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Mungkin pihak Barat silap sangka kekuatan Taliban sebenarnya.
Mereka menyangka Taliban sudah tersepit dan tiada bantuan
dari luar. Taliban mendakwa sungguhpun mereka dikepung di
Kandahar, gerila-gerila yang pro-Taliban berada di merata
bumi Afghanistan yang tidak dikuasai oleh Taliban. Gerila-
gerila ini datang daripada negara-negara jiran seperti Balu-
chistan dan mungkin Chechnya dan negeri China. Oleh itu,
kata Taliban, sekiranya seluruh negara Afghanistan dikuasai
oleh Amerika dan Pakatan Utara sekalipun, perang gerila akan
berterusan. Yang sedihnya, Iran sendiri sudah berpakat dengan

Soal kekalahan bukan perkara utama, soal berjuang menentang
musuh-musuh Islam akan berterusan sehingga negara Amerika menjadi 
lemah. Bumi Afghanistan menjadi medan pertempuran paling sesuai 
sepertimana Mujahidin mengalahkan Soviet dulu.


Kandahar Airport and Kandahar city remain firmly in control of the
Taliban. American bombardment in and around Kandahar these last few 
days has killed over 500 civilians this week alone, in up to 150 
daily sorties. Villages to the South and the West of Kandahar have 
been completely flattened and razed to the ground, killing even
livestock. The Taliban leader, Mullah Muhammad Umar, has vowed to 
fight the Americans to the last breath as the war enters a different

Under orders from its American masters, the Pakistani Government 
has allowed Pushtun gangsters, drug barons and murderers to enter
Afghanistan with weapons and attack Taliban positions in and around 
the Pak-Afghan border town of Spin Boldak. Fighting is still 
continuing there. 

Northern Alliance Foreign Minister Dr Abdullah Abdullah informed 
the Americans that Alliance forces are not able to attack Taliban
positions in the South of the country yet. The Americans therefore
decided to seek assistance from Iran, who opened its borders and 
airspace to American troops to enter Helmand Province. The Iranian 
armed forces accepted and US paratroopers descended in the Koumailk 
area of Helmand Province near the River Douistan. A group of 
Mujahideen from Baluchistan besieged them, killing 18 in the 
ensuing combat and wounding 46. The United States Air Force planes 
then took off from Pakistani airbases (where most of the combat 
sorties have taken off despite denials by the Pakistani Government) 
and attacked the Mujahideen, killing their commander and wounding 
and killing 40 more of the Mujahideen. Following this battle, the
Americans decided to withdraw from the area altogether. The 
Mujahideen remain in control of Helmand Province. 

The Muslims are urged not to despair at the state of affairs in
Afghanistan because Allah's will changes the tides of war. Some 
days are victorious for the Mujahideen, whilst other days are 
defeats. In the Soviet-Afghan war, the Soviets had captured all 
of Afghanistan in a matter of hours, but they left ten years later,
humiliated and defeated. In the same way they invaded Chechnya but 
the Mujahideen there continue to kill dozens of them every day. 
Even if the Americans use weapons of mass destruction, which they 
already have in Kunduz, and the Taliban were to withdraw from every 
city in Afghanistan, the war would not be lost. A war is not lost 
by the outcome of a single battle. The Mujahideen will continue to 
fight with the weapons in their hands and their faith in Allah, for
Victory comes only from Him. Allah always helps His righteous 
servants, even if after a while. Allah is certainly able to assist 
those who fight for Him as He is the Powerful, the Strong. 

The Muslims are encouraged once more to put their foreheads on the 
ground and weep their tears begging Allah to give victory to the
Mujahideen and destroy the oppressors and tyrants who kill without 
pity, women, children, the old, the sick and even animals. This
importance of this point cannot be stressed enough.

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Pengirim: TigerChan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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