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Ini adalah berita-berita ringkas daripada pihak Taliban:


Senjata canggih pihak musuh dirampas:

*  During the attack of Bagram’s airport, the British lost 18 
soldiers, of which a commander, the northern alliance 11 soldiers 
where their commander Muhammad Mawlaoui was executed by ball after 
his capture. Talibans captured a very great number of sophisticated
weapons and ammunition. 

Taliban mengatur perang secara tipu-muslihat:

*  Talibans left the northern alliance and the allies to approach  
Qunduz simulating a weakness and without answering their attack.  
When they were in the open the Talibans brutally attacked them from 
their positions in the mountains on several front at the same time. 
The northern alliance lost 1700 soldiers and carried out a cata-
strophic withdrawal.

Berita bohong bahawa ada Al-Qaeda membunuh tentera Taliban yang
berpaling tadah:  

*  The American have indicated that 150 Talibans have been killed 
by Al Qa’ida because they sought to flee, it is  just another lie 
proving the weaknesses of the enemies who take their  desire for 

Taliban menyerang secara serang hendap:

*  Mullah Hanan with his forces have entered Herat for the third 
time in the last 10 days and killed  a great number of soldiers of 
the northern alliance.

Puak-puak Pakatan Utara berperang sesama sendiri:  

*  Slaughters started between the soldiers of Rabanni and the 
General Dostom  for the sake of the power.

Wanita-wanita Kabul diperkosa oleh tentera Pakatan Utara.   

*  More than 700 women were violated in Kabul by the dark forces 
(northern alliance) with the complicity of the allied forces and 
committed atrocities against afghan population worst than the 
Russians did!   

Siaran TV Al-Jazirah disekat dan pegawai-pegawai mereka diugut:

*  The TV Al-Jazeera channel does not bring back any more authentic 
information owing to the fact that it does not retransmit  more 
than the information disseminated by CNN. Several of its  employees 
was indeed captured by the northern alliance and are still  
prisoners.  They are used as means of blackmail to oblige the chain 
of TV to disseminate only untrue information.

Serangan cara gerila dijalankan secara teratur:   

*  All the operations of guerrilla welfare are in increase and 
are carried out  for the majority of them by Arab fighters having 
given allegiance to  the Emir ul Mu'minin, Mullah Omar. They have 
total supports in term of logistic from all Pashtouns in a 
permanent way in order to be able to conclude their operations.  
They ask the help of all Muslim especially by your do’as.  

40 lagi tentera Amerika dibunuh:

*  Mullah Dadullah and its Talibans and Arabic fighters killed in  
Mazar-i-Sharif 40 American soldiers and shot down a fighter aircraft.   

Taliban meminta kita semua ummat Islam supaya jangan percaya 
kepada berita-berita yang datang dari pihak musuh-musuh Islam:

*  The moujahideen require of you especially and insist that you 
do not listen to information of the non-believers who are only  

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