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>Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 06:43:00 -1000
>From: "Masudi, Taalib MR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Organization: Islamic Information Office Visit http://iio.org/
>In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
>"Masudi, Taalib MR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wrote-
>As-Salaamu Alaikum,
>Of Tooth Fairies & Suicide Bombers
>Commentary By Carol A. Valentine
>President, Public Action, Inc.
>People, let's use our noggins. The suicide bombers are not what they
>seem to be.
>For many months now, I have been reading stories about
>alleged "suicide bombers" in the Washington Post and the Washington
>Times. Within a short time after the attack, not only is the suicide
>bomber identified by name, but we have nice colored photos, almost
>portrait quality shots, of the dead culprits.
>For example, on April 27, 2002, the Washington Post ran an article in
>the Style section, "Female Suicide Bombers: the New Factor in
>Mideast's Deadly Equation." Shown at the top of the article are four
>color photos of the faces of four Palestinian (?) women, face to the
>camera, posed for the photographer.
>How thoughtful of the suicide bombers to have those photos taken. How
>thoughtful of the suicide bombers to leave the photos behind to be
>conveniently found by the Zionist-owned press. And what a public
>service the Zionist-owned press is doing the whole world by
>publishing these photos.
>Typically, stories about suicide bombers tell us that the bomber went
>to a public place such as a bus stop, market, restaurant, pool hall,
>etc., and blew himself/herself up along with one, two, or many
>Funny, they rarely hit military targets. I wonder why?
>The general story line is that the bomber had explosives attached to
>his/her person. The story goes on to describe the carnage in grisly
>detail - dismembered bodies, etc. But, remarkably, the suicide bomber
>himself/herself is not blown to smithereens. The bomber's body is
>left in sufficiently good shape to be identified immediately, and of
>course the Israeli authorities do just that.
>But even more remarkable: The Israelis come up with these nice
>portraits of the culprits. And what is most remarkable of all?
>Everything is coordinated, bombers ID'd, photos gathered, stories
>written -- and published all over the world by the Zionist press --
>within a few hours or days after the event.
>Why would a Palestinian bent on vengeance commit suicide? Far better
>to go to the bus stop, market, restaurant, pool hall, etc., with a
>shopping bag or backpack full of explosives, casually discard the
>package in some inconspicuous place, and leave. BOOM! Lots of
>Israelis die, and the bomber walks away to bomb another location next
>week. But no, we are asked to believe that the suicide bombers! blow
>THEMSELVES up, too.
>"Why would the bombers do that?" we ask. "Because they are fanatics,
>that's why," is the response.
>Well, if you are a Palestinian fanatic you surely would want to
>kill as many Israelis as possible. You would want to extend your life
>as long as possible to do that job. Committing suicide unnecessarily
>would be a very dumb thing to do.
>In all the years of IRA activity in Northern Ireland and Britain, the
>IRA never used suicide bombers, did they? Wonder why
>the "Palestinians" have to?
>There's another variation to these inane suicides?...)
>"The suicide bombers are not just fanatics, they are MUSLIM fanatics.
>Allah will reward them for their deeds. They want to go to heaven to
>be rewarded."
>Yet I have NEVER seen one cite from the Qur'an that justifies
>suicide, under any conditions. Quite the reverse. I have seen cites
>from the Qur'an which clearly prohibit suicide.
>Now doubtless there are passages in the Qur'an  that say eternal bliss will
>be endowed upon those brave souls who lose their lives while fighting
>God's war. Big deal. We have chaplains in the US military who, give
>or take, give our soldiers the same kind of message. That's their
>If the Israelis want us to believe that the suicide bombers are
>fanatic Muslims, they need to come up with Qur'anic scriptures to
>prove their point. They don't. They can't. The Israelis are lying.
>What else is new?
>The Palestinian suicide bombers have been compared to the Japanese
>Kamikazee pilots who purposely flew their bomb-laden planes into
>American war ships at sea during world War II.
>The Japanese knew they were in danger of losing the war, and they
>wanted to reverse the trend. So they arrived at a strategy which
>would inflict maximum American damage for minimum Japanese damage.
>The Kamikazee strategy was very successful. For each Japanese killed,
>10 Americans were killed and many ships were sunk or badly damaged.
>Unfortunately for the Japanese, the Kamikazee strategy was not
>successful enough. The US had the A-bomb.
>The Kamikazee pilots' purpose was not to commit suicide. Their deaths
>were the necessary by-product of a heroic attempt to defeat a
>military enemy, an enemy who threatened the life of the Emperor,
>their God. Of course the Kamikazee pilots thought they'd go to
>Heaven, too, but that seems to be a common denominator for all who
>fight in the Good War.
>And what of the Hamas, claiming responsibility for these suicide
>bombings? The reports that the Hamas takes responsibility comes from
>the Israelis, and we know they never lie.
>There is almost no chance the Hamas is a real Palestinian operation.
>More than likely it is an undercover Israeli mockingbird operation.
>Before me on my desk are two color photos of -- can you believe --
>students who attend "suicide bomber" schools. The schools are either
>run by the Hamas, or Hamas "sympathizers."
>One dramatic front page color photo appeared in the Washington Times
>of December 10, 2001 with this caption:
>"Ready to Die: At an anti-Israeli demonstration commemorating Hamas's
>14th anniversary yesterday, suicide bombers with fake dynamite
>strapped to their chests paraded near the southern Lebanese city of
>Sidon. "
>The photo is attributed to Associated Press, and shows at least 10
>people, whose faces and bodies are entirely covered by white
>sheeting, facing the camera.
>Another dramatic front page color photo appeared in the Washington
>Times on March 4, 2002. The caption reads:
>"Humas activists, dressed as 'suicide bombers' with fake explosives
>strapped to their waists, rallied yesterday in the West Bank."
>There are at least 11 white-garbed clowns in this photo, which is
>again attributed to Associated Press.
>Juxtaposed beneath the photo of the 11 suicide bomber students is a
>photo of four young Israelis, two of them boys dressed in black with
>black hats and side curls. The boys wear mournful expressions on
>their faces. The caption reads: "Blast site: Ultra-Orthodox Jews
>watched volunteers clean the Jerusalem site Sunday where a suicide
>bomber killed nine persons."
>"Gee, how sweet and nice those young boys look. Fancy having to put
>up with suicide bombers . . ." that's what we are supposed to think.
>Israel has declared on many occasions that assassination is it's
>official policy. How many times have we heard of Palestinian leaders
>summarily shot dead on the spot by Israeli hit men? That being the
>case, how realistic is it that the Israelis would permit these
>young "suicide bombers" to train openly, and march down the street
>openly? How likely do you think it is that Israel would permit REAL
>suicide bomber schools to exist?
>And how do you think that Associated Press found out about the
>demonstrations and showed up to take photos? Next we'll be told the
>suicide bomber schools have public relations departments and send out
>press releases.
>How dumb do they think we are, that we'd believe all this? Well, you
>can speak for yourself. But I ain't THAT dumb.
>I believe Israel runs a suicide bomber campaign. The suicide bomber
>campaign serves at least four purposes.
>* Sharon the Madman needs an insane foe. An insane foe makes Sharon
>and those behind him look good, or at least not so bad.
>* In May, 2001, world public opinion was moved to sympathy for the
>Palestinian cause. We were enchanted at "The Return of the Knight."
>The heroism of this young Palestinian boy swept the world's
>imagination. Obviously, the Israelis were losing the PR war. Shortly
>thereafter, a new rash of suicide bombers broke out and continues to
>this day. The suicide bomber campaign was in part an attempt to
>reverse a growing Israeli PR disaster.
>* By September 11, 2001, Muslim fanatics committing suicide had to be
>firmly planted in the public mind as a common-place event. That
>paradigm made the fantastic stories of the "suicide pilots" -- those
>Muslims accused of crashing the United and American passenger jets
>into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 9-11 -- easier to
>* Depicting the Palestinians as irrational fanatics justifies their
>extermination. Proof?
>This from the mouth of Richard Cohen, columnist for the Washington
>Post. On February 5, 2002, Cohen wrote a column "Why the Turn to
>"NEW YORK -- On my first visit to Israel, the government supplied me
>with a guide -- a former army officer and combat veteran renowned for
>his hawkish views. We disagreed about almost everything, including
>the nature of the "enemy." I found his views simplistic and
>repulsive. Recently, though, I have begun to wonder if he wasn't
>right . . ."
>Cohen then moves on to talk about suicide bombers.
>" It [Palestine] is now behaving as the Japanese did toward the end
>of World War II when, in desperation, they sent pilots crashing into
>U.S. ships. These kamikaze attacks were both effective and
>terrifying, but they were also a clear sign that Japan had gone nuts.
>"The kamikaze attacks were an important element in the dehumanizing
>of Japan. They encouraged, maybe the right word is "permitted," the
>use of the atomic bomb. After all, the enemy was not rational. It was
>barbaric. It would never surrender. It would fight to the last square
>inch. Better to incinerate them all.
>"In a similar manner, suicide bombings have transformed the image of
>Palestinians. Now, in the view of many, they are similar to the
>people my guide once so excoriated and insulted -- so different, so
>primitive, so cruel and indifferent to human life that they celebrate
>the suicide of a loved one and the simultaneous murder of innocent
>people. "
>There you have it. The PR payoff of the suicide bomber campaign is to
>convince world public opinion that any barbaric act against the
>Palestinians is justified. Nuke them, burn them alive, decapitate
>every last man, woman, and child. Do whatever you wish.
>If I were the director of an Israeli dirty trick intelligence
>organization, I could think of a number of ways to pull off "suicide"
>* Send an agent to a public place, have him inconspicuously drop off
>his package and leave. BOOM! Meanwhile, simply abduct and murder some
>unfortunate Palestinian and blame it on him or her.
>* Create a false ID for the Israeli agent, have him establish that
>persona in real time, send him into a public place, have him
>inconspicuously drop off his package and leave. BOOM! Then disappear
>the agent.
>* With effective Israeli control of hospitals, mental hospitals, and
>prisons, Israeli intelligence people have a plentiful supply of the
>walking wounded at their fingertips -- Palestinians who are human
>ruins, shellshocked, brain-damaged and drugged to the gills. How easy
>it would be to send one of these unknowing unfortunates out on an
>errand. "Here, strap this money belt around your middle to make sure
>you don't lose the money." Tell the poor sap to meet someone in a
>pool hall, and detonate the "money belt." BOOM!
>I'll allow you to come up with other possible scenarios. It's not
>hard to do.
>And as for the interviews with the bereaved family members -- we
>don't know the people being interviewed from Adam. They could have
>come straight from Central Casting. Or they could be genuinely
>bereaved family members of real victims -- people who have been
>watching too much Tee Vee and believe the "suicide bomber" media
>Expect more "suicide" bombings, but believe them less. Thank you. --
>Carol A. Valentine President, Public Action, Inc. <http://www.Public->
>Action.com See the handiwork of the world's leading terrorist
>organization, the FBI: Visit the Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum
>911 Lies exposed at <http://www.public-action.com/>
>IIOnet is brought to you by the Islamic Information Office  http://iio.org.
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