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Ketika rejim Taliban memerintah dahulu, sukarelawan-sukarelawan
PBB yang datang memberi bantuan makanan dan perubatan ada sebahagian
mereka itu pendakwah Kristian. Ada yang ditangkap oleh Taliban
dan dibicarakan. Mungkin salah satu sebab kenapa Amerika menyerang
Taliban ialah kerana ramai ahli-ahli kongres Amerika berpegang
kuat kepada ajaran Kristian. Mengikut fahaman mereka, dalam abad-21
ini ialah abad dinamakan The Millenium yang mana ummat manusia
seluruh dunia mestilah dijadikan Kristian. Antara misi tugas orang-
orang PBB ialah menyibarkan ajaran Kristian kepada rakyat Afghan.
Itupun sudah ada orang Afghan bersedia mendalami ajaran Kristian
kononnya ugama itu boleh membawa keamanan.

Kebetulan regim Taliban menjalankan hukum hudud. Mengikut undang-
undang hudud orang Islam yang murtad boleh dihukum bunuh. Tindakan
Taliban menangkap pendakwah Kristian PBB sebenarnya menyelamatkan
beberapa rakyat Afghan. Program mengKristiankan Afghansiatan sudah
dicuba, yang mana semenjak dulu beribu-ribu naskah Bible telah
diberi kepada rakyat Afghan. Mujur puak Taliban yang tegas dan
keras sempat mengambil tindakan. Saya rasa setelah Taliban sudah
tiada, maka lebih mudah lagi PBB menjalankan kegiatan Kristianisasi
mereka. Ini kerana hukum hudud sudah dihapuskan oleh Pakatan Utara.

Nama misi mengKristiankan Afghanistan ialah "Christian Jihad":



Was the Taliban right about the real agenda of aid workers Heather 
Mercer and Dayna Curry? 
By Deborah Caldwell 
When the Taliban captured humanitarian relief workers Dayna Curry 
and Heather Mercer in August, religious and political leaders in 
the United States were aghast. The Taliban accused the aid workers 
of being on a secret campaign to convert Muslims. It seemed yet 
another sign of the Taliban's dishonesty, extremism and paranoia.

But now that Curry and Mercer and the six other Shelter Now relief 
workers are safe, a different story can be told. The Taliban was 
partly right. Curry and Mercer did spend  time in Afghanistan 
evangelizing--in violation of Afghani law. More significantly, they 
are part of a widespread and rapidly growing effort among American 
Christians to convert Muslims around the world.

They are warriors, in other words, in what can fairly be described
as a Christian jihad against Islam.

Although the two women say that most of their time was spent 
providing practical humanitarian care, Curry has conceded that
about 20% of the Taliban's charges against them were valid. She 
admits, for instance, that she gave a boy a book about Jesus, and
that she and Mercer showed at least one Afghani family a movie 
known as "the Jesus" film. The Jesus film is a popular tool of
missionaries seeking converts. Translated into 685 languages, the 
1979 film was made for $2 million by Campus Crusade for Christ
founder Bill Bright with the financial backing of conservative 
oilman Nelson "Bunker" Hunt. 

It is not particularly surprising that Curry and Mercer did a bit 
of proselytizing while there. The church where they are members 
regularly sponsors misisonaries in foreign countries to "introduce 
people to God and see them 'discipled' as followers of Christ,” 
says Jeff Abshire, pastor of Antioch Community Church in Waco, 

The group that sponsored the women, Shelter Now, is part of a 
larger network of evangelical Christians that has sprung up in
the last decade to target Muslims for conversion to Christianity. 
Since 1990, the number of missionaries in Islamic countries
has quadrupled. Mission experts estimate they have spoken to or 
given Christian material to about 334 million people in that
time. Franklin Graham's assertion last week that Islam is "wicked,
violent, and not of the same God" also flows from this movement.

Groups such as Youth With a Mission and the Southern Baptist 
Convention's International Mission Board, sponsor two-week jaunts 
to places like Kyrgyzstan to convert Muslims to Christianity.

For Christians who can’t travel, there are guides to help them 
pray specifically for converts in these areas.

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