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Dilaporkan, pihak-pihak musuh Islam merayakan kekalahan Taliban. 
Mereka dengan angkuh menulis rencana-rencana dalam akhbar memuji
dan memuja Amerika, seolah-olah ia adalah Tuhan yang patut di-
geruni oleh ummat Islam. Jika ada mana-mana puak yang bangun
menentang kekuatan dan dasar Amerika, nantilah, kelak Amerika
akan menghukum dan mematikan mereka.

Ibarat kata barangsiapa menyokong Amerika akan mendapat syurga 
dunia, barangsiapa menentang Amerika akan mendapat neraka dunia.

2. WASHINGTON POST: "Victory Changes Everything..." By Charles
Krauthammer, November 30, 2001:

Just weeks ago the Middle East experts were warning that such 
violations of Islamic sensibilities would cause an explosion of
anti-Americanism. Where, then, is the vaunted "Arab street," the
pro-Osama demonstrations, the anti-American riots? Where are the 
seething masses rising up against America and its nominal allies 
from Egypt to Pakistan?

Nowhere to be seen. The street is silent.

In a prescient lecture Oct. 20, Middle East Quarterly editor 
Martin Kramer says: The way to tame the Arab street is not with
appeasement and sweet sensitivity, but with raw power and victory.

It is now a capital offense to harbor terrorists. Literally. 
Harbor them and your regime dies.

The elementary truth that seems to elude the experts again and 
again - Gulf War, Afghan war, next war - is that power is its own 
reward. Victory changes everything, psychology above all. The 
psychology in the region is now one of fear and deep respect for 
American power. Now is the time to use it to deter, defeat or 
destroy the other regimes in the area that are host to radical 
Islamic terrorism.

Hence Stage Two. No, not Iraq yet. It surely is the worst 
terrorist threat, but because it is the worst and the most 
difficult, it will require more planning, and more political 
and military preparation. Now is the time to go for the low-
hanging fruit: giving the Philippines assistance in crushing 
their own al Qaeda guerrillas. Telling the thugs running Sudan, 
Syria, Libya and Yemen to cease and desist, to shut down the 
training camps, to cough up the terrorists -- "or else," as 
the president so delicately puts it ......

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