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Qoute : Pat Buchanan..we cannot kill Islam...

Assalamu Alaikum,

A Jew like Patrick J. Buchanan, who was twice a
candidate for the Republican presidential
nomination and the Reform Party’s candidate in
2000, now a commentator and columnist, he served
three presidents in the White House, and is the
author of several books, has it correct when he

For no matter how many deaths or defeats we
inflict, we cannot kill Islam as we did Nazism,
fascism, Japanese militarism and Soviet
Bolshevism. Islam has survived for nearly 1,600
years; it is the predominant faith in 57
countries; it is indestructible.

Astonishingly, 63 years ago, when Islam lay
dormant under the heel of Western empires, a
famous Catholic writer predicted Islam would rise
again. Wrote Hillaire Belloc: "It has always
seemed to me ... probable, that there would be a
resurrection of Islam and that our sons or our
grandsons would see the renewal of that
tremendous struggle between the Christian culture
and what has been for more than a thousand years
its greatest opponent."

When Christians were illiterate, Islam spread
"for 700 years, until it had mastered the Balkans
and the Hungarian plain, and all but occupied
Western Europe itself," almost destroying
Christendom "through its early material and
intellectual superiority."

If belief is decisive, Islam is militant,
Christianity milquetoast. In population, Islam is
exploding, the West dying. Islamic warriors are
willing to suffer defeat and death, the West
recoils at casualties. They are full of
grievance; we, full of guilt. Where Islam
prevails, it asserts a right to impose its dogma,
while the West preaches equality. Islam is
assertive, the West apologetic – about its
crusaders, conquerors and empires.

Don't count Islam out. It is the fastest growing
faith in Europe and has surpassed Catholicism
worldwide. And as Christianity expires in the
West and the churches empty out, the mosques are
going up.

To defeat a faith, you need a faith. What is
ours? Individualism, democracy, pluralism, la
dolce vita? Can they overcome a fighting faith,
16 centuries old, and rising again?


“And say: ‘Truth has come and falsehood has
vanished. Surely, falsehood is ever bound to
vanish.” (Al-Israa 17:81)

“They (the disbelievers) want to distinguish
Allah’s Light with their mouths, but Allah will
not allow except that his Light should be
perfected even though the Kafirun (disbelievers)
hate (it)” (At-Taubah 9:32)

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