Dalam suratkhabar The Star semalam, bekas Jeneral tentera komunis, Rashid Dostum dilantik sebagai timbalan menteri pertahanan. Dinyatakan juga Rashid Dostum adalah kaki peminum whiskey/arak, yang terkenal akan kekejaman/kezaliman beliau seperti memancung mangsa dan isteri mangsa dijual.
Dalam Utusan Online bertarikh 22-Dis-2001 ada menyatakan hal yang berkaitan mengenai reputasi Rashid Dostum berkaitan dengan perogolan dan kekejaman beliau:
"The Uzbek militia of Abdul Rashid Dostum, from the north, acquired a reputation for rape and pillage within days."
Agaknya ini-lah kerajaan/pemimpin "Islam" yang PM kita sokong seperti mana kata-kata beliau yang dipetik dari Utusan bertarikh 17-Dis-2001:
"Saya fikir ada harapan (untuk menamatkan perang) kerana Perikatan Utara kini telah menguasai bandar ibu negara itu. Saya harap dan berdoa mereka akan berjaya,'' katanya.
Tuesday, December 25, 2001

Dostum appointed deputy minister

KABUL: New Premier Hamid Karzai quickly went to work trying to heal Afghanistan’s deep divisions, naming a key warlord as deputy defence minister yesterday in an apparent compromise to unite the country’s often-feuding factions.

The appointment of Rashid Dostum brings into the interim government one of its early critics. Dostum, an Uzbek who controls northern Afghanistan’s largest city of Mazar-e-Sharif, had been angry because three key ministries – defence, foreign affairs and interior – went to the minority Tajik group from the Panjshir valley.

“I have just signed the latter naming him deputy minister of defence,” Karzai said. “It is the first step towards a national army.”

Dostum was a key partner in the anti-Taliban northern alliance made up of mostly Afghanistan’s ethnic and religious minorities, including Tajiks, Uzbeks, Hazaras and Shiite Muslims.

He has his own large army of well-trained fighters, who fought side-by-side with US Special Forces troops in taking Mazar-e-Sharif last month, the first major Taliban city to fall under the pressure of relentless American airstrikes.

A 47-year-old, whiskey-drinking former general in the communist army, Dostum has a reputation for ruthlessness. His men rarely speak out of turn and stories of Dostum’s ruthlessness – some apocryphal – abound. The stories tell of men whose heads have been chopped off and their wives sold to strangers.

He will work under new Defence Minister Mohammed Fahim, who said yesterday that international peacekeepers were welcome in Afghanistan for no longer than six months.

But Karzai, who has made security a top priority, quickly responded that they will stay “as long as we need them, six months as a minimum.”

Their presence “is a commitment to peace in Afghanistan, to stability in Afghanistan, and once that is accomplished they will go,” Karzai said.

The force, led by Britain, is expected to number 3,000 to 5,000, including pledges of 1,200 by Germany and 1,500 by Britain.

The inauguration of Karzai and his Cabinet on Saturday was a tranquil transfer of power, compared to Afghanistan’s violent past.

Many Afghans have said they strongly supported international peacekeepers.

“We don’t care if soldiers from everywhere in the world come to Afghanistan to bring peace. We just don’t want Afghan soldiers right now,” said Mohammed Nawab, a former commander during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the 1980s. — AP


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