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Menjadi bahan sejarah bahawa Baghdad adalah pusat budaya Islam yang
melahirkan para ulama and wira-wira Islam. Sejarah juga menyatakan
bahawa kota Baghdad pernah diserang oleh Mongol, maka sekali serangan
"Mongol Baru" sedang berlaku. Maka kali ini bukan saja ummat Islam
saja yang akan menghadapi tentera "Mongol Baru", bahkan pejuang-
pejuang Islam dari seluruh dunia sedang dan akan menentang mereka



Thousands Of Arabs Ready For 'Martyrdom': Iraq

BAGHDAD, March 30 (IslamOnline.net & News Agencies) - Iraq said Sunday, 
March 30, that thousands of Arab volunteers are ready to die in martyr 
attacks on invading U.S. and British soldiers as the aerial blitz
against Baghdad continued.

The bold vow hits squarely at the difficulties coalition forces are 
having with guerrilla tactics in the 11-day-old war on Iraq, Agence 
France-Presse (AFP) said. General Hazem Al-Rawi said more than 4,000 
volunteers had come from every Arab nation "without exception", ready 
to follow in the footsteps of an Iraqi officer who killed four U.S. 
soldiers in a kamikaze attack in southern Iraq on Saturday, March 29.

"Martyr operations will continue and they will not be carried out only 
by Iraqis but also by thousands of Arab volunteers who have come to
Baghdad," he stressed. They have "pledged never to return to their 
homelands, insisting that they remain in Iraq after their martyrdom," 
he clarified. "It is our duty to chase the invaders at any price."

Analysts say coalition forces face a difficult task dealing with sui-
cide attacks although U.S. commanders insist that such attacks will 
not derail their plan to oust Saddam and dismantle his alleged weapons 
of mass destruction.

Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan told reporters late Saturday 
that the whole Iraqi people, including its women, will transform them-
selves into fedayeen (martyrdom fighters). "This is only a beginning 
and you will hear good news in the coming days. We will use any means
to stop the enemy and kill the enemy," Ramadan stressed.

"We have recourse to all means of killing the enemy who is trying to 
occupy our land and we call on our people and the Arab world to pursue
the enemy right into his own home," he added. Meanwhile, U.S. President 
George W. Bush and his top advisors are reportedly facing strong
criticism over their plans to oust Saddam, but The Washington Post 
reported Sunday that Bush did not advocate a shift in military strategy.
Some commanders in Iraq say they need to adopt a different plan that
would include weeks of air strikes against the Republican Guard before
resuming major ground attacks, the paper reported.

Anti-war protests also continued around the world, with some 200,000
people turning out in Jakarta for the biggest rally yet in Indonesia, 
while China allowed its first open demonstrations against the U.S.-led 
offensive. Fighting the New Mongols Invading Iraq.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian resistance movement Islamic Jihad said Sun-
day that it had sent a first batch of its bombers to Baghdad to fight 
invading U.S. and British forces. The Al-Quds brigades, military wing 
of Islamic Jihad, "regales our people with the news of the arrival of 
the first batch of its suicide attackers in Baghdad," a statement sent 
to AFP said. The statement stressed they would be fighting alongside 
Arab volunteers against “the new Mongols that are invading the capital 
of the Islamic caliphate," in a reference to the 13th century sacking 
of Baghdad.

"Iraq, we heed your call," Islamic Jihad's statement said, adding that 
"it is one war from Najaf to Tulkarem and from Jenin to Baghdad," 
referring to Palestinian West Bank towns suffering under Israeli 
occupation as well as the Iraqi cities.

Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Abdallah Shallah repeated on Al-Jazeera
television that resistance attackers had reached the Iraqi capital, and
called on others to "infiltrate into Iraq and to Najaf to carry out 
attacks on the American occupation forces." Al-Jazeera also said Sun-
day that an unknown number of Syrians had arrived in the northern Iraqi 
city of Mosul to fight.


General Tommy Franks said Sunday he found it "remarkable" that Iraqi
authorities would take credit for Saturday's suicide car-bombing that 
killed four of his troops. Addressing reporters in Qatar, he said that 
U.S. troops operating in Iraq would from now on "exercise caution", 
notably in approaching civilian vehicles. "It's not at all illogical 
that a dying regime would undertake such acts as suicide bombing," 
Franks said at a briefing at Camp As-Saliyah, where he is directing 
the U.S.-British invasion of Iraq.

"Remarkable though is the connection all the way to the top of the 
Iraqi regime where ... that attack was just endorsed by those in power 
in Baghdad.

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