Kerajaan Amerika LaknatuLlah kini sedang menggeledah kebanyakkan dari
Organisasi-Organisasi Islam di Amerika, TETAPI tidak Islamic Supreme
Council of Amerika yg dibawah naungan Hisham Kabbani yg baru-baru ini yg
memuji Chik Dhet... KENAPA???? KENAPA??? KENAPA????

Tepuk Dada tanya selera

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"Never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you (O 
Muhammad Peace be upon him) till you follow their religion. ... "

"They wish that you should compromise (in religion out of courtesy) 
with them, so they (too) would compromise with you."  (68:9)

 ----- Original Message -----0 
 From: >Ismail Royer 
 To: >[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; >mphs-dawah@= 
 Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 3:43 AM
 Subject: [Chicago-Net] The war on you

 Assalaamu alaikum,
 Along with those raided yesterday, some of the groups that have now 
been targeted by the US government include Benevolence International, 
Holy Land Foundation, Global Relief, the International Institute of 
Islamic Thought, the Graduate School of Islamic Social  Sciences, the 
Muslim World League, the Fiqh Council of North America, North
Islamic Trust (part of ISNA), and International  Islamic Relief 
Organization. There's not a whole lot of major ones left. Soon you
will be stuck with Kabbani, who, coincidentally, has  revamped his 
website and looks rarin' to go. 
 Says Taha Jaber Al-Alwani (author of the infamous fatwa stating that 
Muslims are Islamically allowed to fight Mus lims as part of the
 American military), whose school was raided yesterday, "I'm very 
upset, because after all our loyalty and service to our country, here 
we see ourselves in this position."
 As you read the articles below on the lates government raids on 
Muslims in America, here's something interesting to think about, also 
from the New York Times today, about the anti-Muslim riots in India:

 "Among the hardest-hit Muslim establishments here are those that 
served some of the city's most observant Hindus. [They] took pains not
 to stick out in the Hindu-majority parts of the city. No posters of 
Mecca and Medina hung on their walls. They employed Hindu cooks.
 The names of their restaurants contained no trace of Islamic 
identity. ...Explained Ismail Heera...'This was just to mix with the 
rest of the people.' 

 "The urge to fit in turned out not to be enough." onal/asia/21INDI.html


  March 21, 2002

 Raids Seek Evidence of Money-Laundering


 WASHINGTON, March 20 Federal law enforcement officials today 
raided 15 organizations and individuals in Northern Virginia
 and a chicken farm in Georgia, all of them, the authorities said, 
suspected by the Treasury Department of laundering money for
 Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups.

 The raids were the first to be coordinated by the Treasury 
Department's counterterrorism task force responsible for stopping the 
flow of money to terrorist organizations in the United States and 

 The department announced the raids in a single-page press release 
that gave the number of targets but provided little other
 information about them or the nature of what the authorities sought.

 People close to the Treasury investigation said, however, that among 
the main targets was a commercial building at 555 Grove
 Street in Herndon, Va., where the SAAR Foundation, a Saudi-financed 
charity that is now defunct, had an office until recently.
 No representative of the foundation could be located for comment.

 The Grove Street building, about 20 miles from Washington, also 
houses offices of several other Islamic charities and individual
 Muslims who, officials said, are being investigated for the 
possibility of money-laundering activities.

 That charity has a parent, the Muslim World League, that officials 
said was also searched. Corporate records show that the Muslim
 World League, which is financed in part by the Saudi government, is 
based at the same address as the relief organization, in
 Falls Church, but that it has used the Herndon building as a mailing 

 Last October, the Treasury Department listed another Islamic charity 
financed by the Muslim World League, the Rabita Trust, as
 having connections to Al Qaeda.

 Search warrants were also served today, officials said, on the 
International Institute for Islamic Thought, which is at 500 Grove
 Street, across the street from the SAAR Foundation. Officials said 
the government had been investigating the institute for at
 least three years.

 An employee there, Tarik Hamdi, whose home was also raided today, 
was mentionedin the New York trial resulting from the
 bombing of the United States Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in
A battery for a satellite phone was carried to Afghanistan by Mr. 
Hamdi that year; this phone, a prosecutor at the trial said, "is the 
phone that bin Laden and others will use to carry out their war 
against the United States."

 Neither Mr. Hamdi nor anyone else connected with the institute could 
be reached for comment today; a call placed to the lawyer for
 the organization late in the day was not returned. But in the past, 
officials of the institute have denied that any of its money
 supports terrorist activities.

 Dean Boyd, a spokesman for the Customs Service, one of the agencies 
involved in the raids, declined to comment on them. So did
 Frank Shults, a spokesman for the office of the United States 
attorney for Northern Virginia. The Treasury Department's
 press release said no further information about the search warrants 
could be disclosed.

 But officials and others familiar with the inquiry said the 
government was collecting bank records and other financial information
 about several groups, including the SAAR Foundation, which, though 
officially dissolved in 2000, until recently maintained an
 office at the 555 Grove Street address.

 Officials said SAAR had been financed in large part by Suleiman
Aziz al-Rajhi, a Saudi banker and financier who is said to
 be close to the Saudi ruling family. Mr. Rajhi, among other things, 
is said to have an indirect financial interest in Piedmont Poultry,
 in Gainesville, Ga., which federal agents also raided today. 

 The Treasury Department said the raids had involved more than 150 
agents and officers of the Customs Service, the Internal
 Revenue Service and several other Treasury agencies. Local police 
departments in Virginia assisted.

 The Treasury Department statement said the offices and residences 
that were targets of the raids had been searched, and material
 from them seized, without incident. It said federal investigators
begun processing the resulting evidence.

 The statement also noted that no one was arrested during the raids 
and that affidavits filed in support of the seizures were under
 court seal.

 Steven Emerson, a terrorism expert, focused on 555 Grove Street in 
his new book, "American Jihad: Terrorists Among Us." In the
 book, Mr. Emerson listed several charities at that address,
the SAAR Foundation and Safa Trust, which was also  raided today, as 
organizations that had financed groups and individuals connected to 

 In an interview, Mr. Emerson said he believed that the raids were 
aimed at helping the government collect information about how
 money that finances terrorism is laundered through Islamic charities 
in the United States. Such cases are very difficult to prove and
 prosecute, he said.

 Officials confirmed today that the government was seeking
about possible money-laundering not just for Al Qaeda, but also for 
what the State Department describes as other terrorist groups.

 These include the Palestinian military group Hamas, which claims 
responsibility for the scores of suicide bombings in Israel, and
 Palestinian Islamic Jihad, which is also suspected of having raised 
money for its activities through humanitarian groups operating in the 
United States. 

 In 1996, Congress passed a law making it a crime to raise money for 
terrorist groups, even if the money is not directly used to support 


 N.Va. Sites Raided in Probe of Terrorism
 Federal Agencies Seek Information on Funds 

 By Tom Jackman
 Washington Post Staff Writer
 Thursday, March 21, 2002; Page B01=20 icles/A59144-2002Mar20.html

 Federal agents yesterday raided 14 sites across Northern Virginia, 
many with links to the Middle East, seizing boxes of documents
 in an ongoing investigation of the funding of terrorist groups.

 No arrests were made, and none of the businesses was closed down.

 Government sources said the investigation is looking at charities
other organizations that may have contributed money to international 
groups that sponsor terrorist activities.

 Federal officials said the search warrants in Virginia and one in 
Georgia were issued as part of Operation Green Quest, being
 conducted by a counterterrorism financial task force created by the 
Treasury Department in October. Affidavits giving the reasons
 for the searches were sealed and were not provided to those who were 

 Agents from the U.S. Customs Service, which heads Operation Green 
Quest, and officers from nine other federal agencies and from police 
departments swooped into locations in Herndon, Falls Church and 
Leesburg and other sites in Fairfax County  about 10:30 a.m. Federal 
and local officials would not disclose exact locations for any of the 

 But Customs agents were busy loading up boxes throughout the 
afternoon at two offices in Herndon: at the International Institute 
for Islamic Thought and at MarJac Investments, both on Grove Street. 
Shortly before 4 p.m., the investigators drove a large U-Haul truck 
into a parking lot near both.

 Ahmed Totonji, a vice president at the institute, said he was 
surprised by the federal interest in his firm, a nonprofit Islamic 
think tank that has been in Herndon since 1981. He said no one had 
told him why it was being searched.

 "We have no knowledge of this kind of thing going on," Totonji said, 
"and we will cooperate 100 percent." 

 The institute has branches in 12 countries in addition to its 
Herndon headquarters and describes itself as "an intellectual forum 
working from an Islamic perspective to promote and support research 
projects, organize intellectual and cultural meetings and publish
 scholarly works."

 But the institute also has been linked to controversial groups in
Middle East. It has made large financial contributions to the
 World Islamic Studies Enterprise in Tampa. In November, the Justice 
Department called the Tampa group a "front organization that raised 
funds for militant Islamic-Palestinian groups such as the Palestinian 
Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and Hamas. The PIJ, designated by the Secretary
State as a terrorist organization, has claimed responsibility for 
several acts of terrorism."

 Until the mid-1990s, the World Islamic Studies Enterprise was an 
academic institute affiliated with the University of South Florida.
 Federal agents searched its office in 1995 and eventually froze its 

 Tax records show that the Herndon institute made contributions to
group until at least 1994.

 Steven Emerson, a journalist and author of the best-selling
Jihad," said yesterday's raids were part of a money-laundering
 investigation launched by the federal government since the Sept. 11 
terrorist attacks.

 "It is part of the ongoing problem of nonprofit humanitarian 
groups commingling their funds with support for terrorist groups," he 

 Federal agents yesterday also raided the Graduate School of Islamic 
and Social Sciences on Miller Drive in Leesburg. Taha Al-alwani, 
president of the school, said authorities arrived at 10:30 a.m., 
confined employees to the lobby and began searching computers and 
financial records. They said little except that they were there to 
examine the school's finances.

 Each employee was interviewed separately about his job, and when 
staff members asked to use the restroom, they were escorted by
 armed agents. The school, which opened in 1996, was the first in the 
country approved by the Pentagon to train Muslim chaplains.
 Nine of the military's 13 Muslim chaplains have studied there.

 "I'm very upset, because after all our loyalty and service to our 
country, here we see ourselves in this position," Al-alwani said.

 Agents also seized documents at MarJac Investments Inc., in Herndon, 
a consulting firm that has offices in Egypt, Turkey, Malaysia, Canada 
and Chile.

 Operation Green Quest was created to identify and shut down the 
sources of terrorist funding by using the Treasury Department to
 freeze accounts, seize assets and prosecute those assisting 

 Staff writers Maria Glod, Rosalind S. Helderman, John Mintz and 
Valerie Strauss contributed to this report. 


 When the time of Khalid RadhiAllahu `anhu came to depart from the 
world, he said, "I reached every possible place for Shahadah, but
 it was written in my fate that I should die on my bed. In my opinion 
there is no deed more dearer than my waiting with my horse and
 shield in the darkness of night, the sky to be glittering due to the 
rain, waiting for the onset of dawn, so that I can attack the enemy."

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