boleh syahid tak payah gi moro bang ...lawan mahashit laknatullah pon boleh
syahid ...nie dok tunggu lampu hijau la nie
nak gi moro ...alamat kene tangkap dulu dek regim laknatullah PDr,M ....
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                      Ahmad Baharudin                                                  
                      Kasbi                    To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                
                      <a_kasbi@mailandn        cc:                                     
            >                 Subject:  H-Net* Yahudi di Muka Pintu   
                      Sent by:                                                         
                      23/04/02 10:36 AM                                                

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Maka, antara dalam sedar, Jihad yg dicari, syahid yg dikejar kini sedang
berada di ambang pintu. Jika kita benar-benar ikhlas dalam menyatakan rasa
duka kita terhadap saudara-saudara segama yg dibunuh dan disembelih dek
Laknatullah di bumi Palestine sana, dan jika hati kita benar2 terhiris
apa yg berlaku di kem Pelarian di Jenin sana; maka ketahuilah bahawasanya
Yahudi bangsat Laknatullah itu kini bersama-sama anjing-anjing yg dilatih
mereka bersama MASTER mereka dari Amerika sendiri kini sedang
di pedalaman MORO sana; jikalah sungguh marah yg ada di dalam dada kita itu

bukan marah buat-buat.....maka tentunya kita semua sedang kelam kabut
siaga untuk MARA ke hutan Mindanao sana.

Malangnya kita adalah kita....dok macam nie lah dari dulu kini dan
selama-lamanya....tak kata kat orang lain, saya kata kat diri saya sendiri:


Ahmad Baharudin Kasbi

Tiger Chan wrote:

Israel Anti-Terrorist Experts Train Philippine Police

Xinhuanet 2002-04-22 19:57:59

   MANILA, April 22 (Xinhuanet) -- President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
confirmed Monday  that the Philippine National Police (PNP) has a
long-standing "commercial arrangement" with Israeli anti-terrorist
experts to train crack Filipino police commandos.
   "We have the Israelis long before. Actually, some of them are
already living here in the Philippines. But this training has a
commercial arrangement," she said in a radio interview.
   President Arroyo explained that the training by Israeli police
experts of the PNP is  different from those with Scotland Yard and
Hong Kong police because these are being done on the basis of "
government-to-government arrangements."
   She said the training exercise under the Israeli police experts
is part of the anti-kidnapping solutions that her administration
has implemented since last year as a commitment to the Filipino-
Chinese community, the major victim of  kidnap-for-ransom crimes
in the country.
   But the president stressed that such training programs for the
PNP from Israel, Britain, and Hong Kong, China are all parts of
the anti-kidnapping campaign of the government.
   The country's most infamous kidnap-for-ransom group is the Abu
Sayyaf, which is still holding an American couple and a Filipina
nurse in the southern island of Basilan, the last hostages of its
latest kidnapping spree that began in May last year.
   A thousand U.S. soldiers are in the southern Philippines,
including some 160 special forces in Basilan, helping the local
military wipe out the Abu Sayyaf bandits, allegedly linked to the
al-Qaeda network of Osama bin Laden, the suspected mastermind of
the September 11 terror attacks on the United States.

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