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> An Open Letter to our Beloved Prime Minister
> Dear Sir,
> I am a Malaysia Chinese graduated from a US University many many years
> ago.
> I have read your news yesterday with my heart and blood boiling. I am a
> nobody in Malaysia and have never met you face-to-face before. I have no
> way
> of contacting you, and so I hope your press secretaries or special branch
> officers could pass you this note. I really hope you have a chance to read
> my note.
> Sir, I must say that you have again made a somehow misleading statement
> yesterday. You implied that if the number of bumi students were to be
> reduced in the public universities through the so-called "meritocracy"
> admission system, non-bumi, especially Chinese and Indian Communities
> would
> be very happy about it.
> Sir, you also mentioned that there are only 800 bumi students (government
> sponsored) out of a total of 17000 Malaysian students studying in US. And
> 80% of our private colleges' students in Malaysia are non-bumi.
> I strongly feel that you, as our beloved Prime Minister have again missed
> the point. Yes, there are more non-bumi, make it clearer, there are more
> Malaysian Chinese students in private colleges, and in US universities.
> But,
> all these Chinese students are fee-paying students. 99.99% of them do not
> get scholarships and study loan from our government which collect taxes
> "regardless of races". These Malaysian Chinese students are trying every
> possible way to pursue a good education. Their parents sell houses, cars,
> jewelry, and make a lot of sacrifices to make sure that their children
> receive good education. Their effort should be commended.
> I find it hard to understand what is it going to do with the public
> universities' controversial "meritocracy" admission system if more
> fee-paying Chinese students, compare to Malay students are going to study
> in
> private colleges or overseas universities. If Malay students want to pay
> their own fees to enter private colleges and overseas universities, I will
> be the first one cheering for them.
> Private colleges in Malaysia and overseas universities are taking in
> fee-paying students irrespective of their nationality and races. If Malay
> students want to pay their own fees to attend private colleges and
> overseas
> universities, Go ahead. I do not think any Chinese in Malaysia would say a
> single word against it. This is a free world. If you have financial mean,
> you can do anything you like, as long as it is legal. So, getting a good
> education is a legal thing. I do not see why each time, when local
> universities' admission system is in question, the Malay politicians will
> start comparing the number of Chinese students in local private colleges
> and
> overseas universities, and then come out a laughable conclusion that "Oh!,
> anyway, total number of Chinese students receiving higher education is
> still
> more than Malay students." The foreign press always makes fun or makes
> unfavorable comments on our politicians. You know why? Because our
> politicians always make laughable conclusion, or sometime, ridiculous
> comments.
> Please do not give the excuses that Malay students have less financial
> resources to study in private colleges and overseas universities. I see
> most
> of my Malay colleagues have bigger car, bigger house, nicer furniture in
> their house and more jewelry than myself, and yet they are not willing to
> spend their "own money" to even attend a short course which will help them
> in their career. I have Malay colleagues who could spend Rm429 to buy a
> branded handbag and few hundred a month for beautiful clothes, but when
> come
> to attending a once-in-a-while RM500 three days external seminar, they
> would
> request for the company to pay for them. To them, personal outlook is more
> important than self-enhancement and development. Sadly to say, nowadays, a
> lot of Chinese youngsters are also prefer to chasing for materialistic
> things than going after good and better quality education. So, I would not
> be surprise, there will be more fee-paying Malay students in local private
> colleges compare to Chinese students in the future, if Malay parents are
> willing to sacrifice a bit to send their children to attend private
> colleges
> and overseas universities.
> So, my point is. This is an attitude problem. Malay students are not dumb
> or
> stupid. This is just that their parents' priority is different from
> Chinese
> students' parents.
> So, dear Sir, please do not make the wrong comparison again. IF you want
> to
> have 100% Malay students in local universities, just tell us in advance.
> We
> would then find a way or sell our proton to send our sons to private
> colleges after they finish their SPM. But if you want to use quota or your
> own version of "meritocracy" admission system to give an advantage to
> Malay
> students, then don't blame or jealously imply us for sending our children
> to
> private colleges and overseas universities. We have no choice. Please
> don't
> give us a hope, and then dash it in the end.
> DO you think we have too much money but no place to spend, so we have to
> waste our money to send our children to local colleges and overseas
> universities?
> We in fact don't want uncertainty. Life is too short for wasting time to
> "guess" what will be your government's next step in coming out your
> version
> of university admission system which will again favor your Malay students.
> I am sorry if I have said something rude here against you. I always
> respect
> you and so I hope you could take my words as a True
> Stateman.<?xml:namespace
> prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
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