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Taliban mendakwa berita-berita yang datang dari media Barat
adlah berat sebelah. PBB sendiri yang menyekat berita-berita
dari terkeluar ke pengtahuan umum. Badan penyiaran Al-Jazeera
sudah ditapis oleh America. Satu rakaman video mesej Osama Bin
Laden terbaharu tidak dibenarkan siarannya atau akan dibenarkan
setelah ditapis. Iran kini mula penyokong Taliban kerana
tentera Amerika dibawa masuk beramai-ramai oleh Rashid Dustum
di kawasan bersempadan dengan Iran. Iran menyokong puak Gulbuddin 
Hekmatyar menyerang puak Rashid Dustum dan Amerika.

Taliban berpesan agar kita sampaikan berita-berita kepada
saudara-saudara Islam kita seluruh dunia dan berdoa untuk mereka.

* The international medias are diffusing the news only in one 
direction favourable to the enemy of the Taliban in order to break 
down all the Moslems supporting their cause.  When the TV Aljazeera
station recently received a video of Sheikh Oussama Ben Laden, it 
was immediately handed over to the Americans who then selected which 
part of the video will be transmitted and of course to have all the
answers ready for the message of Sheikh. We reveal this information 
so that people should not be misled by the Aljazeera TV and we will
reveal other reasons, insha Allah.  

* The Americans are not pleased with Rabbani who is supported by the
Russians and already trying to oust him. Also Abdur Rassoul Siyaf is 
not satisfied with the Bonn congress.  Rabbani is asking for free
elections contrary to the will of the Bonn congress and the Pashtouns 
representatives have withdrawn from the congress.   

* A turning point in the history of Afghanistan: The Russian forces 
are now in Kabul on the request of Rabbani as Babrak Karmel and
Najibullah did before him? As a result two millions Afghans at the 
time had lost their lives (and the hypocrite Rabbani knows.  The
Americans are very annoyed owing to the fact that Russian entered 
Kabul so quickly without their agreement.  In the other hand the 
American forces are pouring in Mazar-i-Sharif at the invitation of
another hypocrite Dostom without the permission of the self pro-
claimed government (tadjik) of Rabbani.   

* The presence of the American forces in Mazar-i-Sharif is another
headache for the Iranians the fact the Americans will be in control 
of the borders afghano-Iranian. In order to counterbalance the 
presence of the Americans in the region the Iranians are supporting 
fully Hizb Wahdat which is fighting right now the forces of the 

* The self declared Foreign Minister ' Abdshitan ' Abdshitan 
(‘Abdullah ' Abdullah) said that the northern alliance forces will 
not launch any attack on the Talibans in the southern of Afghanistan.
Therefore the Americans have to do the hard job and surely they will 
have the same fate as their old enemy Russians! Taking into account 
the differences between the different factions in Afghanistan, it 
appears now that it is impossible to create a stable structure in
Afghanistan as the American have started to admit because they failed 
on all  fronts; They will be negotiating their fate with Amir 

* When the northern alliance took control of Kabul, the American 
Minister of defence reaffirmed that the main goal is the destruction 
of all the Talibans combatants and Al Qa’ida organisation but the task 
on the ground remains very hard and lengthy. In order to minimise the
loses and to make the war shorter and of course to hide their failure 
the Americans have started inventing lies that they have discovered
secret documents of AlQa’ida on the preparation of chemicals and 
nuclear weapons so they can use NBC (Nuclear, Biologic and chemical)
weapons as they did  in  Nagasaki and Hiroshima. 

* A secret organization was formed by American and Pakistan, in-
cluding the barons of drug and the Afghan, baloushi and Pakistani 
Mafia, in order to open new front against Talibans.  Since the take 
over by the northern alliance of the territories abandoned by 
Talibans, the poppy cultivation has returned in a very large scale 
(the United Nations confirmed it) with the encouragement of the 
Americans which show their double standards against Talibans (who 
they put an end to all the cultivation of poppies in the areas that 
they controlled).   

* The mouajhideens are asking you once again not to listen to the 
news emitted by the non-believers and do not forget us in your dou'as. 
Transmit this information to your brothers wa jazakoum  Allahou 

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