my hero toooo

"mk1" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 25/02/2002 06:00:57 PM

To:   "Hizbi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Jamna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
      "Sangkancil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
      "Alternatif-Net" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:    (bcc: KHALILI/MEM/MSMM)
Subject:  H-Net* siapa ibrahim libya?

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  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Jamna
  To: Alternatif-Net ; Sangkancil
  Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2002 12:07 AM
  Subject: [alternatif-net] Memali - A hero was born

  Ust. Ibrahim Mahmud had never harmed anybody. When he worked
with JAKIM, he was honored as "The Best Da'i" by JAKIM. He
resigned voluntarily to educate his Memali villagers - by then
was succumbed by various social ills.  The worst problem was
gambling among the villagers, causing many broken families.
Memali youth were also fighting among themselves. He managed to
put all these social problems to a complete stop and turned
Memali folks into god loving people.

  He started his small madrasah he made using his own money, time
and energy. Nobody paid attention to his effort, at first. He
started going from door to door inviting people to  his madrasah
where he taught Islamic lessons. Within short period, his
madrasah gathered many loyal students. He became a respectable
figure in Memali, not only for teaching villagers Islam lessons,
but also for his effort to help villagers to improve their living
conditions. He was known to be very vocal in criticizing UMNO/BN
policies, but he did not commit any crime. He did not break any
law.  He was not, by any mean, a criminal.

  Undeniably, Ust. Ibrahim Libya had caused problems to Kedah's
UMNO. His influence went beyond Memali. He recruited more
students and this had raised some concerns to UMNO.

  As usual, UMNO would never face its political opponents up
front. The police and other government agencies has always been
the most available tools for UMNO to confront its opponents -
dulu, kini, dan selamanya. The police managed to restrict Ust.
Ibrahim's activities only within his house compound. Still, UMNO
was not happy enough. They want Ust. Ibrahim to be detained under

  On 19 November 1985, the police came to Memali to arrest Ust.
Ibrahim under ISA. They numbered around 2,000 personnel, bringing
along tanks, and heavy weapons.  Ust. Ibrahim sent
representatives to negotiate with the police. His stand was as
clear as clean water.  He would surrender to the police only if
there was any charge against him, but, vowed to fight until his
death if he was to be held under ISA. For him, ISA is an
oppressive law which is against Islamic teaching. He would not
submit himself to any oppressive law like ISA. For him, it is a
shame and a sin for a Muslim to be submissive to oppression.

  Ay-Syahid Ibrahim Libya died in dignity. He honored his words.
He walked his talk. He was shot dead within his own house
compound. He did not attack anybody. He was merely defending his
right as a Malaysian citizen.

  I wish, I have his courage. He is my hero.



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----- Original Message -----
From: Jamna
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2002 12:07 AM
Subject: [alternatif-net] Memali - A hero was born


Ust. Ibrahim Mahmud had never harmed anybody. When he worked with JAKIM, he was honored as “The Best Da’i” by JAKIM. He resigned voluntarily to educate his Memali villagers – by then was succumbed by various social ills.  The worst problem was gambling among the villagers, causing many broken families. Memali youth were also fighting among themselves. He managed to put all these social problems to a complete stop and turned Memali folks into god loving people.


He started his small madrasah he made using his own money, time and energy. Nobody paid attention to his effort, at first. He started going from door to door inviting people to  his madrasah where he taught Islamic lessons. Within short period, his madrasah gathered many loyal students. He became a respectable figure in Memali, not only for teaching villagers Islam lessons, but also for his effort to help villagers to improve their living conditions. He was known to be very vocal in criticizing UMNO/BN policies, but he did not commit any crime. He did not break any law.  He was not, by any mean, a criminal.


Undeniably, Ust. Ibrahim Libya had caused problems to Kedah’s UMNO. His influence went beyond Memali. He recruited more students and this had raised some concerns to UMNO. 


As usual, UMNO would never face its political opponents up front. The police and other government agencies has always been the most available tools for UMNO to confront its opponents – dulu, kini, dan selamanya. The police managed to restrict Ust. Ibrahim’s activities only within his house compound. Still, UMNO was not happy enough. They want Ust. Ibrahim to be detained under ISA.


On 19 November 1985, the police came to Memali to arrest Ust. Ibrahim under ISA. They numbered around 2,000 personnel, bringing along tanks, and heavy weapons.  Ust. Ibrahim sent representatives to negotiate with the police. His stand was as clear as clean water.  He would surrender to the police only if there was any charge against him, but, vowed to fight until his death if he was to be held under ISA. For him, ISA is an oppressive law which is against Islamic teaching. He would not submit himself to any oppressive law like ISA. For him, it is a shame and a sin for a Muslim to be submissive to oppression.


Ay-Syahid Ibrahim Libya died in dignity. He honored his words. He walked his talk. He was shot dead within his own house compound. He did not attack anybody. He was merely defending his right as a Malaysian citizen. 


I wish, I have his courage. He is my hero.







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            Forum Perbincangan Maya Yang Fokus Kepada Isu Keadilan

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