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Taliban mendakwa berjaya memusnahkan banyak lagi askar dan peralatan
Amerika. Kalau mengikut berita-berita media Barat, mereka tidak
melaporkan perkara berikut. Samada betul atau tidak, Allah jua
yang Maha Mengetahui. Ini kerana pihak Amerika menyekat banyak
berita dari pihak Taliban sendiri. Oleh itu kita sentiasa mene-
rima berita-berita yang bercanggah.


A large number of American troops backed by tanks and helicopters,
launched a new attack on the 'strategic' city of Helmand. The Muja-
hideen awaited them patiently, and at the right time ambushed them 
using heavy artillery, BM rockets and ZSU-23 Anti-Aircraft guns in 
the area of Koumalk, south of Helmand, close to the River Douistan . 
As a result of this offensive by the Mujahideen, around 80 US sol-
diers were killed, three tanks belonging to the United Nations (but 
used by the US) were destroyed, and two American Apache AH-64 heli-
copters were brought down, killing all occupants. All praise be to 
Allah who grants these victories. 

A number of Mujahideen were injured during the attack, but were 
taken back to their base for treatment, along with significant 
hi-tech spoils of war. The whole operation was filmed and the video 
will be soon be made public insha-Allah to prove to the whole world, 
and especially the American people, the truth about the Afghan Jihad 
and the lies spread by the US government. 

In a separate incident Saturday, the Mujahideen shot down an Ame-
rican warplane near Kandahar airport. As expected, this news was 
denied by the Pentagon, since American soldiers are never killed 
in combat, nor do they ever lose any aeroplanes nor equipment nor
vehicles. The thousands of American soldiers killed in Vietnam was 
a myth. 

The CIA continues to assist drug barons and highwaymen in order to 
cause disorder and try to destabilise the Taliban between Spin 
Boldak and Kandahar. The Taliban launched an attack around the 
mountain areas of Spin Boldak to crush this US-supported militia.
Following the attack, approximately 100 of the enemy (composed mainly 
of drug dealers and highway robbers) as well as 17 of their US 
military 'advisors' were killed. These advisors organize the aerial 
cover and plan the militia's ground operations. 

The Taliban reconfirm that the town of Spin Boldak is still under 
their control and that all is well. The Taliban has also set up 
special patrols to pursue and engage the remaining militia who were
fleeing to the mountains in the east. 

Since the arrival of the Northern Alliance in areas previously held 
by the Taliban, poppy cultivation has been started again on a very 
large scale (confirmed by the UN) with the encouragement of Americans.
This higlights the hypocrisy and lies against the Taliban, who were
accused by the West, of still cultivating and profiting from the 
Poppy farms. However, the reality is that the Taliban had completely
banned the cultivation of the crop, thereby reducing the country's
production by nearly 95%, and it was America's beloved Northern 
Alliance who were responsible for all the remaining production and 
trade. This was even confirmed by the United Nations. 

The Taliban reported that they had carried out a lightening attack
against the American forces in Shandan, which resulted in the deaths 
of well over 100 American soldiers. More details on this will be 
provided soon insha-Allah

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Pengirim: TigerChan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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