

Berhati2 bila memasuki websites ‘Islam’ yg originated dari luar negara terutamanya US kerana terdapat banyak sites kristian yg bertemakan ‘Islam’ & sesetengah itu ia diterjemah ke bahasa Malaysia/Indonesia.

Ini semua adalah niat jahat org kaffir utk memesongkan aqidah & mengelirukan fahaman kita mengenai Islam.


Kalau ada apa2 kemusykilan, adalah lebih baik ianya ditanyakan kepada orang2 yg lebih arif ataupun lebih senang, diperbincangkan didalam HizbiNet ni. Lagipun, ramai cerdik-pandai & ‘ulamakdalam group ni.





….the truth is out there.


-----Original Message-----


Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 5:15 AM

To: undisclosed-recipients:

Subject: Osama's Islamic Web Sites in the US....


Dear friends,


May Allah Almighty peace mercy and blessings be upon you and upon your

families as well.


Please do not reply to this email address because there are exactly 4987 of

you and I can't afford having everyone reply to me.  It will very awfully

flood my email account.


Some of you are Muslims and the rest are not.


Anyway, please visit any of Osama's Islamic Web Sites in the United States.

They are all the same web site, because they all point to the same domain;

meaning that if you visit any of them, it would be as equivalent if you

visited all of them:


There are almost 1,000,000 visitors so far.  These sites are 3 years old

only.  When you visit any of them, you will see that they do the following

and much more:


- Debunk Trinity and prove that it is all false right from the Bible.

- Expose the Bible's Historical errors and corruptions.

- Talk in details about the place of Jesus, Jews, Christians and non-Muslims

in Islam.

- Talk about the Wisdom of Islam.

- Compare human rights and value between Christianity and Islam.

- Show how Muhammad was foretold in the Bible.

- Reply to all of the false charges against the Noble Quran and Islam.

- Expose the Jews' hatred to Jesus, Mary, Women and the Gentiles right from

their Holy Book, the Talmud.

- Compare women treatment and value between Islam and Christianity.

- Expose pornography in the Bible and reply to the false "pornographic"

charges against Islam.


And much more....


Best of luck for all of you.

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