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Afghan's Support Increasing For Taliban After Killing
Of Pashtoon 
Updated on 2001-11-16 23:56:23 

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KANDAHAR, Nov 17 (PNS): Clad in Shalwar Qameez and a
green jacket, Mullah Masoom was enjoying sunbathe on
the hilltop with his comrades. There is an outer-most
Taliban anti-aircraft machine gun post at a hilltop in
Baba Sahib area, near Kandahar airport, where around
500 " anti-Taliban" troops led by a former Afghan
guerilla commander, Hamid Karzai attacked the Taliban
forces to capture the airport on November 14. 

However, the attack was repulsed after a ferocious
fighting and some 30 anti-Taliban guerillas were
arrested, Taliban officials said.An arduous ascent
took some journalists, including Arabs to the top of
the stone-laden hill and into the bunker of Mullah
Abdul Masoom, the 24-year old commander of the post,
wearing long beard and black hair in long strands. 

The gun-barrel was point south, apparently aiming at
American B-52s and British Hornets, which fly over the
area at least twice in 24 hours from the carriers,
stationed in the Gulf waters. 

Whenever Masoom and his comrades hear the planes
coming they fire at them but the bullets can only go
up to 2000 feet staying at least 3000 feet clear of
the American planes. 

But Masoom and his troops are confident that they
would win this war. " Taliban have a lot of arms and
even more courage and once the ground war starts it is
the Americans who would be at the receiving end", a
confident Masoom said.He did not seem to be
disappointed by the fall of Kabul and other provinces
to the Northern Alliance and other anti-Taliban

" They can capture our cities, destroy the bridges and
hospitals but fight against the Americans will go on
from the mountains and the deserts", Deputy Foreign
Minister of Taliban Militia Mullah Abdul Jalil told
the visiting journalists in the regional foreign
ministry office in the heart of the city. 

There is another twist to the story. Their hate for
the Americans does not necessarily mean their support
for Taliban, NA or the former King Zahir Shah for that
matter.None of the refugees think that Americans are
going to win this war and those who fought for the
Taliban against NA or against the Mujahiddin in past
were more vocal in predicting victory for the Taliban.

Ahmed Gul had fled Mazar-e-Sharif a couple of days ago
to take refugee in a Saudi-funded Refugee Camp in Spin
Bouldak area, near Kandahar. Gul lost his leg during a
battle on the part of Taliban to capture southeastern
Herat against the forces of the then Governor Ismaeel
Khan in 1997. 

Sensing an imminent advance on Mazar-e-Sharif,
Sarzameen Khan fled the town with his family of five
to take refugee in the camp. Like most of the
refugees, he had to flee his home and job in
Shaberghan near Mazar-e-Sharif and had fought for the
Taliban in the second battle to capture of
Mazar-e-Sharif against the forces of former communist
commander Rasheed Dostum. Both the Taliban fighters
have strong anti-American feelings and they believed
that the Taliban were the panacea for the Afghan

But there is another point of view." I don't think the
militia regime is very popular and at the same time
Northern Alliance people are even more hated", said
35-year old Rahim Jan, a resident of Bouldak town."
The only point on which the whole Afghan nation can
rally is the fight against the Americans and I don't
think the war or the miseries are going to end with
the US-led coalition taking Kabul", said Tahir Agha,
an Afghan who owns an auto parts shop in the town. 

The theory was supported by a veteran aid worker who
has been working in Afghanistan for last 9
years."There cannot be peace at all even if the US-led
forces take control of Kabul. The war will go on from
the hills and will bring even more miseries for the
people of Afghanistan", Akhunzada 

Mateen, the local In charge of Relief Agency "Islamic

" The Taliban are feared as the Mujahiddin were but
the US and the coalition backed Northern Alliance have
a worse human rights record", he observed.Likewise
other cities of this war-hacked country, Kandahar, the
stronghold of Taliban presents a look of the remains
of an ancient city, destroyed by a natural calamity.
Most of the buildings have been destroyed- earlier by
the civil war and later by the US bombing. Huge holes,
virtually the outcome of heavy bombing, could be seen
on the city and adjoining roads. The towns of Maroof
and Rozgan have been badly affected as most of the
Taliban military installation and government buildings
are in these areas. 

Almost one third of the population, has moved to
refugees camps in Spin Bouldak ( inside Afghanistan
near Pakistan border) and Chaman, town of Pakistan,
some 175 Kilometers off Kandahar.Now, there is an
ostensible increase in the number of people, including
children women and elderly men fleeing the city
fearing an imminent ground attack on Kandahar. 

" We are scared of Northern Alliance most consists of
Uzbeks and Tajiks. They are slaughtering the people in
Kabul Mazar-e-Sharif", said Haji Ibrahim, an old man
between 65 to 70 years said. Ibrahim may move any time
to Pakistan with his family of seven. 

A night curfew, which had been imposed soon after the
US launched its air strikes on Afghanistan, has been
tightened. No citizen is allowed to come outside after
sun-set and one can only see heavily armed Taliban
fighters on the streets. 

The entire electricity system has been destroyed and
there is no " light" in any part of Kandahar. However,
People are using Generators to get electricity, but a
very few people can afford this privilege. A generator
can be bought from Kandahar at a cost of Pakistani Rs
15,000 ( 275 US dollars). 

Security has been tightened after the fall of Kabul
and the fleeing Taliban soldiers are constantly coming
to Kandahar. Around 10 to 15,000 soldiers are now in
Kandahar. However, markets and shops remain open
throughout the day and there is no ostensible increase
in the prices of essential commodities, even oil and

A 10 KG bag of flour is available at one hundred
thousand Afghan rupee (1.6 US dollars) as against 80
thousands rupee (1.30 US dollars) before September
11.Their general feelings are in favour of Osama Bin
Laden. Not only because the local people consider him
innocent as regards Sep 11 attacks, but also because
of the growing anti-US feelings, especially after the
rampage and carnage committed by NA troops in Kabul
and Mazar-e-Sharif. 

The locals hold USA responsible for the killings of
Pushtoons in Kabul and other cities. Now the story is
taking another turn. A huge number of Pushtoons who
earlier were not supporting Taliban, are now
supporting them, because of the killings of their
tribal fellows in Kabul and other cities.This would
definitely help Taliban in their expected guerilla
fight against US and NA troops, the locals believe. 


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