U.S. military attacks on Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, Muslims in the northern provinces will stage a mass 
rally in Chiang Mai on Friday to protest against the U.S. military 

Protesters will then move to the U.S. and British consulates in 
Chiang Mai.

There are about 50,000 Muslims living in the North, of which 1,000 
expected to join the rally Friday.

T-shirts printed with the face of Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden 
were selling briskly among Muslim teenagers in the South.

In Malaysia, Mindanao and Indonesia, bin Laden t-shirts are also 
a hit, and have been selling rapidly.

Clothes vendors in Narathiwat said they now had more than 10,000 
orders of bin Laden t-shirts. They say Malaysian vendors are crossing 
the border to buy the shirts and resell them at home.

With additional reporting by Kazi Mahmood

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