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         [alternatif-net] News From the Land of Jihad: 10th - 11th
January 2002
         Fri, 11 Jan 2002 06:14:28 +0800

11 January 2002 : Mujahideen Shoot Down Troop-Carrying Plane in

 BALOCHISTAN (Institute for Islamic Studies and Research): The
Mujahideen shot down a C-130 Hercules transport plane
 Wednesday late afternoon, which was on its way from the Bagram Airbase
North of Kabul, towards Islamabad in Pakistan. It was
 carrying a full capacity load of between 70 and 90 troops and whilst in
Afghanistan, remained high enough to be out of range of
 Mujahideen anti-aircraft fire for most of its journey. However, as the
plane approached Pakistani airspace, it reduced its altitude,
 considering itself safe and that was when the Mujahideen fire off their
ZSU-23 Anti-Aircraft cannons at the plane, scoring several
 direct hits. The plane then went into a rapid descent and crashed
inside Pakistan, in the mountainous deserts of Balochistan

 Following a ridiculous trend, the US authorites claimed that the plane
had crashed due to 'mechanical failure' and that only seven
 soldiers had been killed. The reality, as related by the Pakistani
Daily Jang newspaper, is that the plane was on fire before it
 crashed and dozens of ambulances and emergency vehicles were seen
rushing to the scene. Daily Jang reported that more
 than 10 US bodies had been recovered (of these, seven names were
released by the Pentagon); the exact number is not
 known yet, but it is believed to be in the middle to late tens. If the
plane crashed due to a 'technical failure', this begs the
 question, why does America send planes worth millions of dollars into
service without carrying out proper maintenance on them.
 In the last ten years or so, a very small number of American warplanes
have crashed due to technical failures, since the US
 Armed Forces have a very good history of a low number of aircraft
accidents. Now, all of a sudden, in the space of three
 months, several planes and helicopters have had 'technical failures'
and the World is expected to believe these lies.


 KANDAHAR (Institute for Islamic Studies and Research): In other
developments, the World media has begun to make a mockery
 of the Arab Mujahid in the Kandahar Chinese Hospital who 'blew himself
up to bits' without verifying this information and the
 circumstances under which it took place. The correct sequence of events
is given below.

 After the Mujahideen evacuated from Kandahar on 9 December 2001, a
group returned four days later to launch a major
 offensive against US positions in Kandahar Airport, on 13 December
2001. 25 Mujahideen were martyred in this offensive and 12
 were wounded. This story was related in the 13 December 2001 news on
our web-site. The Mujahideen tried to evacuate their
 wounded with them, but due to mitigating circumstances, they were
unable to and so they entrusted local Afghan Mujahideen
 with them. The Afghans took them to their houses inside Kandahar city,
under secrecy, where they remained for three days.
 However, due to a lack of proper medical attention in the houses, one
of the Mujahideen succumbed to his wounds and died.
 Therefore it was decided that the remaining 11 Mujahideen should be
taken to the Chinese Hospital in Kandahar, where they
 were transported under the cover of darkness, together with a quantity
of weapons to protect themselves.

 When soldiers of paedophile Kandahar Governor, Gul Agha, entered the
hospital, they uncovered the 11 Mujahideen. Two of the
 Mujahideen whose injuries were less than the others then managed to
escape to safety, leaving nine in the hospital. One of
 these, a Yemeni Mujahid, was betrayed by one of the hospital doctors
and handed over to the Americans. The remaining eight
 Mujahideen thus captured this doctor and continue to hold him hostage
with them until now.

 The media published photographs of the Mujahid, Khallad Al-Yemeni, a
few days ago, stating that he exploded himself whilst
 attempting to flee the hospital. The guards in the hospital wanted to
negotiate a surrender deal with the Mujahideen, so Khallad
 went out of the ward to meet them, despite being seriously wounded.
Sensing betrayal from them, he opened the pin of a
 hand- grenade and threatened to throw it at them if they approached
him. Whilst attempting to limp back to the ward where
 his colleagues were, the guards fired at him. He exchanged fire with
them with one hand (the other was still holding the
 grenade), but during this he was shot in the arm that was holding the
grenade. Unable to throw the grenade, it exploded near
 him, killing him instantly. May Allah accept him amongst the ranks of
the martyrs as one who did not turn his back to the enemy
 until he was killed.

 Seven of the Mujahideen remain in the hospital ward and they are ready
to face death if the circumstances are not to their
 favour. May Allah give them patience and make their feet firm. An Ummah
of one billion that is unable to protect seven injured
 fighters is a pathetic Ummah indeed.


 JALALABAD (Institute for Islamic Studies and Research): The World media
has reported during the last few days that two senior
 Al-Qaida leaders were captured in Eastern Afghanistan along with
cellphones and laptop computers. This news is baseless and has
 no truth in it. It has also been reported that Sheikh Abu Hafs
Al-Mauritani Ash-Shinqiti, one of the scholars of the Mujahideen in
 Afghanistan, has been killed. Likewise, this news is also false and
soon Sheikh Abu Hafs is expected to address the Muslims in
 order to refute this lie.


 WASHINGTON (Special Report): The US Government has announced its plans
to hold the hundreds of Taliban and Arab
 Mujahideen prisoners on Cuba, most of whom were betrayed and handed
over by the Pakistani regime. They will be kept in
 solitary confinement in open air cells, closed from the top by metal
shutters that allow rain in. They will be made to sleep under
 halogen floodlights. The majority of these prisoners, far from being
Al-Qaida terrorists, are young Saudis who entered
 Afghanistan after 11 September 2001 in anticipation of defending it
against US aggression. What reply will the Muslims give to
 Allah for allowing this to happen?

10 January 2002 : Mulla Abdul Hai Mutma'in Not in US or Pakistan Custody
- Taliban Sources

 http://www.azzam.com Daily news, articles and interviews about the
Jihad in Afghanistan


 KANDAHAR(Islam News): According to information received from Kandahar
the news about the arrest of the former Islamic
 Emirates of Afghanistan representative Mulla Abdul Hai Mutmain are
baseless. Taliban sources strictly rejected these news and
 said that Mulla Abdul Hai Mutmain is free and he is not in the custody
of Pakistan or America. Furthermore, the news of his
 transfer to a US warship is incorrect and baseless.


 KABUL(NNI): B-52,B-1 and AC-130 US warplanes pounded the eastern Afghan
province of Khost in the regions in and around
 Zawar. Ground troops have reportedly initiated new operations in order
to destroy Al-Qaida's trianing camps. According to
 sources, US warplanes have heavily bombed suspected Al-Qaida and
Taliban targets. The US Defence Ministry's representative
 Rear Admiral John Stiffel Beem said that these attacks are not for
arresting Usama Bin Ladin or any other personality, but are
 instead against remaining Taliban and Al-Qaida Mujahideen who are
trying to regroup once again in the region. He said that US
 attacks against Taliban and Al-Qaida members will continue until they
are completely wiped out. He said that America has to keep
 their airstrikes going until the achievement of their objectives about
which nothing can be said for the time being, although
 America has gained some success in their Military action so far.


 QUETTA(Islam's Correspondent): 35 more Arab Mujahideen were handed to
America from Quetta, which lies in Pakistan's
 province of Baluchistan, under strict security of Intelligence
authorities. According to our reports, 35 Mujahideen were brought in
 different vehicles to Quetta under strict security of Pakistan
government intelligence agency servicemen and 8 US personnel.
 These Mujahideen were covered by blankets and they were brought in
coasters. They were then made to board onto a US
 C-130 aircraft at about 00:30 early morning in the darkness from
Sumangi Airbase in Quetta. This airbase is a Pakistan Airforce
 Airbase, not a commercial one. The aircraft then flew to some unknown
destination. It must be noted that previously, several
 Mujahideen have been handed over to the US authorities by the apostate
Pakistan government and who are now being
 tortured in the name of interrogation.


 LONDON(Online): US agencies have started interrogating 14 arrested
British Muslims, about whom it is suspected that they were
 from Usama Bin Ladin's fighters. According to the British Newspaper
Times report, out of these 14 British muslims, 11 are in
 prisons in Afghanistan while 3 have kept in Pakistan Military camps.
One of the arrested brothers said that he was recruited in
 Pakistan after passing the selection test held in Pakistan and then few
days before 11th September they were shifted to a camp
 in Khost in Afghanistan without being told the reason for this. This
person also said that they were chosen for special training
 because they were the only English speaking men and were also aware of
techniques in how to make bombs. The British foreign
 office in the region have said that they were unaware of the fact that
British citizens were being interrogated in such large
 numbers. It is expected that the British Intelligence agency, MI-5,
also intends to interrogate these men.


 KANDAHAR(Islam News): We have received reports about severe fighting
taking place between Commander Ahmed
 Jaan(Hizb-e-Islami) and Commander Khanook. According to our sources,
Commander Ahmed Jaan, who is in charge of the
 regions of Greshak and Sangeen, had given shelter to some Taliban
troops, when Commander Khanook, who is a supporter of
 the interim government, demanded that Commander Jaan hand over the
Taliban who he was giving shelter to. Commander
 Jaan refused upon which severe fighting erupted between these troops,
which lasted around 12 hours and resulted in the death
 of one person while six others were injured. Although the actual number
of deaths might be much more than reported.
 Commander Khanook was subsequently arrested along with his troops.

 http://www.azzam.com Daily news, articles and interviews on the Jihad
in Afghanistan

 http://www.maktabah.net for Sheikh Abdullah Azzam's Join the Caravan
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