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Ish tangan akob makin gatal nak sentuh isu politik...kerana apa
yek...mungkin propaganda besar-besaran di media yg menghentam PAS dan
BA  menyebabkan akob semakin geram...eh mungkin juga sebab Kabbani dah
terang-terangan menyokong kerajaan BN..ish..cukuplah akob...jangan
terlibat sangat dengan isu politik kepartian ni....ish tapi hati aku
bengang sangat ni..sekali-sekali apa salahnya...ok

Attacks On Police In Baling

Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) is very concerned about the alleged attacks
on policemen and the burning of a police truck in Baling on Sunday 10th
February, as reported in the media. We have no clear idea as to how
serious these attacks were. Even if they were not, they should not have

Baling OCPD Supt Hassan Ismail claimed that the attackers “planned the
actions”. We urge the
superintendent to show hard evidence before making any claim. If indeed
the attacks were planned, can the police provide clear proofs as to who
the attackers were? Are they members or supporters of PAS who acted with
the knowledge of the party? Or, could they be some agent provocateurs
acting under the direction of the Special Branch or the “Dirty Tricks

We are only too familiar with the methods used by the police during the
sixties. At that time, agent provocateurs were coordinated to act in
such a way so that the police could link them up with the Socialist
Front and some of their key leaders then. Once this link was made, with
or without enough evidence, the police proceeded to arrest these leaders
and proscribe some branches of the component parties of SF.

We fear that the government, using all machinery and tools available at
its disposal, may be attempting to repeat history now. In the past the
government claimed to wage war on the communists, but at present it is
against Islamic militants. Formerly, it was the Socialist Front that was
the main target of the government (Alliance then) because it was the
government’s main competitor in the political arena. But now it appears
that the BN government is targeting mainly at PAS, which is the
strongest competitor to UMNO. Is the BN government now planning to
destroy PAS and the BA through the familiar cruel and devious means too?

The government carries out media campaigns of lies against the BA
(especially PAS and keADILan) 24 hours a day and every day of the month.
It is free to organise rallies and celebrations, using public money and
inviting the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong to be present, in order to popularise
itself. But why are opposition rallies or “ceramah” restricted by the

The BA leaders have made several requests to meet with the Inspector
General of Police to discuss
 “ceramah” restrictions and other matters relating to security. Why is
it the IGP continues not to have the decency to respond to our repeated
requests? We believe that if the police are fair and not high handed
against dissenters, no untoward incidents will happen at any peaceful
public meeting.

Finally, we urge that independent Inquiry Committee be formed to carry
out full investigations on the
Baling incidents.

Dr Syed Husin Ali
PRM President
12th February 2002

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