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FAC News - Friday, February 15, 2002 9:23 AM

 Shaykh’s Kabbani’s revenge on ISNA

 Shaykh Mohammad Hisham Kabbani shocked Malaysians two days ago when he
alleged that a
 certain ex-Malaysian Minister had given extremist Islamic groups in the
United States 38 million

 This is not the first time he has sent shock waves through the Muslim
community in the US by calling
 US Islamic groups “extremists”.

 His first “revelation” was made on 7 January 1999 when Kabbani, the Chairman
of the Islamic Supreme
 Council of America (ISCA), alleged that funds collected by Muslim groups for
humanitarian aid were
 being used “to buy weapons to fight in the name of Islam”; that “extremism
has been spread to 80
 percent of the Muslims in the U.S.”; and that “there are more than 2,000
mosques in the U.S...and 80
 percent of them are being run by extremist ideologies.”

 On 26 February 1999, eight leading US Islamic organisations issued a joint
press statement
 denouncing Kabbani’s remarks. Amongst the eight were the Islamic Society of
North America (ISNA),
 American Muslim Political Coordination Council (AMPCC), American Muslim
Alliance (AMA),
 American Muslim Council (AMC), Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR),
Muslim Public Affairs
 Council (MPAC), Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and the Muslim
Students Association of USA
 and Canada.

 Since then, Kabbani has not been invited to any ISNA convention while the US
Muslims in turn have
 been boycotting his ISCA conventions.

 In 2000, Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad too was uninvited to
the ISNA Convention in
 Chicago thereby placing him in the same league as Kabbani. Mahathir was
outraged at this humiliation
 and sent the Malaysian Ambassador to the US - Malaysian Finance Minister Daim
 brother-in-law – running to negotiate a withdrawal of the “uninvitation”.

 The Ambassador invited the entire ISNA Committee to Malaysia, fully-paid by
the Malaysian
 government, to meet Mahathir face-to-face. The ISNA Committee, however,
rejected the offer and
 indicated they would meet Mahathir only after Anwar Ibrahim has been
released, unconditionally, from

 Mahathir went to Chicago anyway whether ISNA wanted him to attend its
conference or not citing “he
 can still do other work” as the excuse. In Chicago, a demonstration awaited
him when he went to meet
 about 240 Malaysian students from all over the US to explain the Anwar issue.

 Since then, Mahathir has had an axe to grind with ISNA and what better way to
get back at ISNA than
 to use its mortal enemy, Kabbani, to run down its credibility. This way,
Mahathir can kill two birds with
 one stone – ISNA and Anwar Ibrahim.

 The problem with this, though, is that ISNA and the seven Islamic
organisations represent nearly all
 the Muslims as well as the mosques in the US, Canada and Mexico. Kabbani’s
ISCA represents just
 himself and has been totally ostracized by the US Muslims even to the extent
of accusing him of being
 a Zionist agent and funded by them.

 As they say, those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. While
Kabbani has “exposed”
 his adversaries in the US as being funded by a former Malaysian Minister, he
too has been exposed
 for what he really is.

 Is it coincidental that Kabbani’s Malaysian connection is the Sultan of
Perak’s family as well as the
 family of UMNO Youth Leader Hishamuddin Tun Hussein? Other leading Malaysian
 known cronies of Mahathir and UMNO, are also linked to him and, it seems,
Daim too has recently
 joined his "prayer group".

 Is the hand of UMNO at play here?

 Kabbani had better reveal who this ex-Malaysian Minister is because, in the
last revelation he made on
 7 January 1999, he refused to reveal which US Islamic groups he meant when he
accused them of
 being extremists.


FAC News - Friday, February 15, 2002 10:22 AM

 Shaykh Kabbani is jealous: US Muslim leader

 FAC News spoke to a prominent Muslim leader from one of the leading Islamic
groups in the United
 States to find out more about this Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani chap, and
what he had to say
 was most interesting to say the least.

 "I think there is a lot of hidden jealousy at play here," said the Muslim
leader who would rather remain
 anonymous lest he get dragged into a messy public debate.

 "Shaykh Kabbani has never been able to build his organization into the kind
of larger group that the
 other Muslim organizations in the US have."

 "Leaders from these other organizations get invited to the White House and he
doesn't," argued the US
 Muslim leader.

 "He warns America about Islamic extremism and its links to terrorism for
years but, after September
 11, the other Islamic leaders get to be on TV and he doesn't."

 "And then, when it is time for President Bush to ask a Muslim cleric to say a
prayer for the September
 11 victims," added the Muslim leader, "The honour goes to Dr. Siddiqi from
ISNA, the organization that
 he insinuates is radicalizing the mosques across America."

 It is well known that Kabbani has an axe to grind with ISNA. He knows too
that Malaysia is sore with
 ISNA for uninviting Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad to its
Chicago conference in 2000
 and, the following year, invited Anwar Ibrahim’s wife, Dr Wan Azizah Ismail

 Is Kabbani maybe trying to get back at ISNA for overshadowing him?

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Saudara boleh lawat laman web;
kalau nak tahu siapa Pak Sheikh ni...

>From: "spekar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "'Zainol Zainuddin'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Subject: RE: H-Net* Kabbani
>Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 11:24:27 +0800
>Siapa sebenarnya dia ni? Boleh terang kan sikit
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
>Zainol Zainuddin
>Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 3:26 AM
>Subject: Re: H-Net* Kabbani
>  *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
>  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net     }
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>  *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
>  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>Soalan ni kena tanya pengikut/penyokong tariqat sufi naqshbandi, since
>sheikh ni kepala kepada tariqat ni...
> >From: chenorian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: Hizbi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: H-Net* Kabbani
> >Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 18:11:34 -0800 (PST)
> >
> >
> >  *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
> >  {  Sila lawat Laman Hizbi-Net -  http://www.hizbi.net     }
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> >  *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
> >  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >Assalamualaikum..
> >
> >Apasal Kabbani yg diiktiraf ulamak oleh kerajaan US
> >dan kerajaan Malaysia tapi tak diiktiraf oleh ulamak
> >Islam datang ke Malaysia lepas tu buat bising kata org
> >Malaysia sokong pengganas di Amerika? Berat sungguh
> >dia ni..
> >
> >Wassalam

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