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Assalamualaikum to our dearly sisters...

   yess ..in the first e-mail you're correct . Islam is not only for Malay. 
The phrase of "U dah masuk melayu" is just a phrase of the old timers.
Do not be offended. It is just a phrase. The malay community is undoubtly
are mostly muslims.
So during the back days U dah masuk melayu is a phrase where usually whoever
non-muslims like the indians or the chinese 
would surely be kicked out of their family and would have no choice but to
join the malay community.
It goes especially to Guys who have to "berkhatan" or sunat and because the
malay does that and whoever follow them will be labeled masuk melayu or
masuk jawi not by the malay but by their own people/race. 
So please do not be irritated when somebody says that to you. 

p/s Still do remember how my history teacher told us how the indian being
called "keling" . It is because those people back in 
the 11th century in melaka could not differentiate the other races that came
there. So portuguese were called Benggali putih 
because they whore turbans like the benggalli but yet they are white. And
the Indians who like to wear and matter of fact introduce  gelang kaki
berlonceng to melaka!!!!! and whenever these people passed through .. the
ringging bells sounded like kelingcing
kelincing .. so they just call them keling.
If any indians who are offended with this fact .... please tell me what are
the meanings of KELING ?? why do they get offended
very much?? Why must they?? 
sorry if anybody felt my writings hurt them. I'm sorry. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: nor_k [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, 12 July, 2002 4:12 PM
> Subject:      [Dakwah] Re: Islam is universal religion
> Assalamualaikum..
> Hold your horses girls...lets dont get into a bigger argument. I 
> think the issue here is not Malay or ect. The issue is the local 
> muslim. Is is so happen that the majority muslim in Malaysia is 
> malay. So we must take the responsibility of failing to do the dakwah 
> to others. We as a muslim fail to show our fellow non-muslim friends 
> the beauty of islam. When someone embrace Islam we will call them 
> names like "maklaf" "india muslim" "saudara baru" and many other. I 
> remember, one morning, on TV3, they are talking about saudara baru. 
> Suprisingly the host her self is without tudung!! Yet, how dare they 
> call the 2 panel as saudara baru when both of them is in fully muslim 
> attire. I made a call to comment, but been cutoff immediatly.. Look 
> at ppl like Hussain Yee and Ridzuan Abdullah, they are both a new 
> commers but their amal is much better compare to most of the born 
> muslim. 
> Teringat cerita Hussain Yee apabila dia baru memeluk islam di 
> P.Pinang, satu ketika dia ke masjid untuk asar, tetapi tidak ada 
> orang. Lalu dia pun melaungkan azan, dengan pelat cinanya,sungguh 
> sumbang bunyinya. Maka ramai lah orang yang datang, ingatkan nak 
> sembahyang, rupa-rupanya sekadar nak marah sebab cina maalaf tak reti 
> azan. Lepas marah-marah, semua balik, tinggallah solat zohor 2,3 
> orang sahaja. Tapi sekarang, berapa ramai melayu yang bergurukan 
> beliau. 
> Cik Faizaha, mahu atau tidak kita kena mengaku kesilapan kita. 
> Sebenarnya masalah yang diketengahkan disini adalah majoriti bukan 
> segelintir melayu. Apakata kita insafi dan perbaiki masalah ini.
> Maaf kepada semua...jangan gaduh-gaduh ya..
> WabillahiTaufiq walhidayah.
> Wassalam..
> > dear sister stephanie,
> > 
> > As a malay ,muslim , i am very-very shocked to hear that you have a 
> problem
> > with us , malay, actuallly as one of the malay i never bother about 
> people
> > non - muslim that revert to Islam to be like us.  and would never 
> want to
> > disturb on how are you dressing or more over to influence you all 
> to be a
> > malay, b'cos if you are malay than you are malay, there is nothing 
> that can
> > change us and same goes to chinese, chinese will never be a malay, 
> and you
> > are supposed to be very "bersyukur" that you are islam.  Islam is 
> universal
> > is not for our race only, muslim arab don't wear like malay, and we 
> never
> > bother also b'cos if you are talking about islam then don't blame 
> malay, u
> > have to decide and to improve yourself not being so proud that only 
> because
> > of a small 's group that making you confuse  that leads to you to 
> label all
> > of malay.
> > 
> > Plzzzzzzz la.... islam is not for malay, it happens that we were 
> born
> > inside this religion , islam is universal, be it an african or any 
> race in
> > this world, if they got the"hidayah" then syukur alhamdullilah but 
> not take
> > this as a stone to punish or to critise a malay people, b'cos not 
> everybody
> > is same, rambut sama hitam tapi hati lain-lain, maybe your 
> surrounding is
> > not really helpful for you but not all the malay people that you 
> saw is
> > same.
> > 
> > We actually respect every body , so do not simply criticise a 
> muslim malay
> > just b'cos you are a new muslim (to be a muslim is not a licensed to
> > critise other people)
> > 
> > u should be very open-minded , do not narrow your mind, takes this 
> as a
> > challenge and face it SMARTLY, jangan sedap mulut aje cakap. 
> Practised the
> > truth islam and you will be able to know why this people are not
> > accordingly act.
> > 
> > 
> > ---------------------- Forwarded by Faizah MohdArif/TECHNIP-
> > 07/12/2002 12:56 PM ---------------------------
> > 
> > 
> > stephanie Lim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 07/12/2002 10:14:33 AM
> > 
> > Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > cc:
> > Subject:  Re: [Dakwah] Islam is universal religion
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > assalamualaikum sister Yasmin,
> > 
> > what u have said is totally right ! u see, if we as muslims also 
> have
> > misconception about Islam,dont say tht wanna do dakwah to non 
> muslim but
> > just will make things go worse ! Take me for an example , i took 3 
> yrs time
> > to decide whether want to revert to Islam or not coz of the 
> misconception
> > of Islam by the muslims here.....They always pushing us under
> > preasure....for example, when u revert , u must wear like malays , 
> change
> > ur life style like malays etc..i agree tht malays life style is 
> practising
> > islamic teaching but tht doesn't mean we should follow malays life 
> style
> > only...we as new revert also can follow our old life style but do
> > practising islamic way of life.I already practising islamic way of 
> life as
> > chinese before i revert and i practise it secretly even until now 
> coz i
> > revert secretly .........so if in my this kind of situation ,if i 
> tend to
> > follow malays way of life then need not say secretly,sure my family 
> will
> > notice then kick me out of the house coz they dislike Islam......
> > 
> > Islam is universal religion, why we as muslims must make Islam not
> > universal religion to non muslim? Islam is easy but we ,muslims who 
> make
> > Islam looked hard and tough to non muslims !The truth is there and 
> sometime
> > non muslims know about the truth but coz of us who make Islam being 
> so
> > tough ,they sometime rather dont want to accept Islam !
> > 
> > brothers and sisters , wake up from ur dream and start to do our 
> duty as
> > muslims to clear up this misconception !
> > 
> > wassalam
> > 
> > ayesha
> > 
> >   yasmin abdullah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > assalamualaikum
> > 
> > Sis Ayesha, i agree with u on the unviersality of Islam.  As much 
> as Malays
> > of before and a lot of people in Western countries today think
> > that Islam=Arabs, the Malays of today should shake off the notion 
> that
> > Islam=Malays.  No offence or punt meant towards our Malay Muslim 
> brothers
> > and sisters.  Thankfully, we could safely say that attitudes are 
> changing,
> > albeit slowly, but better slowly than never at all.
> > 
> > Maybe then, more non-Malays in Malaysia would accept Islam.  I 
> don't know
> > with Indian families. But lots of Chinese parents reject Islam 
> (they get
> > horrifed upon knowing that their children reverted to Islam), not 
> because
> > of the practices of the religion or the tenets of the religion.  
> But more
> > because they were AFRAID to lose the treasured, time-honoured,
> > must-defend-at-all-costs family surname, as well as the notion that 
> to
> > become a Muslim is to become a Malay, that the individual would 
> lose all
> > traces of their chinese parentage, tradition and culture.  The 
> notion by
> > most religious officers in Malaysia that upon conversion, a non-
> Muslim must
> > change their name to an Islamic name, that any resemblence to the 
> original
> > chinese name of that person would border on sacrilege.  Again, this 
> is more
> > tradition than requirement.  I'm not saying the tradition is no 
> good, but
> > I'm saying the tradition is not a sin if not followed.
> > 
> > Yes, a name with Islamic identity and a good meaning in Arabic is 
> good.
> > However the original Chinese name of the beholder is not bad as 
> well, it
> > has a good meaning in it's language.  The millions of Muslims in 
> China go
> > by their Chinese names, complete with a surname, Iranians still go 
> by their
> > Persian names, Turks still by their Turkish names, sometimes side 
> by side
> > with Arabic names.  That does not make them any less a Muslim than 
> a Muslim
> > who carries an entirely Arabic name.  While we are still on the 
> subject of
> > family surnames, the Arabs DO HAVE family names.  My point is, 
> names should
> > be left to the discretion of the beholder.  Perhaps an example 
> closer to
> > home, a Malay who was named Budiman, it's certainly not Arabic, but 
> it is
> > not any less acceptable.  It has a good meaning in Malay.  
> Likewise, A
> > Chinese with a name, perhaps, Chong Min Huey, in Mandarin meaning 
> Knowledge
> > and Intelligence, who comes from the house of Chong.
> > 
> > Another issue that would create an outcry (maybe a backlash against 
> me)
> > would be the issue of giving the salam.  Assalamualaikum in Arabic 
> means
> > Peace be unto you.  The practice in Malaysia is that a Muslim does 
> not give
> > the salam to a non-Muslim and inversely, when a non-Muslim gives 
> the salam
> > to a Muslim, he should not answer it.  A question for contention 
> here is,
> > "How do you think the Arabs greet Arab Christians and Arab Jews?"  
> It is a
> > sensitive issue, and it has been raised before by a member of this 
> group.
> > He gave a very good and concise account on the arguments presented 
> by
> > various scholars on the matter (both for and against).  Perhaps 
> some of you
> > have not joined the group at that time.  Perhaps the person who 
> sent the
> > email could send it again to the group?  The said article delved on 
> a Jew
> > who tried to mock the prophet by purposely altering the salam in 
> arabic to
> > mean ill-curse-greetings on the prophet (or his companions) and they
> > replied didn't replied or they replied likewise.  If my memory does 
> not
> > fail me, the tradition was related through Aishah r.a.  My 
> apologies for
> > failing to quote properly and precisely, hence the help of the 
> person who
> > forwarded this email about 2-3 months back would be greatly 
> appreciated.
> > 
> > All these are written not to cause contempt, nauzhubillah, but to 
> create a
> > forum where we could discuss the issues amicably and in a scholarly 
> manner
> > so that we could all be better Muslims.  The righteous belongs to 
> Allah
> > S.W.T. and to err is only human.  Wasalam.
> > 
> > yasmin
> > 
> >   stephanie_yx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  assalamualaikum wbt
> > brothers and sisters.....
> > 
> >     How are u all my dear brothers and sisters? Here, i want to give
> > some commen regarding Islam is universal religion..u see, a lot of
> > muslims here in Malaysia think that Islam is Melayu .As for me,as a
> > new convert muslim always facing this kind of problems...If here
> > muslims thought tht Islam is for Melayu then they are totally 
> wrong !
> > If they dare to say that mean that they make Allah SWT not being a
> > Almighty God coz as they claim tht Islam is for Melayu only mean God
> > is for Melayu only.
> >    We should open our mind broadly and think...u see, in China there
> > have so many chinese muslims and the total of chinese muslims there
> > are more than our people here (mean whole Malaysia)...so,what will
> > they say? I know tht when we open our eyes ,we will see lots of
> > muslims here are malays but that doesn't mean Islam is for malays
> > only.I met a muslim when i give him salam ,he was hesitate to answer
> > my salam . Then he asked me "are u muslim ?" ..i answered "yes,
> > revert muslim".Then immediately he said tht "so u are masuk Melayu
> > ahh". I was surprise to hear tht and again i said " no uncle , is
> > revert to Islam." But still he don't understand....
> > my dear brothers and sisters , if we as muslims also have
> > misconception about tht Islam is for melayu only then problems by
> > problems will keeping appear ! Non muslim such as chinese
> > family ,Indian family and more actually if we clear all this
> > misconception,sure they can accept Islam easily ! They won't
> > get angry if their children revert to Islam.They now get angry coz
> > even the new revert muslims also thought tht after revert to
> > Islam ,they sure wear like malays etc..This have let the non muslim
> > family feel harm coz they thought tht after revert to Islam ,their
> > identity as chinese ,indian ,etc will loss ! So, is our responsibily
> > to clear this misconception !
> > 
> > thanks
> > wassalam
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Dari Abdullah bin 'Amr r.a., Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda,
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