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Apb saya menghantar e-mail tsb, saya dpti ada 2 reaksi :

i) Padan muka Amway krn ia adalah sykt kuffar laknatullah dan marilah kita 
memboikotnya dan juga brgn kafir yg lain dan sokonglah barang2 'Islam' kita
ii) Sdr Zulme mempertahan Amway dgn mengatakan bhw ia adalah satu btk 
evolusi(mungkin org Amway jugak kot :) )

Pandangan saya :

Saya sebenarnya juga merupakan seorang yg mendukung kuat 'financial 

Apb tibanya Gelombang Ketiga iaitu gelombang ilmu/maklumat, kita akan dpti 
kebanyakan tiang2 yg menyokong kewujudan gelombang kedua iaitu gelombang 
industri akan runtuh.

Salah satu drp tiang2 itu adalah pemisahan di antara golongan producer/ 
consumer, @ pengeluar/pengguna @ juga kapitalis/sosialis.

Maknanya slps ini, kita akan lebih sukar utk mbezakan di antara org yg 
menawarkan kerja (e.g jutawan/korporat) dan juga org yg bekerja utknya.

Ini dsbbkan ilmu mengenai cara utk mjd kaya itu telah 'terbocor' dan kini 
dikuasai oleh kelas pekerja juga.

Dan salah satu cara 'terpantas' utk mjd kaya @ lebih tepat lagi 'financially 
independent' ialah melalui MLM (multi level marketing).

Pd pdpt saya, kita sbg org Islam dan lebih2 lagi yg berada di dlm Gerakan 
Islam perlulah mcapai financial independence dan tdk bgantung kpd kjaan 

( Dahla tu... banyak2 kang org lain pening dan x faham pulak...)

Pd pdpt saya, adakah hendak menewaskan kuffar itu hanya dgn cara yg 
disediakan oleh Islam shj?

Kalau begitu, kenapa org kafir laknatullah tu mengambil ilmu org Islam 
ketika zaman kegemilangan Islam dulu, dan kemudiannya tiba2 jd maju apb 
berlakunya REnaissance?

Kalau depa kata dulu, " Buat apa ambil ilmu org Islam ni, kan diorang tu 
'kapir'", bolehkah mrk maju spt sekarang?

Skrg kita pula kena jd hamba bila bhadapan dgn mrk yg sebenarnya telah 
memajukan ilmu kita sendiri.

Nak lawan org bukannya dgn satu cara shj iaitu boikot. Kdg2 kita kena 'beat 
them at their own game'.

Sabda Rasulullah : "Hikmah itu hak org mukmin yg hilang, di mana mrk jumpa; 
mrklah yg paling berhak mengambilnya".

Itu je lah yg dpt saya rumuskan drp pbacaan 'The Third WAve' dan 'Rich Dad 
Poor Dad'.

Utk Sdr Zulme pula, read this article below. What have you got to say about 




12 Others Resign in Protest

April 23, 2002

On April 19, 2002, Quixtar terminated the distributorships of six Diamonds. 
Their crime? Attempting, along with 12 other Diamonds, to throw a few pails 
of water at the Augean Stables of the Amway/Quixtar motivational "tools" 

"Of the 18 Diamonds in Team In Focus, 6 have been terminated (Andy & Polly 
Andrews, Gerry & Sharon Betterman, Gayle Collinsworth, Mike & Lynn Jakubik, 
Ron & Melanie Rummel, John & Pat Terhune) and most of the others, when 
threatened with termination, have resigned."

For years, the shadow business of the Amway (and now Quixtar) kingpins has 
been the "system" -- the business of motivation in the form of tapes, books, 
functions, videos, and CDs. It has been repeatedly shown that the Diamonds 
make far more -- at least 80% and often up to 95% -- of their income from 
the "system" than from Amway or Quixtar. The system had become the tail that 
wagged the dog.

As early as 1982, Rich DeVos, Amway co-founder, chastised these kingpins, 
accusing them of running an illegal pyramid scheme. However, 10 years later, 
the "system" had become a way for a very few to suck millions -- even 
billions -- of dollars from their downline. Tool income was secret, the 
average frontline distributor was told that nobody made any money on tools, 
and everything was managed by the "wink and handshake" method. There were no 
contracts, and upline diamonds could change the way tool money was 
distributed at will.


>From: "Zulme Tumin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: ibnu ramli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [islah-net] Amway dah mati?
>Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 09:22:30 +0800
>it's not dead but an evolution, a change, hi-tech & hi-touch, free 
>agst capitalism.
>ibnu ramli wrote:
> > ~Salam.
> >
> > Utk hardcore-hardcore (dan bakal hardcore) Amway.
> >
> > Wslm.
> >
> > Amway North America to Close
> >
> > May 13, 2002. In a letter to its participants, Amway has announced that
> > Amway North America will no longer exist effective January 1, 2003.
> >
> > As of June 1, 2002, the Amway kit will no longer be available.
> > As of August 1, 2002, no new Amway registrations will be possible.
> > September, 2002. Renewing IBOs will all be converted to Quixtar
> > January 1, 2003, all IBOs will be converted to Quixtar regardless of 
> > status.
> >
> > http://www.mlmsurvivor.com/amwayclose.htm
> >
> > http://www.mlmsurvivor.com/devosexit.htm
> >
> > http://www.mlmsurvivor.com/TIF.htm
> >
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