Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,


Firman Allah swt yg bermaksud Dan janganlah kamu nikahi wanita2 musyrik, sebelum mereka beriman…” (Surah Al-Baqarah : ayat 221)


Jangan kita confuse kan kepala kita dengan perbandingan org Kristian & Ahli Kitab sebab memang sudah jelas bahawa Kitab Injil telah lama di ubah suai utk mengikut citarasa scholar2 kristian terdahulu. Oleh itu, kewujudan Ahli Kitab adalah disangsikan. Adakah wujud org Kristian yg masih mengakui ALLAH SWT adalah Tuhan yg Esa & Nabi Muhammad saw adalah Rasul yg terakhir?


Untuk mengetahui kebenaran AlQuran & perbandingannya dengan Bible sekarang, anda boleh mendapat buku2 oleh Sdr Ahmad Deedat. Ia jugak boleh diperolehi melalui Websites yg membincangkan tajuk tersebutatau jugak video debate Sdr Ahmad Deedat dgn Rev Jimmy Swaggart dulu.





-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Mohd,
S. Yusof
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 10:24 AM
To: 'Jennifer Ng'
Subject: RE: H-Net* Re: Crist vs ahli kitab



Hi Jennifer;


   I think you must get something crumble up in your mind. Christ or Nabi

ISA had never rejected Islam. The propechy continues.

which started from Adam and so on and ended with Muhammad S.A.W.

lets get down to the problem first.

1) You asked whether a muslim can marry an Ahli Kitab without the Ahli Kitab

changing his/her believing?

    The answer is YES....... .

     Why? because as cited in the Holy Quran that the 4 Holy books Zabur,

Taurat, Injil and Quran came from the same resource.

     from the one and only,Allah the almighty God.

     once what are written inside the holy book had been smeared by human

hands it can no longer considered a holy book.

     Thus Ahli Kitab are no longer exist as christians nowadays which mainly

divided into new and old testaments followers had

     followed the changed bible. My foster parents in NZ was an old

testament followers. They don't eat pork and they don't rare

     pigs as written in the old testaments that "pigs are not to be touched



2)  ISA a.s was a prophet to Allah the Almighty..... the holy book and the

teachings was only suitable to the certain people at that

     time only.  How can you say Isa a.s rejected Islam at that time? Islam

as a name of this religion had never occured in any part

     of Bible as it wasn't named at that time! Only during Muhammad a.s

propechy that God indicted that the religion and the

     teachings of Islam is completed and to be use by all races/mankind

until to the end of the day! i suggest you do more research

     on the religions and not jumping to the conclusion right after you know

certain verses of Holy Quran will confuse youself.


3)  The cursing of dajal, Umno is not related to what are you seeking.

That's is their problem. Leave it to them.


  may be ada sahabat yg ingin menerangkan permasalahan Islam dan kristian

ini. Jika niatnya baik Alhamdulillah...

  jika tidak berdoalah agar terbuka hatinya.



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