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Was Commander Saif-ur-Rahman Mansour Prophesized in Hadeeth?

The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, "A man named Harith bin Harith will come from
Transoxania. His army will be led by a man named Mansour. He will pave and
open the way for the government of the family of Muhammad (saw), just as
Quraish established the government of the Messenger of Allah (saw). Every
believer will be obliged to support him." (Abu Dawood) The Prophet (saw) said,
"We are the people of a household for whom Allah has chosen the hereafter
rather than this world. The people of my Household will suffer a great deal
after my death, and will be persecuted until a people carrying Black Flags
will come out from Khurasaan. They will instruct and call the people to do
good, but the people will refuse; then they will fight until they are
victorious and they will hand the power over to a man from my Household. Then
the earth will be filled with justice, just as it had been filled with
injustice. If any of you live to see this you should go to him even if you
have to crawl across the ice and snow. (Ibn Majah, al-Hakim , Imam Ahmed)
Research into ancient maps will reveal that the area known as Transoxania from
which the man named Mansour is prophesized to come from was the area
stretching from what is now known as Eastern Turkestan, westward across
Bukara, Samarkand and the Ferghana Valley a bastion of Islamic Jihad and
Mujahideen, which straddles the three countries of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and
Kyrgystan. Which expands eastward into the predominantly Muslim, Xinjiang
region of western China.

The area known as Greater Khurasaan encompassed what is all of present day
Afghanistan from the Hindu Kush mountain ranges northwest of of Jalalabad and
Peshawar, to the the eastern border with Iran. The significance of this area
is foretold in those hadeeth of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) which tell of
mighty Islamic Warriors, who will arise from this region to form the backbone
of Imam Mahdi's army and who will pave the way for the establishment of his
global Islamic government. Only Allah knows if Saif-ur-Rahman Mansour is the
Mansour prophesized by Prophet Muhammad (saw) but the similarities are
striking, in that we know of asurety that Saif-ur-Rahman Mansour is indeed
from Uzbekistan. (Transoxania) We also know that even TIME magazine reported
of Saif-ur-Rahman Mansour on March 7th. If you look at the huge icy mountain
of Shahi Kot depicted in the TIME story and connect the name Mansour, it
evokes images of the Prophet Muhammad's (saw) words, "If any of you live to
see this you should go to him even if you have to crawl across the ice and

Then read the words of the TIME magazine correspondant "Mansour's mountain
stronghold appears to have been a magnet for Taliban die-hards and al-Qaeda
fighters, a number of whom made their way to Shahi Kot — some with the
families in tow ".....Could it be that it is the Hadeeth, that was the magnet
attracting their Iman filled hearts to Commander Saif-ur-Rahman Mansour at
Shahi Kot ? Only time will reveal the fullfillment of this blessed Prophecy
and whether or not the Mujahideen under the command of Saif-ur-Rahman Mansour
will be the ones to hand the Black Flags to Imam Mahdi. And any truth in what
Ive shared with you is from Allah while the errors are from my self. I seek
forgivness for myself and for you, and ask Allah to give us all the ability
and divine favour to be counted amongst the ranks of his righteous and elite.

www.Taliban-News.Com visit www.khurasaan.com - prophecy of afghan n iran

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Pengirim: Ahmad Baharudin Kasbi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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