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Harap semua bersabar kerana saya akan melaporkan berita-berita
yang pelik ... yang sdr/sdri sukar nak percaya kerana ia datang
dari pihak Taliban. Seperti pernah saya nyatakan, saya sekadar
melapor apa yang saya terima dan membuat sedikit ulasan:

- ada wanita Inggeris berperang dengan tentera Amerika dan wanita
  itu berjaya membunuh beberapa askar Amerika sebelum dia sendiri
  terkorban. (mati syahidlah, kata orang Taliban)
- Ramai askar Amerika mati secara ganjil, seolah-olah ada tentera
  "tersembunyi" datang menyerang mereka. Ini seolah-olah di mana
  saja bumi Afghanistan, ada-ada saja tentera yang menembak mereka.

Itu semua mungkin propaganda Taliban. Walau bagaimanapun mereka
meminta kita ummat Islam sujud kepada Allah atas kejadian-kejadian


http://www.stcom.net/afghanistan/News/nov2eng01.htm#Operation martyrdom
of an English sister

Operation martyrdom of an English sister

This sister has committed a martyrdom operation killing some Ame-
rican soldiers and 4 mounafiqes in Mazar-i-Sharif.  His brother 
was in his company and was seriously wounded.  This news is ab-
solutely true. This sister was held prisoner and was taken  by 
the American for an interrogation. She was armed with explosives 
so they did not pay attention to her the fact she was pregnant.

380 Americans Special Forces have been killed

380 Americans Special Forces have been killed as birds at the 
border of Qandahar. Would you please do soujoud to Allah to thank 
Him in order to have more as he is described in the Holy Qur’an

Confirmation of the disappearance of 1200 American soldiers 

Top secret information of the Pentagon has been leaked to the 
Medias that 1200 American soldiers have been vanished in Afgha-
nistan (killed by moujahideen Taliban).  These soldiers died at 
the time of certain operations in Qandahar, Qunduz, Mazar-i-Sharif, 
the base of Bagram, Kabul, Phoul Khomari and Khanabad.  Heavy 
clashes time to time still going on in different part of Afganistan 
the fact the moujahideen Taliban are executing the guerrilla war. 
This news has had a great psychic impact on the American soldiers 
who do not have to date makes a success of any military operation 
in Afghanistan.  The American strategists are disconcerted owing 
to the fact that the moujahideen Talibans are always present during 
the deployment of their forces and their military operations.  
President Bush has already spoken to the American people that this 
war is complex and difficult and that there could be losses. If he
revealed this warning to his people means that he knows perfectly 
the situation of his forces in Afghanistan

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