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Sekarang kita diperlihatkan oleh dunia kuffar bahawa Taliban
sedang berada diambang kekalahan. Maka menjawab puak Taliban bahawa
mereka sedang bersedia menyerang balas apabila Amerika dan Puak
Utara sudah berada di Kabul. Ini mengambil berkat perjuangan
jihad menentang kekufuran di bulan Ramadan.

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Janganlah kamu mengambil orang-
orang Yahudi dan Nasrani itu sebagai auliya', kerana setengah 
mereka menjadi auliya' kepada setengah yang lain; dan siapa di 
antara kamu yang menjadikan mereka auliya', maka ia termasuk 
dalam golongan mereka..[Al-Maidah 5:51]


The minister said that the Taliban forces would give a big surprise 
to the Northern Alliance shortly. Very soon, the world will know 
that we could do things that are only possible only with the help 
of God Almighty, he said.

The Taliban minister said that the United States was using Pakis-
tan's air, water and soil to attack Afghanistan. American troops 
have landed on Pakistani soil, while its aircraft carriers are 
docked in Pakistani waters, he said. 

He said that the Taliban were not blaming the Pakistani people 
for the existing situation, but the country's government that is
responsible for injustice. 

Mullah Razzaq disclosed that India had secretly offered help to 
Taliban against the Northern Alliance a few days ago. The message 
from the Indian government was delivered to Mullah Mohammad Omar 
thorough an Indian Islamic scholar. However, Mullah Omar refused 
the offer, saying that India was first supporting the Northern 
Alliance and now it wants to use the Islamic Emirates against 
Pakistan, the Taliban minister said. 

The Taliban minister said that India is also an enemy of the 
Muslims. Like the United States, it wants to create rift among 
Muslims brothers, he said, adding that the Islamic Emirates will 
never side with India to express their protest against the 
policies of the Pakistani government.

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